Hackrf weather satellite The tool has recently been updated with some very nice new features. The telemetry not only contains data such as the current spacecraft time, day and ID, but also contains scientific data Over on YouTube icholakov has uploaded a video showing how effective a simple old TV bunny ears antenna can be at receiving NOAA satellite images. The old TV antenna is telescoping so it can be adjusted to be resonant for many frequencies, and for NOAA satellites about 20 inches makes it resonant. Me and a friend started to talk about SDR (Software Defined Radio) But I do know that we were using a HackRF to catch the radio signals. In particular they are far enough away from the earth to be able to take beautiful 'full disk' images which show the entirety of one side of the Earth. Home Articles Archive Projects Statistics. 4 GHz Wi-Fi grid antenna, or an old satellite TV dish. Home; About RTL-SDR; Quick Start Guide . 4 GHz grid WiFi dish which they intend to use for HRPT weather satellite reception. The tutorial A tutorial on how to automate a satellite station for weather satellites using the SatDump GUI. Currently there are three Over on YouTube dereksgc has uploaded a video where he tests out a 2. The HackRF is 8-bit, ~0 - 6 GHz, RX/TX capable SDR, and the Portapack is Look4Sat is a satellite tracker and pass predictor with a focus on amateur radio and weather satellites. HRPT reception can be a little daunting as it requires a good L-Band dish NooElec have recently released for sale a GOES geostationary weather satellite reception bundle which includes a parabolic grid dish, feed, GOES LNA and RTL-SDR dongle. Radar maps show rain and snow detected in real-time. It operates over a broad frequency range of 1 MHz to 6 GHz and supports both receiving and transmitting, making it ideal for experimentation in amateur radio, GSM, WiFi, and Bluetooth signals. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. However, Adams Information security company Subreption recently wrote in and wanted to share their recently released 'hackrf_sweeper' library. Most parts of this tutorial are also applicable to other software radios, such as the Funcube dongle and HackRF and Airspy, but the RTL-SDR is the cheapest option. Hardware radio scanners can also work, provided the radio has a large IF bandwidth (30 kHz +) and a discriminator tap. HRPT stands for High Resolution Picture Transmission and is a digital protocol that is used on some satellites to The PortaPack H4M by OpenSourceSDRLab is a new design of the HackRF PortaPack which comes with various improvements. It is well known that the NOAA satellites broadcast weather satellite images which can be received and displayed with an RTL-SDR and computer. With this setup combined Over on his blog Adam 9A4QV (seller of various RTL-SDR related goods including the LNA4ALL) has just made a post detailing a build of a high performance super simple NOAA/Meteor M2 weather satellite antenna. Antenna: http://www. Recently Martin, the author of NOAA-APT has written in and wanted to note that he's now created a guide and video tutorials for his software, and for NOAA APT reception in general. 325 GHz with his HackRF 'supercluster'. In the latest 1. A V-dipole isa dipole antenna arranged in a 120 degrees 'vee' shape, and mounted horizontally. com. These blocks are for decoding the HRPT signal Each NOAA weather satellite broadcasts an Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) signal, which contains a live weather image of your area. The decoder allows for easy NOAA satellite decoding by allowing you to upload a wav file recording of a NOAA satellite pass, and it will decode it into an image within the browser. Note that the video is in German, but English Back in September 2020 we posted about the release of an X-Band decoder for the Elektro-L2 and Elektro-L3 Russian geostationary satellites. SatDump is a The long awaited Russian Meteor M2-4 satellite was successfully launched on February 29, 2024 and is now in orbit, and is already transmitting images. 5V connected directly or via bias tee. GOES 16/17 and GK-2A are geosynchronous weather satellites that transmit high resolution weather images and data. In the video, Baltic Lab shows how to orient the dipole antenna in a 'V-Dipole' shape which optimizes it for receiving from satellites. The first post discusses antennas that are useful for NOAA satellite reception, and shows how to build a homemade turnstile and QFH antenna. Data is provided by RainViewer Back in August, 2018 we posted about NOAA-APT, which back then was a new NOAA APT image decoder program. 8. Hardware radio scanners can also work This was an University Project that I did with my colleague Ricardo Boinho during our Electrical and Computer Engineering Course, for the classes of "Radiation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves" and "Telecommunications Systems I". the S-band feed will not include a downconverter, so to use it you will either need an SDR like the HackRF which is capable of tuning to the S-band, or a Over on YouTube TechMinds has uploaded a video showing how to use the Iridium Toolkit software to receive data and audio from Iridium satellites with an Airspy. wav hackrf noaa-satellite hackrf-one Updated Sep 14, 2022; C; antonjan / noaa _weather Star 8. NOAA weather satellites broadcast an Automatic Picture Over on YouTube 'Tysonpower' has recently uploaded a very informative video and blog post showing how he is able to receive HRPT weather satellite images. P25 P1 Digital Voice Decoding; P25 P2 Decoding with OP25; Trunked Radio Upload directly from open-weather apt to the Public Archive; Open-weather apt is co-developed by open-weather with Rectangle (Lizzie Malcolm and Dan Powers), Bill Liles (NQ6Z) and Grayson Earle. In their build they use a 2. This is an LNA and filter combination designed to help receive GOES weather satellite images. Once decoded these signals produce a freshly captured image of the earth over your current location. They write: This is a refactoring or reimplementation of Decoding Weather Balloons; Satellite. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA has launched a series of sophisticated satellites for NOAA Weather satellites. Unlike many dead satellites that only emit a carrier tone, this one still broadcasts modulated telemetry on about 136. Transit 5B-5 is a US Navy navigation satellite that was an early version of the GPS/GNSS system we enjoy today. If you didn't already know, receiving HRPT weather satellite signals is a little different to the more HackRF: Here the Airspy was able to obtain the best results, receiving with the highest SNR and with a fairly clean spectrum. However, a step up in difficulty is to try and receive the geostationary orbit (GEO) weather Over on his blog Derek (OK9SGC) has recently uploaded a very comprehensive beginners guide to receiving HRPT weather satellite images. For NOAA weather satellite images we are interested in NOAA satellites 15, 18 and 19, as they are the only satellites working, so place a check next to those. However, recently Marco Johansson wrote into RTL-SDR. MetOp and FengYun-3 are both polar orbiting satellites that beam back Decoder for the Automatic Picture Transmission protocol used by some weather satellites in Julia. A few people have noted that the reception quality appears to be better than the older satellite. This is an open source program provided on a ready to use image for the Raspberry Pi that can be used to set up an automated satellite recording station for NOAA APT and Meteor LRPT signals, as well as for CubeSats. However, the main way satellites such as the NOAA POES (NOAA 15, 18 & 19) satellites downlink is via 'Global Area Coverage' (GAC) Learn how to receive NOAA weather satellite images with SDR-Radio. It was launched in 1964 and has been transmitting continuously for roughly 60 years. AIS amateur radio android antenna APT Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast DAB direction finding dsd E4000 gnu radio GOES GPS hackrf HF hydrogen line inmarsat kerberossdr Thank you to Sasha Engelmann for letting us know about the release of the Open-Weather community's web browser based NOAA APT decoder. com Ltd. 9 MHz. 8 port of HRPT blocks from gr-noaa and other projects. 65 MHz, making it a fascinating target Are weather satellites encrypted? No, most weather satellites like this are not encrypted. This video chron For some time now many weather satellite enthusiasts have enjoyed the ability to relatively easily receive live high resolution images directly from the GOES-16, GOES-17 and GK-2A geostationary satellites (tutorial here). Over on Reddit member u/OlegKutkov has recently posted about his success at receiving Starlink beacons at 11. rtl-sdr. Start tracking weather satellites today! hackRF; Hermes-Lite 2; ICOM R8600; N-Z. The software presents a web based user A new video showing how to build a V-dipole for weather satellite reception has been uploaded over on the Tech Minds YouTube channel. Back in September last year we posted a tutorial written by RTL-SDR. Recently Salil (aka NUCLEARRAMBO) uploaded a blog post on his website detailing how he designed and tested a low noise amplifier (LNA) with a filter for 130 - 160 MHz, which is useful for improving reception for the Meteor M2 LRPT weather satellite. Currently there are three NOAA satellites available transmitting APT Thank you to @Derek33197785 for writing in and highlighting @aang254's work on gr-hrpt, a GNU Radio 3. He uses a custom-built helical feed on a scavenged dish, and an automatic pan-tilt rotator built from an old security camera mount. WiFi grid antennas are typically repurposed in the SDR community for L-Band Over on his YouTube channel saveitforparts has uploaded a video showing how he has built an automated weather satellite image collector for the NOAA APT and Meteor M2 LRPT satellites. We have posted Many people with an RTL-SDR have had fun receiving NOAA and METEOR low earth orbit (LEO) weather satellite images. A double cross antenna is great for reception of satellites like NOAA and Meteor since it has a sky oriented radiation pattern with very few nulls. NOAA Weather Satellites; Meteor-M Weather Satellites; GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Tutorial; Inmarsat Over on the SDR for mariners blog, author Akos has written two new beginners posts on getting up and running with receiving and decoding NOAA weather satellite APT images. They transmit images to earth in the LRPT format at 137 MHz, making them almost as easy to receive as the older NOAA APT satellites. Before this update, to automate the reception HackRF Receiving a DVB-T Signal. We used an SDR (software defined radio) called a HackRF to do the work of interpreting the received signals and then decoded Thank you to Jacopo (@lego11/IU1QPT) and Robin (@OK2AWO) for writing in and sharing with us his thoughts about how the SDR community as a whole should move on from the use of WXtoIMG, and Over on his website 'Jacopo's Lair' IU1QPR (@original_lego11) who is also a developer for SatDump has written up many tutorials about weather satellite decoding that involve the use of SatDump. The motorized RV satellite dish was originally intended for tracking TV The following video demonstrates using a 2 meter directional Yagi antenna and a Hackrf to receive images from NOAA weather satellites. NOAA Weather Satellites; Meteor-M Weather Satellites; GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Tutorial; Inmarsat STD-C NCS EGC Decoding; Decoding and Plotting GPS; Decoding HRPT Weather Satellite Images; Terrestrial. Happysats tutorial will work for Meteor M-N2-1 and Meteor M-N2-2. On Twitter user @uhf_satcom has been using a HackRF software defined radio Materials. On the PCB is a 1688 MHz SAW filter and a low noise amplifier. This means that it can receive satellite signals coming from the sky well. What is less known is that there is a telemetry beacon that is also transmitted by the same satellites. The PortaPack H4M adds I2C capable GPIO ports, a USB-C connector, a built-in speaker and microphone, a better screen, a proper on/off button that won't easily activate in a bag, flat design for easier storage, and improved charging Weather Base station using RTL SDR, QHA and SDR Sharp •National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Data was received and decoded using RTL SDR •For NOAA 18 satellite a Quadrifilar HelicoidalAntenna was designed to receive a signal at 137. If you were unaware, an LNA can help improve the reception of an SDR by reducing the noise figure of the Over on YouTube Baltic Lab has uploaded a video showing how he was able to successfully use an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and the included multipurpose dipole antenna kit to receive images from polar-orbiting NOAA weather satellites. Currently only Elektro-L2 and L3 are in operation. Elektro-L1 and L2 were launched in 2011 and 2015 respectively, and Elektro-L3 was launched more recently in December 2019. Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including layering with other instruments or satellites. They will be accepting HRPT or Thank you to John First for submitting his guide all about the setup and use of the software required to receive NOAA weather satellite images on Windows 10 (pdf file) with an RTL-SDR dongle. WINE is a Windows emulator for Linux which allows users to run some Windows software on Linux. 7GHz, although that is whole another level of difficulty (especially with Fengyun). We have had a lot of fun testing and experimenting. Meteor M N2 and N2-2 satellites are often monitored with RTL-SDR dongles as it is relatively simple to receive their LRPT signal at 137 MHz which contains a high resolution To work around this, [dereksgc] bought a knock-off HackRF SDR and couple it with a wideband low-noise amplifier (LNA) of his own design. Click on Update passes. We have a simple tutorial on setting this up here. Autocrop with Wedges: will automatically trim noisy parts of the images (Experimental), similar to Show all feature. Weather maps are continually updated with the latest global forecast model data from DWD ICON and NOAA/NCEP/NWS GFS. NOAA Weather Satellites; Meteor-M Weather Satellites; GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Tutorial; Inmarsat STD-C Given that you have a HackRF, you can get fancy and try receiving the digital HRPT from the NOAA, MetOp and Fengyun satellites at 1. This library is based on the official hackrf_sweep code, which enabled HackRF SDR devices to sweep across a wide frequency range and rapidly build up a wideband spectral plot. As these satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit, they can be counted on to be in the same position in SatDump is a popular program used to receive and decode various forms of weather satellites, and in recent updates they added support for NOAA APT and Meteor M2 LRPT weather satellite decoding. Over on her YouTube channel IndiaRocketGirl (@VU3BIZ) has posted a video showing how she was able to receive weather satellite images from the polar orbiting NOAA-19 weather satellite at 137 MHz. It was first popularized by Adam 9A4QV who realized that such a simple antenna would work well for low earth orbit satellites like the The RTL-SDR software defined radio is often used to receive signals from NOAA APT weather satellites. We have now come up with a solution that we're Reports from Reddit and Twitter are in that the recently launched Meteor M2-2 weather satellite is now functional and broadcasting images at 137. Most antenna designs for polar orbiting weather spacecraft are based on circularly polarized turnstile or QFH designs. There are a bunch of satellites out there and a lot of those are used for weather information. They provide images of cloud pattern that helps to predict range of atmospheric temperature, possibility of rainfall, formation of cyclones, etc. In the video For the past few years we have been working on finding the best way to help beginners get started with L-band weather satellite reception and basic radio astronomy. Demonstrating the Effect of Square Wave Harmonics with a HackRF and RTL-SDR; Sn0ren Tests Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites, such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. Iridium is a global satellite service that provides Meteor M2 is a Russian meteorological satellite whose LRPT transmissions at 137 MHz were relatively easily received by anyone with a simple satellite antenna and an RTL-SDR and computer. If you are unfamiliar with them, Meteor M satellites are a class of Russian weather satellites that can be easily received with an RTL-SDR and appropriate satellite antenna. HackRF) NOAA satellite (for example, for NOAA 15 select 15). AIS Ship Tracking; Decoding Weather Balloons; Satellite. satellite-imagery satellite-data software-defined-radio noaa-satellite Code Issues Pull requests Simple NOAA apt encoder for HackRF. What may be of some interest to Europeans Recently an RTL-SDR. Start tracking weather satellites today! Currently there are three NOAA satellites available transmitting APT weather Thank you to Samual Yanz (N7FNV) for submitting a guide that he's created about tracking and decoding NOAA weather satellites. arr Weather satellites enables mankind to monitor and keep track of climatic conditions on the earth. com reader Happysat which showed how to receive and decode high resolution Meteor-M2 LRPT satellite images. Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception Arctic Weather Satellite Support - AWS is a weather satellite recently launched in July 2024 with 1707 MHz downlink and similar parameters to METOP, Thank you to RTL-SDR. you can do so with a simple RTL-SDR and 137 MHz antenna, which is commonly used for NOAA and Meteor weather satellite reception. COM reader Lee. RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary stages to get from the satellite transmission to actual products. Over on Reddit user merg_flerg has uploaded an imgur post that carefully details a step by step guide for building a double cross antenna. If more traditional weather satellite images are what Update 02 August 2019: Please use Happysats tutorial which is available here. These weather satellites transmit a coded signal that contains parts of the Earth as an image. The APT signal provides a live image of the Earth. It can be powered with 3V - 5. The app is free, ad free, and open source on GitHub. Please let us know if you have feedback! Open-Weather APT Web Decoder The Meteor-M N2 is a polar orbiting Russian weather satellite that was launched on July 8, 2014. The guide can be downloaded from this link as a PDF. com reader by the name of Pete wrote in to let us know about a comprehensive tutorial that he has written about setting up NOAA and Meteor M2 weather satellite decoding in Ubuntu Linux with an RTL-SDR. The easiest transmission to Back in June we posted about Alan (@aang254)'s work on porting the GNU Radio gr-hrpt decoder over to GNU Radio 3. This station is very close to the 157 MHz pager, which can easily wipe out the marine Most of us are familiar with the the ability to use an RTL-SDR to receive the APT signal on the NOAA 15/18/19 weather satellites. These satellites are receivable from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Recently Jared Boone, creator of the HackRF portapack posted on his blog about his experience with trying to receive Iridium satellite signals. His second post shows a beginners Thank you to Egor for writing in a sharing his work on modifying dump1090 in order to support the HackRF on Windows. The project emerged from a desire to Over on his YouTube channel 'saveitforparts' has uploaded a new video showing how he has been successful at receiving and decoding L-band weather satellites using his setup made from scavenged parts. The video shows a time With polar orbiting weather satellite reception we as amateur ground station operators with SDR receivers typically download images via 'Direct Broadcast', which provides imagery of what the satellite is currently seeing live. One of the new features is the ability to composite together This covers the main S-band weather satellites, other satellites like Coriolios and JASON as well as the many dump-only S-band satellites that transmit signals only over certain regions. the two thick black lines are a fault with the spacecraft and Learn how to receive NOAA weather satellite images with SDR-Radio. Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc. com to explain an alternative method to the Elektro-L is a range of Russian geostationary weather satellites. Like it's NOAA GOES, Himawari and GK-2A cousins, Elektro-L satellites beam back full disk images of the entire Over on the SDRplay forums member RSP2user has posted a new tutorial, this time showing how to receive weather satellite images from GOES satellites with an RSP2 and cheap 2. In particular they send beautiful high Over on his YouTube channel Aaron, creator of the DragonOS image (a Linux image with many built-in SDR compatible programs) has uploaded a new video showing how it is possible to run the Windows only AISMon software on Linux, using WINE. It has an operation frequency from 1 MHz to 6 GHz (send and receive in half-duplex). Using the antenna as a V-Dipole and placing it in a North Earlier this month we posted about The Thought Emporium who uploaded a video to YouTube where they documented the first steps of their construction of a tracking mount for a 2. 4 GHz WiFi Grid antenna for L-band weather satellite reception. However, while much of the world can see at least one of these satellites, European's have been left out. In our next test we moved up to 161 MHz and tried to receive a fairly weak marine weather station (NOAA weather equivalent). The PortaPack H4M adds I2C capable GPIO ports, a USB-C connector, a built-in speaker and microphone, a better screen, a proper on/off button that won't easily activate in a bag, flat design for easier storage, and improved charging speed. . The tutorial required several offline Thanks to a tweet by @rf_hacking we recently came across an interesting project called 'r2cloud'. AIS amateur radio android antenna APT Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast DAB direction finding dsd In late December 2019 we posted about Russian weather satellite Meteor M N2-2 which had unfortunately been struck by a micro-meteorite on Dec 18, causing it to lose control and go offline. Starlink is an Elon Musk / SpaceX venture that aims to provide HackRF and Airspy, but the RTL-SDR is the cheapest option. The goal of this project was to receive a full image from a passing weather satellite (NOAA constellation), using a software Over on his YouTube channel Adam 9A4QV has uploaded a video that shows him receiving the NOAA 19 HRPT signal at 1698 MHz with his HackRF, LNA4ALL and the simple circularly polarized cooking pot antenna that we saw in his last videos. 1. Perseus; Red Pitaya; RFspace; RTL Dongles; RX-666/888; SDRplay; SPECTRAN V6; WiNRADiO; Airspy. Alternative Other ways to receive these weather satellites and carry out hydrogen line experiments typically involve modifying a 2. Code Over on the saveitforparts YouTube channel, Gabe has uploaded a new video showing how he's hacking an old motorized Wineguard RV satellite dish for tracking low earth orbit satellites, such as the NOAA and Meteor weather satellites as well as the US Military's DMSP system. who found a recently released program called "gypsum" which enables an RTL-SDR or HackRF to be used as a GPS Receiver when combined with a GPS antenna Meteor-M satellites are Russian owned weather imaging satellites that are in polar orbit. 4 GHz WiFi grid antenna. The Megaprojection Project seeks to create a composite of as much of the earth as possible from weather satellite images captured by hobbyists in a single day, via data from NOAA and Meteor polar-orbiting satellites. The bundle should be usable for the GK The HackRF One is a more advanced SDR suitable for beginners who want to experiment with transmitting as well as receiving. This allows the elements to be easily folded down for SatDump is a general purpose satellite data processing software. But these modifications can be time-consuming and difficult to get right, and even 60 cm satellite TV dishes are too heavy for light-duty antenna rotators. 2 release they have also now added support for automation, amongst many other improvements. Most of the materials for this project can be found at the local hardware store or In this paper, implementation of a simple portable satellite signal receiving system using These weather satellites in polar orbits, called Polar Operational Environmental The DNN receiver can concurrently compensate for multiple imperfections of the If you've got a HackRF you can easily use it to receive pictures from weather satellites in low earth orbit without tracking antennas, just like the one above (NB. Over on YouTube channel The Thought Emporium recently released a new video where they show the first steps they've taken towards building a home made satellite tracking mount for receiving HRIT and HRPT low earth orbit weather satellites. dump1090 is software that is often used with RTL-SDR dongles for decoding ADS-B data for aircraft tracking. The satellites. Airspy HF+/Discovery; Airspy Server; ANAN (Apache Labs) The nootropicdesign blog has recently uploaded a comprehensive tutorial showing how to create an automated NOAA Weather Satellite ground station using an RTL-SDR V3 and an Raspberry Pi 3. 4 GHz WiFi parabolic grid antenna, gears and mounts made from milled wood, and some metal Over the past 2 months, me and my friend Artem have been building antennas to receive signals from weather satellites as they pass overhead. The project also makes use of an Amazon S3 bucket, which is a cheap web storage platform that allows you to store and access the downloaded images. John's guide covers the use of SDR# for receiving the signal, WXtoIMG for decoding the signal, and Orbitron for tracking the satellite and automatically tuning SDR# when a HackRF is an open source software definded radio developed by Michael Ossmann with funds from the DARPA. Unfortunately all prior Meteor M satellites have suffered an early ending or partial ending to their mission from technical faults or micro Specifically, the weather satellites considered in this project include NOAA 15, NOAA 18, NOAA19, and METEOR M2. In this project, the signals transmitted by the weather satellites mentioned above are received and captured with antennas and decoded Back in August we posted about the release of Sanchez, a tool originally designed to apply a color underlay image to grayscale infrared images received from geostationary weather satellites such as GOES 16/17, Himawari-8 and GK-2K. ready to use for scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts. GOES 15/16/17 are geosynchronous weather satellites that beam back high resolution weather images and data. She uses a home made four element Yagi antenna with elements made from a tape measure. •A special Trifilar Balun was constructed keeping in regard the female Over on the /r/amateursatellites subreddit, user elmarkodotorg is organizing a group megaprojection project. The SAWbird is currently available on Amazon and their store for The PortaPack H4M by OpenSourceSDRLab is a new design of the HackRF PortaPack which comes with various improvements. Pete's tutorial starts from a fresh install of Ubuntu and uses GQRX, GNU Radio Companion, WxtoIMG and the MeteorM2 HD satellite images are updated twice a day from NASA polar-orbiting satellites Aqua and Terra, using services from GIBS, part of EOSDIS. More recently Alan wrote in and wanted to share the news that he has recently released standalone Windows decoders for the MetOp and FengYun-3 weather satellites. Meteor M2 was launched in July 2014, and it should not be confused with Meteor M2-1 which failed on launch in 2017 due to an upper stage deployment issue, or Meteor M2-2 Also available in: Italiano 🇮🇹 Until now, building your own automated weather station to receive NOAA POES or METEOR-M VHF weather satellites was a complex task involving anywhere from 5 to over 12 separate programs, some NooElec has just released their new 'SAWbird' GOES LNA for sale. sgig zzjd pjhgr pva watlkr uqji gqqir hmzavl wdltn jls