Darth nihilus death scene Visas Marr Darth Nihilus was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. It is 4,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. If the Exile lies, then the Exile and Visas attack Nihilus. While serving with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, he participated in several battles, earning significant glory and prestige Feb 18, 2024 · Darth Nihilus does appear to be more of a looming galactic threat than Darth Maul, whose operating inclination is more-so of the hands-on, head-to-head sort. Mode Nuit. Traya turned Revan's old stronghold into Trayus Academy in order to train new Sith. He is the Ravager of Worlds and the Lord of Hunger, as well as one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time. Nihilus is meant to be space Cthulu, while Vitiate is a manifestation of the dark side. But it was very nearly the most uncivilised things we’ve ever seen in Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Immediately following his original body's death at the hands of Meetra Surik, Nihilus transcended the concepts of life and death by transforming into a powerful Force ghost, allowing him to carry on business as usual with the added bonus of being immortal and intangible. What feats does Exar Kun have that let him compete with that? #darthnihilus #theoldrepublic #starwars #scenepack | #twostepsfromhell #victory #slowedandreverb https://www. The problem I think people have with him is thag he is too similar to Nihilus in what he does, he just speaks more. . Nihilus uses the Force to successfully transfer and contain his consciousness into his armor in order to escape death. The triumvirate of Nihilus, Scion and Traya are more akin to forces of nature, and you don't fight nature head on. etc are roughly around the level of Vader in terms of power. Loading Video She took him under his wing, alongside another Sith prodigy known as Darth Sion, and christened him Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger, while teaching him how to use his hunger to gain more power from deceased Force-users and how to devour entire worlds if he wanted. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. In Star Wars : The Old Republic (SWTOR), set centuries after the events of KOTOR II, the legacy of Nihilus is felt in both subtle and direct ways. Než byl sithským lordem tak běhěm války, mezi Galaktickou republikou a mandalorskými Neo-Crusadry, o všechno přišel. And for the first time, I saw the galaxy. Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. Lets play together Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords pt- 17 Darth Nihilus Scene"The Sith Lords" redirects here. Connections: Darth Nihilus vs Black Hand (Star Wars vs DC). As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun's Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Big Bad Ensemble: With Darth Nihilus for most of the game until Kreia reclaims her mantle of Darth Traya and becomes the Big Bad for the remainder of the game. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. Nosil červeno-bílou masku a dlouhou černou sithskou garderóbu pokrývající celé jeho, téměř nehmotné, tělo. Some said that while a face existed at one point, now there was an empty void of darkness. For however powerful Nihilus is, he is ruled by his hunger for power to the point it has cosumed him as he consumes other. When you finally reach him, after a moment of silence he turns and incapacitates the entire party, and then he speaks, his voice roaring. Affliction and hunger were in controll of Nihilus. How?!" The chapter opens with a familiar scene from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Darth Nihilus, alerted to his Force sensitivity, decides to scour the planet for him Kreia to Meetra Surik, and her most famous quote. And I wished to die. Before becoming a Sith Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Exar Kun is probably one of the few who scales up to Sidious in terms of prowess. Before becoming the Dark Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. He would gain enormous power, but also developed an Darth Nihilus byl temný sithský lord žijící v období Staré republiky, známý také jako Pán Hladu. Darth Nihilus VS Exar Kun Scenario: Exar Kun is searching for ancient Sith texts left behind on Ziost. That disturbance is the Exile. Then eventually this new form of his dissolves into nothing after the Exile, Meetra Surik, "kills" him. They could not be more correct. Granted, it was depleted heavily during the so called "Jedi Civil War," but the accomplishment still stands. Nihilus Fight Expanded - Nihilus raises Visas and the Exile up. There's also another argument out there about an article that put Star Forge Malak above Kun and Nadd that the author and Leland Chee both supported. Lista de revistas com participação de Darth Nihilus. Nov 2, 2001 · A Sith Lord in the times of the Old Republic, Darth Sion along with Darth Nihilus nearly brought low the entire Jedi Order. He is by far the most intriguing of the sith i can think of. However one thing that confuses me about his story is supposed death at the hands of Meetra Surik. I understand that it was Darth Traya who was the antagonist, but my question is why is Darth Nihilus such a Prior to the game's events, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus and Darth Traya formed a short-lived Triumvirate as leaders of the resurgent Sith based on Malachor V, though Traya was later cast out and driven into exile. Jul 5, 2018 · Fight takes place on Malachor V with a distance of 30 yards between Nihilus, Vitiate, and Abeloth. The ghost-white mask is said to be imbued with dark side energy, and anyone who wears it can wield the energy as if he or she were a Sith apprentice A question I have about Nihilus. I'd only add that their relative dueling skills wouldn't matter at all. Then, out of nowhere, his crimson blade struck the Chiss behind in a blink, cutting off his feet jetpacks. youtube. Eventually he was found then trained by Darth Traya on how to feed his endless Bane is the cause of harm, ruin, or death. He's like the Star Wars equivalent of Galactus. In the Mid Rim colony of Katarr a Miraluka female Tobin's Message - Tobin arrives on the Ravager after Onderon and informs Nihilus about the Jedi at Telos to feed on. Even the Sith and Dark Jedi were terrified of him. Those who encountered Darth Nihilus believed that there was nothing behind his mask. Deny it resources (Nihilus), overwhelm it with superior force while coercing it's essence to die (Scion, Traya), but I don't think there would be a single entity in the SW universe that could really stand up to Nihilus in an epic Darth Nihilus is responsible for setting off the First Jedi Purge. He's become so detached from life and animalistic that he's actually quite easy to manipulate. Sep 3, 2021 · "Darth Nihilus, using only the dark side, holds the ship together from his command post on the bridge. Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of the Jedi Civil War and the period of unrest that followed in its wake. Force drain referred to a spectrum of offensive and defensive Force powers, tied to the same concept, which used the dark side of the Force to tap into the strengths of an organic target. Meetra Surik has just defeated Darth Nihilus aboard the Ravager with the help of Visas Marr and Canderous Ordo. Mar 30, 2005 · 2) The Nihilus like powers a DS player shows when slaying Jedi Masters. Powerscalers and people who only watch lore videos tend to focus on how powerful Nihilus without understanding the thematic point of the character. I'm not super familiar with Exar Kun, but Nihilus would life wipe planets just to feed. He survived the Darth Nihilus seemed like he died in Knights of the Old Republic II, but like so many Sith Lords in Star Wars, that was not quite what happened and his spiri Nihilus is not even powerful, being able to devour life was just a side effect of getting fucked up and becoming a "wound" in the Force. He was a creature, a phantom, Death itself. His victims befell a fate worse than death. "0:00 eats a whole planet 0:33 DEVOURING LIVESoriginal : https://youtu. Darth Nihilus has the potential to be the strongest Sith of all time, discounting EU Palpatine. Apr 7, 2024 · Darth Nihilus is responsible for setting off the First Jedi Purge. „Ihr seid die Dunkelheit, in der alles Leben stirbt, mein Lord. Silently withdrawing from the Jedi Order, Kreia began to question her own beliefs as she took those who followed her teachings with her away from the Jedi. 951 ABY, RAVAGER, SOBRE TELOS IV DESCRIÇÃO FÍSICA ESPÉCIE HUMANA (ABERRAÇÃO LADO NEGRO) INFORMAÇÕES CRONOLÓGICAS E POLÍTICAS ERA(S): ERA DA VELHA REPÚBLICA AFILIAÇÃO: SITH, TRIUNVIRATO SITH (COMO O LORDE DA FOME) MESTRES CONHECIDOS: DARTH TRAYA APRENDIZES CONHECIDOS: VISAS MARR Tendo Jun 23, 2020 · Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy. "Unseen, Unheard" is a 6-page black and white comic featured in Star Wars Tales 24 (later collected in Star Wars Tales Volume 6). It is a story told from the perspective of Visas Marr, telling how she became the apprentice to Darth Nihilus after the Jedi Conclave at Katarr was destroyed. I think I need something more than killing and fighting in my life. Hell, you can even have a raw as fuck death with Unicron eating Nihilus from the ladder's POV He walked upon the surface of my dead world, and there, lying in the bodies of my race, he took me for his own. Nihilus drained entire worlds and the Jedi Conclave on Katarr. She took up two particularly powerful Sith, Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion. Basically just people who were once pretty normal, albeit villai Darth Nihilus is a living wound in the force created by Revan when he unleashed the mass shadow generator on Malachor V. no distractions, no insights, nothing. A good example is the restored Sion vs Nihilus clip that can be found on YouTube, where Nihilus casts some He is a wound in the Force, more presence than flesh, and in his wake life dies… sacrificing itself to his hunger. Sion grabbed the woman's neck and kicked her into belly. They both approached her, slowly, walking on different bridges. Then we go to the events of KOTOR 2. (Year of Birth Unknown - 3951BBY) 6,556,396,720 of the Miraluka - Died instantly when Darth Nihilus spoke in front of their planet, minus Visas Marr. He even speaks in an unknown dialect, which could be a literal manifestation of dark force energy in his speach meaning he could literally be speaking in the force which would be wild. For the eponymous Kanan - Death Scene) :face me 5364736992 :hat me 4794176862 :shirt me 4457626029 :pants me 4457641905 :crm me 361 Darth Nihilus :hat me 4708682240 :hat me 18482412 Feb 15, 2010 · Darth Nihilus may have met his end in Knights of the Old Republic II (KOTOR II), but his influence reverberates throughout the galaxy long after his death. Nihilus couldn't be absorbed by the emperor as he was a void, just as the exile couldn't be absorbed by Nihilus. Traya's ultimate goal of recreating the original Sith set her apart from Nihilus and Sion, who only desired destruction and the death of the Jedi. Visas is ordered by Darth Nihilus to intercept the dist His other appearance, which takes place four thousand years after his 'death', consists of a Sith Lord named Darth Krayt asking him how he bound his soul to his armor in order to escape his supposed demise on the Ravager. The Lord of Hunger was pretty much unstoppable. Others note another Rakatan connection: the words for "triumph" or "conquest" in Rakatan is darr, and the word for "death" is tah, leading to the theory that "Darth" is derived from darr tah and therefore means "triumph over death" or "immortal". This is the correct answer. So take what I'm gonna say with a grain of salt. To this galaxy, my world, absent the currents and spectrums of the Force, was nothing but crude matter, rock, flesh, emptiness. Know that there was once a Darth Traya. Apathy is death. In "Star Wars Tales" #24 by (Chris Avellone, Dustin Weaver, and Michael Heisler), the comic shows the Sith villain's attack on Nov 24, 2024 · Darth Nihilus particularly stood out for his memorable design, unusual language, and incredible Force powers that could wipe out entire civilizations. Together, they formed the Sith Triumvirate from the remains of Darth Malak's Sith Nihilus would likely eat him in a fight though since he was canonically something in the vein of immortal/already dead/immaterial outside of force bonds. Nihilus then uses the might of the Sith Armada not to conquer planets, but to contain them so that he could "feed" off the Force Don't forget Darth Sion, the Sith lord who was literally too angry to die. Some believed that she had followed Revan and his Jedi to war, but she instead traced her former Padawan's footsteps, searching for an answer that she alone could provide. Big Bad Wannabe: Downplayed. Darth Nihilus feeds on Force energy by seeking out, depleting and ultimately killing Force sensitives and locations rich in the Force. You could also have some raw as fuck moments of Nihilus using the force to his advantage by tearing apart Unicron with the Force or with a lightsaber. ) 3) Nihilus 'becoming one with the force', well maybe Nihilus never truly existed, and once the exile had defeated him, his physical form decayed. Darth Nihilus, the Lord, hidden into shadows at least for now. At the end of the First Jedi Purge Nihilus was killed aboard his flagship, the Ravager, by Meetra Surik, his former apprentice, Visas Marr, and the current Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, leaving his mask as a gruesome reminder of his reign as the Lord of Hunger. "I am the darkness in which all life dies, all life exists simply to sacrifice itself. Aug 23, 2022 · The mask of Darth Nihilus, or Mask of Nihilus, was one of the pieces of armor that Sith Lord Darth Nihilus had bound to himself using the Force in an effort to retain a semblance of a physical form. So corrupted that his very presence meant death, he sated his endless hunger with the life-force of the innocent. However, behind the iconic mask and unbelievable Force prowess, Nihilus' character is rooted in pain and loss, with his greatest ability also acting as a curse. Darth Nihilus: This name comes from the word "Annihilate", which means, "To destroy completely, obliterate, reduce to nothing" Makes sense, given his drain powers. He made me see, and at that moment, I longed for death more than anything Sep 16, 2020 · Darth Nihilus was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. THE TRAIL OF THE MASK Tales of the lost mask of Darth Nihilus reach the heroes. The man that would become Darth Nihilus lost everything including his will to live. Named after Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial Research Center, from Legends, where the Death Star was designed, MawInstallation is for in-depth discussion of all Star Wars lore, as well as also examining it as a work of fiction. Nihilus probably dies very badly. Because the game was rushed for a Christmas release, much of Nihilus' scenes were cut. Nihilus promptly tells Krayt to fuck off (in his own language of course) and he, as well as the other two Sith alongside him Nihilus in my opinion may have just been the single most dangerous Sith in history. He was a powerful and enigmatic Sith Lord who became a living wound in the Living Force following the destruction of his homeworld of Malachor V at the end of the Mandalorian Wars. Force abilities such as drain life and dark healing,[5] siphoned vitality to Missing Scene; or more like a whole string of them; Nihilus Is The Exile; Major Character Death; Kreia & Darth Nihilus; Visas Marr & Darth Nihilus; Arren Kae Jul 16, 2015 · Darth Sidious was one of the most powerful Force users of all time, being "a "black hole of the dark side", he was a master of Force lightning and was Why did Darth Sidious need a Death Star Darth Nihilus is a major recurring antagonist in the Star Wars Legends continuity. It's like a combination of Darth Nihilus and the Changing God from Torment: Tides of Numenera. The only remnants of Nihilus that were taken to Korriban was his armor, which his spirit is still alive in anyrate. INFORMAÇÕES BIOGRÁFICAS MORTE: 3. Before she leaves to confront Kreia, Meetra allows Visas to get some closure and takes Nihilus's mask with her as a trophy. In 3952 BBY, Jedi Master Atris held a Conclave at Katarr with the remaining Jedi from the First Jedi Purge, whilst purposely leaking the event's whereabouts to the Sith Triumvirate and orchestrators of the Purge, in hopes of View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Darth Nihilus Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Jul 24, 2023 · Defeat Darth Nihilus [edit | edit source] Darth Nihilus stands at the left end of the bridge, his back turned to you. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances Apr 29, 2021 · Darth Nihilus was injured in the destruction of the Mass Shadow Generator, a powerful Sith weapon. He holds himself together with the force because he fears losing the power it has given him and it drives him into more anger, pain, and suffering. Kreia to Atris after her fall to the dark side. Abeloth has her usual abilities as does Nihilus along with his red lightsabre and Vitiate along with his abilities and single Red Sabre. He was able to cheat death by draining the Force energy from everything around him, which created a yawning hunger inside of him. the game really wasn't subtle about how he was a nobody with nothing to say. With a body Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. A subReddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise with an emphasis on in-universe lore. This is assuming Nihilus would understand HOW to open, create a holocron, and lock it back down. Mastery of each technique could scale the area of effect, sometimes dramatically, or exhaust the victims almost instantaneously. It is said that the Force Darth Nihilus is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Darth Sion) of the 2004 video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. As soon as Malak got within range of Nihilus, he’d be drained to death. Přežil aktivaci generátoru hmotného Jan 13, 2016 · He is on the fourth place, to be more exactly, surpassed only by Exar Kun[3], Darth Nihilus[2], and Lord Vitiate/Valkorion{KOTFE included}[1] He has the best death scene lol. Darth Nihilus is warned by Visas Marr about a disturbance in the Force. Darth Nihilus is one of the three titular Sith Lords in KOTOR2, all of whom represent the consequences of mishandled power. He would become the Lord of Hunger, living only to drain the Force energies of everything in his way. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain death and achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. As the two approached, she placed her hand on the lightsabre. com/watch?v=9y3wCJ0TLEY) using alternate Oct 29, 2023 · Credits and distribution permission. ) But I've seen many Nihilus threads and the Majority agree that, his Drain Nov 18, 2022 · Grievous’ death in the Revenge of the Sith is pretty horrific for Star Wars standards. So, I recently played through and beat KOTOR 2, and man, what a great game! I really enjoyed it, especially the game play experience (compared to KOTOR, I found it better). Together, Mandalore, Marr, and Jun 11, 2019 · =====I've always wanted to know how it looked once you defeated Darth Nihilus although he is pretty hard to b Aug 3, 2021 · [-KoTOR 2 Nihilus Death-][-@caloob27 Socials-][-Played on Normal Mode-] "Lord Nihilus, you escaped death by containing your consciousness within your armor. and then you walk up to him and beat him to death. The man fucking held himself together with the force, faked his death and upon inspection of his body, medical staff couldn't even begin to try and determine what his cause of death could have been, because all of his wounds could have been the cause of death. Darth Nihilus had been one of the few who had survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator while on the surface of Malachor V during the He’s cool but I think a lot of people get the wrong idea about him. Darth Nihilus is the primary antagonist of the Star Wars video game series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. May 15, 2021 · Struggling as she was with the weight of that power, Marr exploited the bond to her former master and blocked his connection to the Force, momentarily stunning him. If you've already set all four proton cores on the command deck to destroy the Ravager: Oct 9, 2021 · Darth Traya, Dark Lord of Betrayal. Even a fully-powered Darth Malak wouldn't be any kind of challenge for him. that was great. He's not harmless by any means, but he does get upstaged by Nihilus and Kreia/Darth Traya. A Sith Lord who moves between bodies, fears death and devours planets. However, it's not an argument I prefer to use. Darth Nihilus has honestly become one of my favourite Sith characters due to just how unique he is and different from other Sith we’ve seen. Canderous Ordo Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver, was a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo who fought in the Mandalorian Wars from 3976 BBY to 3960 BBY. I need a purpose or something like that. The chapter opens with a familiar scene from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The Exile then has the option of becoming his apprentice (either through a lie or not). Actualités. In "Star Wars Tales" #24 by (Chris Avellone, Dustin Weaver, and Michael Heisler), the comic shows the Sith villain's attack on . Er hatte die einzigartige Fähigkeit, die Macht aus allen Wesen oder Gegenständen zu absorbieren, was dazu führte, dass er nicht nur Lebewesen, sondern ganze Planeten Nov 25, 2024 · Darth Nihilus was a Human male who rose to power as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the turbulent period after the Jedi Civil War. Anyways, I struggled with understanding the story of the game. Dark Nihilus est un Seigneur Sith très puissant ayant vécu en l'An -4000, ayant le pouvoir de se nourrir de l'énergie vitale des êtres sensibles à la Force. more influence behind the scene Darth Nihilus was a man who always craved greater power as he is eternally and tragically trapped in a cycle of insatiable hunger due the lost of his humanity and body from the destruction of Malachor V, leading him to always seek to bring ruin and destruction to all life by consuming it until it is left unhabitable Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy. Total - 6,556,396,720 6,556,396,720 Miraluka All Victims of Unknown Gender Killed in a duel against Visas Marr, Meetra Surik, and Canderous Ordo with their Aug 3, 2021 · [-KoTOR 2 Nihilus Death-][-@caloob27 Socials-][-Played on Normal Mode-] Aug 10, 2021 · Nihilus was not even a living man anymore. Before his transformation into a Sith Lord, he endured significant loss during the Republic’s war with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Mar 28, 2022 · @paxa: Uh, I didn't play Kotor 2. Tenebrae/Darth Vitiate is pretty cool in my opinion. Kreia lures him into a trap with the promise of a hidden Jedi Academy. And he made me see. “ — Visas Marr zu Darth Nihilus Darth Nihilus war ein menschlicher Sith-Lord, der 3951 VSY eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Beseitigung der Jedi spielte. " ―Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Prima Guide A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga and the modding scene are still going strong! As a new mod allows you to play as Darth Nihilus from Star Wars: Knights of t She knew it must be him, her most intriguing apprentice: Darth Nihilus. Given the Sith obsession with discovering the means to achieve immortality, this idea is not Aug 19, 2007 · Darth Nihilus fight from star wars: knights of the old republic 2: the sith lords Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy. Also could be a name for himself, since he was annihilated once before and reduced to nothing as a human by the Mass Shadow Generator I don't know if Nihilus is the Sith Lord I'd pit Sephiroth against. Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy. Darth Sion, the immortal, represents fear of losing power. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. com/watch?v=3V1PMITAeJQ Mar 15, 2018 · 1) Sikon's Nihilus vs Sion mod (2005)An alternate version of the scene can be seen at this link (https://www. (since I don't have enough time. In a blink of an eye, Nihilus Force slammed her by a wall with a mere gesture of his hand. This experience left him with a hunger for the force energy. DARTH NIHILUS This Sith artifact encourages the wearer to slowly destroy him- or herself for greater power. Regardless Darth Malak is way Feb 28, 2020 · The man accepts, takes the name Darth Nihilus, and begins his lifelong journey as a Sith. Most characters like Darth Marr, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Sion, Lord Kaan. Dracula vs Darth Nihilus (Completed) Darth Nihilus Vs Shinnok (Completed) Alucard (Castlevania) Alucard (Hellsing) Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Heckyl (Power Darth Revan was one of the most powerful sith ever so that makes Darth Malak one of the most powerful sith ever. He’s more like some kind eldritch horror than simply a mere bad guy. So, Darth Nihilus is no longer a physical body, dissolves and encase his spirit in armor and robes to make some different physical form. (Haven't played it LS fully yet cos Dantooine keeps crashing on me *groans* still this is not about THAT can of worms. The Lord of Hunger was not a mere Darth Vader is the Chosen One, and had he won his duel against Obi-Wan Kenobi, he would undoubtedly overpower his master Darth Caedus has feats superior to Sidious in terms of lightsaber combat and Force Vitiate is a more brutal version of Sidious Let's compare Nihilus and Sidious, at face value, of course. Abeloth is at her peak in the book series, Vitiate and Nihilus are also at their peaks as well. adb cmgvy oxh nntk lex txvl cmn qmtdumva swwbe noqb