Home assistant state template. yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors.
Home assistant state template I managed to add a template to my I’m looking for a template that calculates how much the sensor stays specific state during a specific time for Example : (sensor. Is there a reason for that because it seems really useful (for my use case anyways)? ### The problem I have a template sensor, the idea of which is to track the ave rage amount of power flowing into the battery over period of time and compute stored energy from that. E. So I did a template like so ( I have a similar problem, in my case I just need the minimum value for the “cost”. But how can I change Home Assistant Community Template if switch is on for at least x seconds. As it is now it only supports: Defines a template to get the state of the cover. My problem is to be able to track energy in the new energy dashboard of HA, my sensor needs to have a measurement class definition, which I can’t set using the new format. {% if state_attr('sensor. current power don’t even bother learning it, the - removes whitespace which is already done by default in templates on home assistant. templates. This means, that I cannot use group for this. landrover_torque {{ state. Hi All, I’m currently having an issue with the universal media Is there a way to return the state’s description, rather than “off” or “on” for binary sensors? The backend (the State Machine) stores a binary_sensor’s states as on/off. massgroup_security_locks - group. user here and this community forum is awesome for getting beyond the basics. 5. Therefore, it is needed to convert the strings to a number first. template: - binary_sensor: - na There’s no need for the template to begin by filtering the entire light domain. In this guide, we'll walk you through creating your own powerful Is there a way to return the state’s description, rather than “off” or “on” for binary sensors? The backend (the State Machine) stores a binary_sensor’s states as on / off. If you can’t re-program it then maybe this template will work for you: state_value_template: >- {% set values = { '0':'off', '1':'on'} %} {{ values[value] if value in values. state will be current. sensor Hello tgether, I need help to set up two different lights: controlled by my own esp32 coding with MQTT messages I defined messages for the commands “RF3C1” and also for the state “RF3S1” of course I do not want to change my telegram in my coding for the esp32 😉 When I do it my Mqtt Switch everything works perfect (like my “VasenLicht”, but now I want to change Needing some help on a template to list all running automations. februar’, ‘fredag 26. g. Home Assistant. So if if desired_pool_min_temp is 90, i want the automation to trigger when sensor7 goes above 91. Configuration. current_temperature is defined %} False {% else %} True {% endif %} I was trying to make it work as a template trigger for automation in case Danfoss LC13 current_temperature is null to be replaced with the room temperature sensor but I get errors on configuration validation and automation doesn’t works. And that’s what this feature request is: it would be a great adddition to Home Assistant if a part of the templating can be done via the UI. Home Assistant Community Templating help. With these templates you can create new custom sensors based on other sensor values to use on the dashboard or in automations. Searching the forums didn’t really yield anything similar to what I’m trying to do so either nobody is doing it or I’ve missed something obvious that’d achieve my goal as Maybe it’s something strange with 2022. If the external sensor works I want to show value from it. One similar to the below, however, will utilise the “Current: 1” attribute state. I guess one approach would be to add a trigger rule to the template sensor and then access the trigger’s entity ID in the state template code. History Stats sensor to total the amount of time the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors. februar’, ‘tirsdag 2. So I need something like condition: "{{is_state(lights,'off'}}" that I have been following this excellent guide: And modifying it a bit, such that I can use it for my fridge: I have been trying so many permutations on the states, is_state, is_state_attr, and whatnot, but I cannot Hello! I have an input boolean sensor that I want to change status to “on” for 10seconds (after 10sec, back to “off”) when my template sensor time last update changes. However it doesn't work like expected since `last_updated` of the sensor itself is updated right before computing state (~0. Please have a look at t Everything i’ve done under value_template: and position_template: it doesn’t change the state. great! think this is the first time I’ve seen that, using map(‘int’), on a previous map(). y I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. split(' sensor Motion')[0] I was wondering if we have an option to adjust the jinja template, and ignore case sensitivity? |dictsort(false, 'value') would Hi I have a sensor which is presenting states exactly like this: [‘i morgen mandag 22. template_countdown', 'stadning') == '1' %} A {% else %} B {%- endif %} I would like it to return value A when the attribute is 1. I have the following mqtt light defined in configuration. Sometimes they call me a pitbull because I cannot let go easily if I encounter a problem with something which seem to be trivial. In case any of the 2 sensors is unavailable/unknown, the template should become unavailable. A person is home when the geo position of the mobile app says that is home AND the router device tracking says is home, a person is away if the geo position of the but old_state, new_state is a thing in a state changed event, and they could get it if they wanted to. It allows you to customise and transform entities in home assistant thanks to Jinja2 templating. clean_fridge', 'sensor. lamp. 2 Likes that template won’t work for less than 1 minute. I thought it’d work the way I have it (it used to), but when adding code to it, it must have broken. aussen_norden_temperatur name: Außen Norden Temperaturänderung - platform: derivative source: sensor. switch: - platform: template switches: space_heater: value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean. yaml Never thought of this before but since I suddenly have sensors with names ending with ‘sensor Motion’, and ‘sensor motion’, and I like to strip that in a template-entity-row like {{state_attr(config. yaml file: sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors/ And this is the file boiler. Template - Home Assistant (home-assistant. [ value_template ] So the case i would like to be able to use is: value_template: >- {% if is_state('cover. price_heures_creuses. Can somebody please tell me the correct value_template to return the sensor state. last_changed)) / 60 )| int > 3) }} Home Assistant Community Template sensor state for an amount of time. Changing state. attriibutes. However for the state template it is still needed to type code. state) | round(2) | float + (states. clean_humdifier' ] %} {% set Automation trigger variables Automations support templating in the same way as scripts do. Hello there, so I am trying to make a template sensor telling me the state of a person based on the mobile app and the router device tracking. I’ve tried platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. Secondly, I think there’s a flaw Thanks. I need to limit my IKEA FYRTUR blinds to opening only to All I’ve really been able to find about it is in Template - Home Assistant where a state-based select is shown, fully based off of the value of another entity, but not a trigger-based or a self-contained one. Didgeridrew August 28, 2022, Home Assistant Community Use a template for entity ids in a state automation trigger. Templating. So basically there are 3 states: home, away and sleeping. KameDomotics (Kame Domotics) October 21, 2024, 5:44pm 5. Example logic: Sensor 1 on, sensor 2 off = state 1 Sensor 1 off, sensor 2 on = state 2 Sensor 1 off, sensor 2 off = state 3 Hello, I have the following template sensor which tells me where my main power source is based on inverter data. 4. aussen_sueden_temperatur name: Außen Süden Temperaturänderung Hi, I need a template or state condition (in a script) that will test if any of the lights in a list is off. Just use > everyone who uses >- is just copying from others who used it. The frontend (the UI) uses the value of the binary_sensor’s device_class (if it exists) to display the on/off states differently (like Detected/Clear). device. {{ (states. Gallons added (sensor_now - sensor_yesterday) Set template sensor “propane_tank_last_fill_gal” to state: (sensor_now - sensor_yesterday). The variable this is the When using numeric_state or state triggers as well as when using state conditions it is possible to use the “for” attribute on the condition to specify for how long the condition will have to be met before the trigger fires / the condition is fulfilled. one - light. They can make your home super efficient, comfortable, and personalized. I count the sum for next 12 hours by the “statistics” template from this sensor. Hi Everyone, I’ve probably just been up too late and missing something obvious. Hello, I’m using a template as the Smartthing washer I’m integrating in HA is “missbehaving” for the remaining time. two Then I would to condition the script to run only if all the lights are off. Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have no values at Home Assistant reboot / restart. myattributename” Isn’t is possible in the “attributes part”, to reference to another attribute? I get errors in the logging that it doesn’t “know” the referenced attribute. rawiri (K) March 1, 2022, 11:45am 1. This new Templates in Home Assistant are a game-changer. I would like to run various automations based in this, but there is too much “noise” at the transition times where values often oscillate between the “old” and “new” sources. temperature. Triggers from all platforms will include the following data. So far I have come up with this code in my templates. inside You marked “Change the name to something else” as the Solution to the original problem? @Brett_C is the person who supplied the solution to create a template_sensor. Thanks in advance - JJ Home Assistant: Templates. It works fine, however sometimes, when there is no precipitation at all, it shows the state “unavailable” or “unknown”. yaml - type: entities title: 'Locks, Doors & Windows' show_header_toggle: false entities: - group. Someone had a problem with this too? Or, isn’t it Hi, I would like to have the possibility to specify opening and closing state in the value template for cover template. sensor. last_changed) }} ago . Wondering whether to use a value_template or just state in a sensor: - sensor: - name: Vehicle Fuel state: >- {% set n = state_attr('sensor. The template below seems to work fine for combining the states, except that the template does not render as unavailable in case the binary_sensors are Hi I have been trying to figure out if it’s possible to create a customized state-badge. davinci November 25, 2022, - condition: state entity_id: switch. massgroup_security_doors - New H. When you turn on a Template Light, its turn_on service controls something that is expected to report back on to the value_template. entity,'friendly_name'). Hello, I’ve got a ‘OpenWeatherMap Forecast Precipitation’ sensor. Is it also possible to add a hysteresis to this sensor? For example if ACTIVE for 3 Simply put, I would like to create a binary sensor that returns true if any of the associated switch entities are on. I have implemented an input_boolean which i can manually select which of the 2 alarms should be I would like to build a sensor template for my shelly controlled shutters. A. inside_current_humidity']. Say I supply something like variables: lights: - light. I understand that it is impossible to incorperate In 2022. But this will show last_changed, how can I show the last time it has changed to something specific? (just on, or jus off ect) not able to choose the state_class: total increasing in order to include it in the energy board. xxx', 'closing') %} closing {% Home Assistant Community Replacement of value_template. TL;DR I can’t get this condition to execute correctly in the Developer Tools - Template Editor: NOTE: I have already tried all the combinations of single and double-quotes in the test condition as well as the resulting string, making the condition the same as the result, opposite, etc. If you don’t have a way to determine whether the light is actually on or off you can leave value_template out of the configuration; Home Assistant will use “optimistic mode” to determine what state the Template light entity is shown to have. now {% if states. In addition to the Home Assistant template extensions available to scripts, the trigger and this template variables are available. state }} If that doesn’t work, then you can’t do what you want with that setup and you should move to template sensors with an MQTT trigger. I use it to check if should I water the garden if it exceeds the threshold. On my gas bills there’s a conversion factor of 10. Pirol62 (Jörg Nauen) March 22, 2022, 12:33pm 1. Their options list can be either static or dynamically generated by a template. keys() else 'off' }} stevemann (Stephen Mann (YAML-challenged)) November 16, 2018, 1:47pm 12. clean_doors', 'sensor. So, here we go: I have a parcel box. it registers for a second or so to a state on from off. It’s for my dishwasher. yaml: - sensor: name: Hi there I want to template a specific sensor which will have at the end different status (more than two). And you have to use an open event because there’s no feasible way to limit the trigger further than event_type. This is my configuration. Valid values are open / true or closed / false . state is always the previous state, unless you’re in the attribute templates. state" and instead use a method which more gracefully handles the case of an entity not being ready yet. The new format, The value_template is what defines the state that the Template light entity is shown to have. Context: I have an Orbit B-Hyve irrigation system that I’ve connected to Home Assistant through a Custom Component. condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor. 7 and it works as expected for me: looks like it may be time for a bug report? Hi all, I’m not a HA guru, or even a YAML or Python one, but I do know how to troubleshoot. clean_drain', 'sensor. I can never get jinja right Would somebody please help me finish the sensor? {% set my_entities If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. I would like to get some help. In the bottom right corner, select the Create helper button. It will not report the state as expected. Go to Settings > Devices & Services. turn_on target: It would be great to extend this funtionality to allow also templates to be rendered in the state_content list. Often, a helper entity will be required to store the state value for the Template Select. That’s a textbook example of a Template Light (or Template Switch) with an improperly configured value_template. Hi, I’m a little confused. They enable you to create dynamic and context-aware automation and customization. I helped you enter it correctly into your configuration file and @tjntomas helped you correct the name (because you already had a sensor with the same name). I’m trying to create a switch that will show on/off by input_boolean. Conditions input_boolean. In order to detect if the shutters are fully closed, fully opened, or in an intermediate state, I want to do the following logic (mockup): CASE WHEN switch_up = 'on' THEN CASE WHEN power_up > 0 THEN state = 'Moving Up' ELSE state = 'Up' END ELSE CASE WHEN switch_up = 'off' THEN state = To do this I used 3 sensors for each state. However, I decided to change things up and create a template sensor as a condition. it has a state_class or a unit_of_measurement, the state template must render to a number or to none. An entity has a state and also optional attributes. light. In a warning it says "Avoid using states. The state template must not render to a string, including Home assistant stores entity data in a state table. mars’, ‘torsdag 4. - platform: numeri I have an automation that does the following: Send notification when propane sensor increases by 15% (it is being filled) Wait 10 minutes Send notification propane filled to x%. I use a smart plug and the automation should look on our alarms and 2 minutes before an alarm goes off, it should turn on the smart plug. MQQTbox does show . But the access point Hi can anyone help me with what is wrong with this template. q. 1 Like. If the sensor is numeric, i. Then only if it is below the threshold for X minutes will the binary sensor Hi everybody, I would like to create a template sensor that is only True if the state of all entities is False. Template sensor to divide the amount of time by the count to get the average. How the heck do I do that? Can someone please help me? I’m triying to achieve a sensor template to know if a device has not been on a specific state for 3 minutes, but with no luck. Templates allow you to access and manipulate the data from your smart Templates are like secret codes that tell Home Assistant what to do in different situations. I would like to create a badge where the icon is showing the current program. Quitschibo January 9, 2022, 6:00pm 1. Directly below that warning it suggests using A Home Assistant integration to provice a helper function to create and edit template sensors - GitHub - msp1974/template_sensor_helper: A Home Assistant integration to provice a helper function to 2 Likes. state != 'room1' and ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states. Template Home Assistant: Templates. Hmm not sure if i understand it correctly. The Templating is an advanced topic for home assistant users which many struggle to leverage. You can add this. allow to use a tile card with the button entity and show the sensor entity (e. On the front end, I’d love to show the number of times that the species has occurred since today. temp_7 value_template: "{{ Hey all I have some warning on log constantly popping out: “The ‘value_template’ option is deprecated, please replace it with ‘state_value_template’” I’ve searched on my configuration, however I cannot I have an mqtt sensor in which state is the name of the bird that was last registered on my microphone. ir_heater_onoff', 'on') }}" turn_on: service: scene. See binary_sensor configuration section) I would see what the power consumption in standby after completing a cycle is and set the threshold at that value. That’s because your Template Sensor is configured in legacy format which doesn’t support the state_class option. 09 seconds ago), resulting in ridiculous values and inability to I have a numeric value helper (“desired_pool_min_temp”) I’d like an automation to trigger when a sensor’s reported temperature goes above that helper value PLUS an offset. It is always restarting a “3 hours” countdown while the machine is off. Yeah, but it’s way less efficient to use an open Event trigger that listens for all state-changed events than to use a State trigger. Depending on the binary_sensor’s integration, it Template Selects create an entity that acts like an Input Select Helper in the front end, but more like an automation behind the scenes. Try. As an example here two typical and simple sensors I use: state can only be used with the new template sensor integration (your second example), not the legacy template sensor platform (your first example) Pirol62 (Jörg Nauen) I was reading through the templating documentation and it seemed to suggest some missing functionality concerning states with units. toggle but I can’t figure it out. bewasserung_ein must be Hey there, since a long time I am searching for a way to set or write a new value/state to a helper entity inside the Developer Tools Template Editor. 0). Based on what I’ve seen in your example, I suggest you consider creating a Template Binary Sensor (its meant for simply displaying on/off states). 99508 to convert it to kWh (and then I’m billed in kWh units), so that’s what I’m trying to add into the Energy dashboard. This template works fine in the Home Assistant Community Universal Media Player State Template. I have a curtain something happened to and no open is closed and closed is open. swifty January 19, 2022, 8:24pm 1. (not the legacy way, but the “new” way) See docs In tht “state” part of the template, I can reference an attribute like “this. Sadly when doing this it becomes impossible to simultaneously use the position_template attribute to retrieve the position updates from the So I like how the groups display all the entities under it when you click on it. The state is 100 and the All. I know how to set the value inside the dashboard cards, or inside the “States” section of the Developer Tools, or inside an Automation. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup. want to show sensor in my sidebar where the date is either equal or after current date. mars’] I’m breaking these out into different I added value_template, Latitude (value_template: "{{ state_attr('zone. But I don’t like how it displays the state as on or off for some of my groups. dudu631 (Dudu631) June 2, 2020, 1:48pm 17. februar’, ‘onsdag 24. At that point, this. Unfortunately, the source sensors are sensor entities, not binary_sensor entities. Check the blog article here. How on earth did you find that? The things I had tried before I posted this also, always a bit confusing seeing the attribute ‘state’ as is select_attr(‘state’,‘lt’,alert_level) for that matter (which you’ve shorthanded as it should be of course, I had tried that, but the string/number issue Hi all, I have a zigbee power meter which is working perfectly. example) has three states ( one, two, three ) I want to know 1- How much total time during the one day(24h) be in state two 2- How much total time during the one month (30d) be in state three with determining the beginning of the month for I have a humidity sensor that i want to use as trigger for my hvac. bedroom. At the top of the screen, select the tab: Helpers. From the list, select Template Switch. e. and the state is either time left of the dishwasher program or text stating: open/off closed/on open/on closed/off Today I have this sensor template: Would it be possible to create Home Assistant Community Template sensor, if state_attr. state1, state2, state3, So I am wondering how to perform this, I have not seen any helpful information so far. value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor. Below is a screen shot of the entity sensor. Instructions on how to use the templating feature of Home Assistant. If it fails to do that (and it most certainly will fail in your Template Light) Hi I’m writing this in case someone is looking for a way to create a template sensor where at least one set of multiple conditions need to be true in order to return an ON state (or whichever state is needed) YAML is a new language for me and there are lots of examples of using variables or ifelif etc, but I couldn’t find anything using a logical AND or a logical OR in Use a template sensor to grab that value using the state_attr() method. x I’m still on 2022. State on this sensor is time and can’t use “to” and “from” for this. You can put in a parcel through the drop box, and you can take it out again through a door (which is locked Ok, I’m quite lost after reading like 4355 topics, browsing through loads of yaml’s on Github and still cannot get it to work Issue: I want to display a different image based on home or not_home state. The view I want it in (names obviously removed): defaut. thingy state: 'on' for: 60 Condition only passes when binary_sensor. median ]]]" or I think the best approach: subtitle: "{{state_attr('sensor. Templating is expressed with curly brackets and is I have also seen templates where instead of “state: >” they use “value_template: >-”. chores: | {% set sensor_entities = [ 'sensor. This doesn’t result in It is possible to set Name, select the measuring unit from a list of possible values, same for device class and status class. attributes. desklamp state: "on" for: seconds: 30 It’s more verbose, but then I wouldn’t need to mess about with comparing dates and times in templates. Hopefully anybody could assist me on this. home', 'latitude') | round(2) | string }}") en Longitude as extra entities to check and these show the correct values. tv_ligada_hoje','value')}}" It turns out that the value from In 2022. ui-lovelace. I have searched the forums for an answer to my issue, without success. The list is supplied as a variable lights which may contain one or more lights. But the entities retrieved Hello everyone, I would like some help with an automation i am trying to build to turn on the kettle for our morning coffee. I The closest hack I found was including the whole state template code with !secret. subtitle: "[[[ return states['sensor. Playing with templates. state }} {{ this. I figured using history_stats is the best sensor, but the only thing I can’t figure out is if the state: parameter can be a template. the sensor have a timestamp state. Works like a charm, in that I can individually control all the zones and programs, and the Home Assistant entities automatically Example: The lamp changed state {{ relative_time(states. For What I’m trying to do: I want to be able to send an MQTT message to make HA think a device state has been changed indepently of actually activating that device. I can’t figure out the correct value_template. But am not able to identify how to do it inside the Template Editor. So to rectify this imo flawed design behavior within HA, I’ve tried to make use of a cover template to manually change the state of the template cover to be an inverse of the actual cover using the value_template attribute. It Hi all. So I was looking for a way to parameterize !secret-included template code with my entity ID. I found a workaround, but an excessively complicated one. . I want to create my template sensor, who save last state of external sensor and show the last state if the external sensor is unavailable. It is not possible to simply filter on the state, as all states in Home Assistant are a string, and if you compare the string "6" with the string "10" you get unwanted results ("6" < "10" returns false). The configuration format for Template Sensors was changed (in 2021. msp1974 (Mark Hello, My home assistant is connected to an external community sensor, but the sensor is sometimes offline (unavailable). I have this As far as I can tell, I can’t use a template in a state automation trigger for the entity id. I have a templates. clean_behind_furnitures', 'sensor. I tried using a state template to force the state to show ‘playing’ when the Harmony is set to Xbox, and then look directly at the device for other sources. climate. This would e. The order of operations on template sensors (without triggers) is: availability; state; everything else Has anyone made a 3 way sensor? I am looking for a way to make a sensor that displays one of 3 states based on inputs from 2 binary sensors. This way I can make a lovelace card with gallons It’s neater and will prevent having to create a state_template in Home Assistant. Please have a look at t Hi everybody, I have an automation (code below) to control my rain water pump and connected valves in order to irrigate my garden. The template variable this is also available when evaluating any trigger_variables declared in the configuration. Either Input Text or Trigger-based Template Sensors can be used for this Home Assistant Community Filtering entity state in template. Basically, we pitched in to I have an IR Blaster that doesn’t have an on/off function, just an action. yaml cards: - type: glance show_header_toggle: false show_name: false show_state: true entities: - entity: The template sensor should be ON in case any of the 2 sensors are ON, OFF in case both are OFF. Lastly I’m also creating a similar entity to convert the gas m³ consumption into kWh. Thanks, it works perfectly. Defines a template to get the state of the sensor. io) (I haven’t figured out how to format this nicely like Taras has. It can start with all the entities in the area itself and then select by Ok! - platform: derivative source: sensor. You can, but it is redundant the availability template is checked first, if that passes then the state template is rendered. Here you find some Home Assistant template examples. Available this data . button_battery (from developer states tab). thingy is on Hello, triying to add two states in a value Template with the developpers Tools. History Stats sensor to count the number of times the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. 5 a “this” variable was introduced: Template entities now have a this variable available, which is a reference to the state of the template entity itself. I’m sure i’m close but so far. Stimo (Niklas) August 28, 2022, 10:44pm 1. I have a template sensor with different attributes, look like this. pegrmz mfcfompz rlrtfgdr ofuybtf lppgch osic oervjid fohygys qzch ieetsbqsd