React get screen width hook. 8 or higher to take advantage of hooks.

React get screen width hook These properties return the viewport dimensions in pixels. innerHeight , window . It's valid to run a piece of initialization code just once for a component, but read You might not need an effect before reaching for useEffect. Here's what I wrote in Typescript that returns the current breakpoint based on device width. If you resize the window to 800 pixels, the output will be: Screen Width: 800px. js # nextjs # react # typescript # hooks While working on the Front End of a React App, it's likely that at some point you will need to access the window's dimension. 3 stars. &quot; or &quot;document. Apr 28, 2022 · I have a React Hook for setting the window size on a resize but it doesn't seem to be updating. I found a library called react-measure that computes measurements of React components. Nov 18, 2015 · You can measure a view using the onLayout function mentioned here and here. If you go to landscape mode for example, I still want to distinguish between a phone and a desktop version, especially with the control capabilities. But in this concrete case I think you would be better off using CSS media queries with a mobile first approach. js. Watchers. 8 or higher to take advantage of hooks. Then you can access that ref in a useLayoutEffect and do what you need to do. Dec 9, 2022 · React native provides Dimensions API and useWindowDimensions() hook to get width & height size of Mobile Screen and Window, in React Native. You won’t see old-fashioned stuff like Oct 28, 2021 · React Hook - Only listen to window *width* size change. Inside the useEffect hook, we add an event listener to the Jun 18, 2023 · In this custom hook, we used the built-in react hook useState, which updates the state variable whenever the window's width and height change. Custom hook that tracks the size of the window. Initially, width is set to the current width of the window ( window. Usage import { useWindowSize } from 'usehooks-ts' export default function Component ( ) { const { width = 0 , height = 0 } = useWindowSize ( ) return ( < div > The current window dimensions are: { ' ' } < code > { JSON . It tracks the viewport width and adjusts the image size class based on whether the screen is wider than 768 pixels, assumed to be the tablet breakpoint. 😋 Jan 30, 2020 · Here is a little hook for those using TypeScript 4. js and react-dates. It is debounced, meaning it will wait delay milliseconds (0ms by default) for the Using React Hooks: You can define a custom Hook that listens to the window resize event, something like this:. Currently it is failing resize: TypeError: el. The useState hook is used to store the initial value of the width and height of the browser window in React, while the useEffect hook is employed to perform side effects, such as setting up an event listener for the resize event. Feb 2, 2016 · Learn how to get the height of an element in ReactJS with JavaScript. It's based on the useMediaQuery hook from the react-responsive package. React hooks for updating components when the size or orientation of the window changes. 😊 The window's width and height are updated when it's resized. I want to render DateRangePicker when the window's width is bigger than size 1180px, if the size is smaller than this I want to render DayPickerRangeController instead. By understand Jul 23, 2021 · Hi all, I saw, in Ionic Angular, the Platform hast height() and width() methods to get the device size, but how is in react? In react missing the two methods… :worried: Oct 23, 2024 · useWindowDimensions automatically updates all of its values when screen size or font scale changes. Modify it as you please! import Oct 18, 2020 · I have a hook that listens to the window. Explore the docs. Inside the useEffect hook, we add an event listener to the Mar 3, 2023 · This article shows you how to determine the width and height of a non-fixed-size component in React. This React hook listens for matches to a CSS media query. to show button The useWindowSize hook is a useful for retrieving and tracking the dimensions of the browser window within a React component. You can get your application window's width and height like so Nov 3, 2021 · I'm using React hooks useEffect to get the width and height of the container. In React. Apr 7, 2024 · If you need to get the height and width of a specific element, click on the following article. Aug 14, 2020 · I am building an app using Next. These hooks come in two forms: debounced using useDebounce() and throttled using useThrottle(). We can use the useState hook in ReactJS to store our screen width. This is where the useScreenSize React hook comes in. It's as easy as eating an ice cream. but here the problem is when my device width is 320px when I click the button at that time the background color is changing to red here the problem comes now when I go to 768px screen then initially my button background color has to be in blue color, but it is showing red. It attaches an event listener to the “resize” event, ensuring that the size is updated dynamically whenever the window is resized. js without using &quot;window. How to get React App change content on the screen when screen width changes. innerWidth); // Apr 6, 2022 · Can someone correct me if Im wrong but every time the screen resizes, storing the width in context would re render the entire app for every pixel width changes so there would be a crazy amount of re renders. I have two component DateRangePicker component and DayPickerRangeController component. We’ll use new features of React, including hooks and functional components. useState(window. To accomplish that in React, we will create one custom Hook, useBreakpoint, which will give us xs, sm, md, and lg, based on the window width. x in 2023. Jan 4, 2019 · The `useWindowSize` hook is designed for responsive React applications, providing an easy way to track changes in window size. const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window; return { width, height. I understand we can get this with the hook useEffect and we don't hav Nov 10, 2023 · Similarly, in ReactJS, we use state to hold component's data that may change over time. Scree­n dimensions, including width and height, play a vital role in de­signing user interfaces that adapt se­amlessly to different de­vices and orientations. Jun 18, 2023 · 5. You can get the width of an element using the DOM or using React hooks. For good reasons, React 18 changes how useEffect works. innerHeight. innerWidth changes. Aug 29, 2024 · State Initialization: The hook starts by creating a piece of state called width using React's useState hook. innerWidth , ]); Nov 23, 2020 · Detect width and height changes in React. Resources. import React, { useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react Aug 3, 2022 · To track the window's width in react you can make a custom hook to handle window resizing such as it is done here. I've read some examples using classes, but this won't apply Sep 13, 2024 · While CSS frameworks offer utility classes for screen sizes, detecting screen size programmatically can be useful sometimes. This hook can get the current window width and height when the window size is changed. stringify ( { width , height } ) } </ code > </ div > ) } Jul 4, 2023 · We create our custom hook called useScreenSize, which sets up the initial state for screenSize with the current screen dimensions. Here's how we can set up a state for our screen width: import React, { useState } from 'react'; function MyComponent() { const [width, setWidth] = useState(window. I wish to only listen to and update when window. You can place it in a standalone file and import the methods whenever needed in any file: A react hook to get access to the current width of the browser window. resize event. When I log the state height within the useEffect hook I get 0 each time however, when I log inside the updateWindowDimensions function the height value is updated as expected. How do I get around this? Apr 26, 2016 · Using Hooks (React 16. I also needed a hook for it, so that is how I get the height of the keyboard (largely inspired by the other answer), the code example is in TypeScript: React hook to dynamically get current screen type (mobile, tablet, desktop, largeDesktop) Install // with npm npm install react-screentype-hook // with yarn yarn add react-screentype-hook React Router: useParams & useSearchParams Hooks; React: Get the Position (X & Y) of an Element; How to Use Styled JSX in React: A Deep Dive; How to Use Tailwind CSS in React; React: How to Create a Reorderable List from Scratch; You can also check our React category page and React Native category page for the latest tutorials and examples. Sometimes we need to get access to a react component's width and height properties. Apr 10, 2021 · You could always wrap the component which needs these values with a functional component, use the hooks there to get the values, and then pass those values into the class component which needs them as props. Inside the useEffect hook, we add an event listener to the The useWindowSize hook is a useful for retrieving and tracking the dimensions of the browser window within a React component. Mar 22, 2022 · Fortunately, the React custom hook useMediaQuery helps on this purpose, providing access to the result of a media query directly from a component written in React. innerHeight since this gets triggered w I'm creating a component and I need to get it's parent &lt;div&gt; width and height. useEffect(() => { const handleResizeWindow = => setWidth Mar 3, 2022 · I want to get screen height and width using useWindowDimensions inside the stylesheet in react native. What is useScreenSize? The "useScreenSize" hook allows you to dynamically detect the current screen size and respond to changes in real-time. # Get window Width and Height on resize in React. Some of the key features: ⚛️ It has an idiomatic React API. How do I get around this? React hooks for updating components when the size or orientation of the window changes. Jun 14, 2021 · Second function will call if device width is === 768px. 0+) Create a useWindowDimensions hook. 5+. innerWidth ). The event listener is registered when the component is mounted to update the state and safely removed when it is unmounted. 1 kB I would like to dynamically get the div element's width. That's All. js, you can obtain the screen width and height using the window object. Installation Sep 11, 2016 · I am not cool with a lot of answers, that just depend on the screen width. This hook provides a straightforward way to access the current width and height of the window, allowing developers to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes. 10. Sep 30, 2019 · You can easily choose your UI design based on viewport width in CSS using media queries, but sometimes you need to get the window width or breakpoints to adjust your UI as per the viewport width in React. Readme License. See the Chrome Log: ComponentDidMount executes before render so this. js app (to make it work with different screen sizes), but the different approaches I've tried and seen have all given me either invalid hook Aug 23, 2016 · I need to get the dimensions of an image with React. To set it up, you need to call an onLayout function, which takes an event and returns an object, which contains the nativeEvent object. Jun 9, 2023 · This hook enables you to effortlessly detect the screen size and orientation of the user’s device, empowering you to build responsive layouts, optimize performance, and deliver tailored experiences. getBoundingClientRect is not a function It calculates the correct width May 6, 2017 · React 18. How can I update state with the new value each time? React hook library, ready to use, written in Typescript. Jul 18, 2020 · const App = => { const [width, setWidth] = React. Hola, we get the output as we expected. Check out the example on CodeSandbox. import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'; const isMobile = useMediaQuery({ query: `(max-width: 760px)` }); After using this hook, "isMobile" will be update upon screen resize, and will re-render the component. 1. element is undefined . Apr 16, 2022 · Is there a way to access device width or height in React or Next. I'm using Hooks, so all my components are functions. Oct 17, 2024 · React Hook for Screen Width Implementing useState and useEffect Hooks. Jun 26, 2020 · I am not sure how can I fix this so that upon screen resize a new width is set. Feb 7, 2018 · For a more in-depth explanation of the useEffect hook, check out the official React documentation here. Stars. Please note that you must be using React 16. You can get your application window's width and height like this: This hook returns the current width and height of the window. Dec 21, 2022 · React Screen Size Helper. I wish to ignore changes to window. Jul 4, 2022 · When running the below code that gets the screen width of the browser I get this error: ReferenceError: window is not defined The code commented-out works, uses 0 as a default, but correctly upda React hook to listen for changes in the screen width. useWindowSize() automatically updates width and height values when screen size changes. 8. const [ windowSize , setWindowSize ] = useState ([ window . This approach allows you to dynamically track the screen width in your React component and update it whenever the window is resized. }; const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions()); useEffect(() => { function handleResize() { setWindowDimensions(getWindowDimensions()); Jun 11, 2017 · If you're component is functional, and you use hooks - then you can use the useMediaQuery hook, from react-responsive package. innerWidth); const breakpoint = 700; React. Can anyone shed some light on why this doesn't work and also how you would use this hook in another component to set a Boolean for checking if the window size is within a mobile range? First of all, this is the hook: This React component displays a bakery item with responsive image sizing. Feel free to copy and paste into your project. React Native - use useDimensions hook in stylesheet. Nov 4, 2021 · I've been trying to dynamically size an image in a next. 0. It includes debouncing for performance optimization and is compatible with server-side rendering. Next, let's import the useEffect() hook to be aware of the changes that are made, which in this case is the change and validation of the width of the window. To get the screen width, you can access window. To get the width and height of the window on resize in React: Use the innerWidth and innerHeight properties on the window object. Conclusion By using this hook in a functional component, you can access the current window size as an array and update it automatically whenever the window is resized. Feb 15, 2021 · Creating a custom React hook to get the window's dimensions in Next. It's helpful to identify what kind o device the page is being rendered and conditionally render something based on that info. Lightweight. When I try this I get the width of the screen, but if I change the size of the window, I get the width of the component. . In this post we will explore how to create a react hook, which dynamically returns these values on resizing. Simple React Hook utility for identifying and working with screen sizes. A hook that returns the current width and height of the window. MIT license Activity. Assuming the initial screen width is 1024 pixels, here's an example output when the window is resized: Screen Width: 1024px. &quot;. Edit 2024: If you have the option and use reanimated I would recommend using useAnimatedKeyboard as it performs a lot better in my opinion. Jan 8, 2025 · The useWindowSize hook from the react-use library is a powerful tool for tracking the dimensions of the browser window in real-time. 📦 1. Mar 11, 2021 · I'm working on creating a custom hook that captures the browser window size to let me know if it's mobile or not. innerWidth, and to get the screen height, you can use window. It works, but I can't get it to fire when the image has Oct 11, 2020 · To get a reference to the div element, you'll want to use a react ref. React-size-hook is a React hook designed to calculate the screen size. Custom properties. 🚀 It's performant, it observes the document to detect when its media queries change, instead of polling the values periodically. My thought was to tell my manager that storing it in a hook is better because only the elements using the screen width would be re rendered. Jul 22, 2022 · The best way to do that is using a custom hook. The problems I want to solve are: I want to get the responsive container height/width and not the window height/width. useLayoutEffect is similar to useEffect, except if you set state it will cause a synchronous rerender, and that way you won't have a flicker on the screen as you reposition things. With useRef, I can get the width of my div, but when I resize my page, the width value doesn't update automatically. The useWindowSize hook is a useful for retrieving and tracking the dimensions of the browser window within a React component. It allows the rendering of components based on whether the query matches or not. usehooks-ts is a tiny library without any dependencies, ensuring a Oct 5, 2023 · In this article, we'll explore two different approaches to obtaining the screen width and height in a React Native application. With this, you can calculate the dimensions of Screen and Window . At the moment, my issue is React telling me it can't retain the variable value of screenSize within the useEffect hook. Then why do I need useViewport? The useMediaQuery custom hook is great to retrieve a boolean value for the passed media query, but when using it many times across a codebase, it Oct 2, 2021 · The idea of windowWidth is to store the with of the current window, while isDesiredWidth has to be a boolean to validate that the window's current width is less than minWidth (our target). Add an event listener for the resize event in the useEffect hook. Mar 11, 2020 · I want to update state with the inner window height as I resize the screen. Feb 5, 2021 · How to get HTML element width dynamically even on page resize in React? Hot Network Questions What is distinctive about the word חֻקֶּֽיךָ׃, huqekka, 'statutes' in Psalm 119:5? In React, the width of an element is the number of pixels that it occupies on the screen. 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