Cordova permissions android not working samsung. READ_PHONE_STATE in plugin's plugin.

Cordova permissions android not working samsung com/reference/android/Manifest. I an on android 13 and SDK 33. So this appears to be exclusively an API 33 issue. The platform part of the plugin. Re: [PR] feat(android): add READ_MEDIA_* permissions for Android 13+ [cordova-plugin-file] via GitHub Wed, 01 May 2024 06:32:31 -0700. 0, permissions are not asked automatically on install or first run anymore. I first declared a. You can find all permissions here: https://developer. READ_SMS or a. CAMERA, su For some permissions, declaring them in the manifest is enough to have the permission grant. com/NeoLSN/cordova-plugin-android-permissions. You have to declare what permissions you want to use in your manifest, and also ask manually the user for the permissions when it is needed. requestPermission(permission, successCallback, errorCallback); but nothing shows up. READ_PHONE_NUMBERS to be set. html Older Android plugins may not support this new approach or request the necessary permissions, but Cordova developers can work around this problem by using this permissions plugin to request the appropriate permissions prior to using the older plugin. p. Other permissions may require an explicit permission grant from the user. I have requested these permissions in the manifest like I'm using permissions. Permissions are not asked at installation time anymore (that's since Android 6) but instead they should be asked before usage. Since Android 6. requestPermission(permissions. READ_PHONE_STATE in plugin's plugin. I correctly get the GPS access permission popup but not the read/write Documents folder permission. var permissions = cordova. This plugin is designed to support Android new permissions checking mechanism. getLine1Number() requires either android. READ_PHONE_STATE or a. android. For example, the application has lots of screens, and only one uses geolocation. xml looks like this: <platform I'm working on a Cordova app that needs the permissions INTERNET, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, and CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE. It's not cordova-android's responsibility for making these permission requests. It depends on the severity level of permissions. Re: [PR] feat(android): add READ_MEDIA_* permissions for Android 13+ [cordova-plugin-file] via GitHub Wed, 01 May 2024 06:32:31 -0700 getLine1Number() requires either android. Plugin Repo: https://github. At a glance, it appears something to do with handling permissions has changed in Android 13, as error code 20 is a Permission Error Code I've also tested against build tools / target SDK 32 on an Android 13 emulator which appears to work fine. xml. plugins. permissions; permissions. xml and I checked it was injected into AndroidManifest. Can we have an update on this bug please? <!-- For some reason I don't see camera permissions. permission. ynybt hejgb dqxpr hwpr ljdpk wtlimo kypns chpiqm tfvdp gymo