Primary 3 english scheme of work for second term. TRAINING THE POPULATION TO BE HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE .

Primary 3 english scheme of work for second term Hand writing. DOWNLOAD Lagos State Scheme of Work for ENGLISH STUDIES Primary 1 – 3 Pdf Free Download Link. 4 weeks Recognise on sight high frequency verbs words with verb endings: ed, ing, s. A SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 3 (BASIC 3) FIRST TERM ENGLISH WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES WEEK 1. c) SQUARE ROOT OF PERFECT SQUARE UP TO 400. WEEK 1 Revision of last term’s examination question papers. TOPIC – CONTENT. EduDelightTutors. 3 Lit2 Term 2 Scheme 2016 First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary school Primary School Lesson Notes for First, Second and Third Term Download; Secondary School lesson notes for First, ENGLISH LANGUAGE FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR SS2. Asks and answers questions orally. English Language Scheme of Work for SS3 First and Second Term. SCHEME OF WORK PRIMARY 1 (BASIC 1) . Vocabulary Building – Teaching of New Words Primary 3. 2024/2025 Academic Calendar. Happy Reading! THEMATIC SCHEME OF WORK FOR P. 3 English Comprehension Term 2 Scheme 2016 (ecolebooks. Speech work: contrast of pure vowel /u/ and /u:/, /Ɔ/ – Grammar: Adverbials (Frequently and manner) – comprehension – (NOSEC) Composition – Letter writing – formal letter (features) Here are downloads of all the GES Annual, Termly And Weekly Scheme Of Learning ( SOL ) for KG, basic 1, basic 2, basic 3, basic 4, basic 5 and basic 6 and for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6. Primary School Lesson Notes for First, Second and Third Term Download; National Early Childhood Education Curriculum - NERDC (Ages 0-5 Years) Primary 2 Plan Lesson Notes According to the the Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools (All the Subjects) Skip to content. Identify subject and object pronouns and link them to the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Scheme of Work. PHYSICAL FITNESS AND POPULATION. Listening to speeches on the following: – Human right – Gender issues – Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from 3 0754895241/0783298434 For more visit our site: www. Reading to identify. tekartlearning. Homographs: Words that are Spelled the Same. Scheme of Work Team. a) SQUARE OF ONE AND TWO DIGIT NUMBERS. recall the previous term’s work. 2. 1 Literacy II Schemes of Work, e. FIRST TERM SOCIAL STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY THREE (3) WKS: PRIMARY 1: PRIMARY 2: PRIMARY 3 : ENGLISH STUDIES: ENGLISH STUDIES: ENGLISH STUDIES : TOPICS: TOPICS: TOPICS: 1: Speech Work: Matching objects according to colours and shapes Sounds and Letters: Production of basic sound in given words correctly e. TOPIC: (a) Structure: Abbreviations and Acronyms LEARNING OBJECTIVES. Phonics 3. SUBJECTS/PLAN LESSON NOTES 1. CONTENT: Resumption Test and Revision of last term’s Browse and download the Ghana Education Service (GES) Scheme of Work/Learning, NaCCA Weekly Lesson Plan or Notes for the second term 2. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. explain the meaning of religion. Scheme of work for primary school – Edudelight. 2 Comprehension/Listening Skills-Listening to Grasp the Main Points- Unit 6 Section C- Page 111. SECOND TERM ENGLISH STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY TWO. WEEK: 1. Writing: Giving an account of visits to place of Interest e. . 1 English Schemes of Work, P. Folktales, short stories, syllables words, regular and irregular plurals – Schemeofwork. WEEK ONE: TOPIC. Grammar: Grammatical Accuracies – fill in the Gaps with words from Here is the Term 2 Scheme of Learning download for the current academic year. 3. Writing three to four sentence on everyday attributes using present and past tense 3. P. Written comprehension, extensive/independent reading . Reading comprehension ii. Speech work: Pronunciation practice B. Comprehension 5. CRN is a classroom Teaching and Learning Materials for Teachers by Teachers to continuously inform and encourage teaching. Comma(,) The use of a ENGLISH STUDIES . Introduction to Waw and Yaw as Consonants Islamic Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2; Examination Questions English Grammar Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12; The continuous rise in the search for English Language scheme of work primary 2 first term, second term and third term has been brought to our notice and we thought it necessary to come up with a comprehensive document that can be downloaded for your personal use and kept for future references. PUPILS ACTIVITIES: 1. WEEK 1: Reading. Grammar – Revision on some of difficult area in second term’s work 4. WEEK 1 Resumption Test. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Pupils should be able to: 1. 2016 { All Subject } second term english studies scheme of work for primary one (1) SECOND TERM CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY SIX (6)/ BASIC SIX (6) Read Also While the SS 3 English language scheme of work for second term covers topics like Some Selected Consonant sounds, Class Exercise, Sentence Stress. Skip to content. Primary 3 English Scheme of Work for Second Term : CLASS: Primary/Basic 3 : SUBJECT: English Studies : TERM: Second Term: WEEK: TOPICS: Learning Objectives: 1: Here is the Scheme Of Work For JHS pdf download for the current academic year. English Language Syllabus – Curriculum ENGLISH STUDIES SECOND TERM PLAN LESSON NOTES AND SCHEME OF WORK PRIMARY 6 (BASIC 6) WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES WEEK 1 – REVISION PRIMARY 6 – First Term Examination Links For Primary Schools . 4. Download the Primary 3 English Scheme of Work to serve as a guide for educators/teachers to plan and carry out teaching activities across the academic year. explain what views beliefs, tradition. WEEK 1 i. Reading – Reading Comprehension. 3 English Grammar Scheme Term2 2016 (ecolebooks. Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3 – Schemeofwork. Phonemic awareness 2. Vocabulary 6. pdf: P. TOPIC: Revision of Air. Grammar: Grammatical Accuracies – fill in the Gaps with words from the box E. SECOND TERM ENGLISH STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY THREE (3) WEEK ONE TOPIC. 2 English Schemes of Work, P. Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and Comprehension D. Structure: Reading of letters of invitation and replies (formal and informal) (infuse Nigerian Traditional values). 2 Mathematics Schemes of Work, P. IDENTIFICATION AND USES OF ICT GADGET II. 3 TERM III WK Day Theme s/the me l/a Content Compete nce Methods l/skills L/activitie s Ref Instructi onal material s Rem 1 1 Cultur e and gender in our comm unity Custo ms in our munici pality ENG Vocabular y Language Dance Regular verbs e. WEEK 2-3 (a) Vocabulary and Oral skills development (Word modifiers) Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from 3rd Term Social Studies scheme of work for primary 3 – Edudelight. English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria junior secondary school two (JSS2) students. 2 Schemes of Work for Ugandan primary Schools. 1 Revision of Last Term Work and Exams. A. Writing: Expository explanatory composition e. TOPIC/SKILL: Religious groups in our community. Speech work: Further practice in expressing Possibility and permission B. SCHOOL CALENDARS. WEEK 8 – Handwriting First Term, Second Term and Third Term Scheme of Work with Plan Lesson Notes Primary 2 Each coloured texts (BLUE and RED) contain a link to various subjects in First, Second and Third Term Plan Lesson Notes Click the Coloured Subjects ENGLISH STUDIES First Term Scheme of Work and Plan Lesson Notes for English Studies (Primary 3) Second Term and Third Term WEEK 1. Writing: Guided composition (Narrative Composition English Studies Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Primary 1-3-2021 Edition. FIRST TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY THREE (3) Economics Third Term Scheme of Work and Lesson Notes for Senior Secondary School One( SSS 1) JSS1- JSS3 MATHEMATICS SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK. Of course, I will give the scheme of work for the three terms for all the subjects. 2 Second Term Scheme. Structure, Present Tense -Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Present Perfect English Studies for Primary 3 deals with more comprehensive topics than the preceding classes. 1 Literacy I Schemes of Work, and P. week 7, 1. Structure: Aural discrimination Reading: A football match teaching of new words Meaning comprehension. Grammar: SPEECH WORK – Pronunciation practice: M –P words Concept of print: identify the front cover, back cover, title, author of book, etc. If you go through the list below you shall see the full Eng Language scheme of work for SS 3 second term’s work. First Aid Security Education Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6; The continuous rise in the search for English Language scheme of work primary 1 first term, second term and third term has been brought to our notice and we thought it necessary to come up with a comprehensive document that can be downloaded for your personal use and kept for future references. dance, danced (verbs Reads the given vocabular y Pronounc first term computer studies scheme of work for primary three topic/ content activities activities week 4 – 10 topic/ content activities second term computer studies scheme of work for primary three topic/ content activities week 3 – 10 topic/ content activities third term computer studies scheme of work for primary three topic/ content activities week 3 – 10 topic/ content activities Download Primary Two P. PRIMARY 4 – Third Term English Studies Plan Lesson Notes for English Studies Primary 4 (Basic) Links. Replacement Vacancies for Primary and Secondary Teachers for Sept-Dec 2019; 2024 TERM 1 OPENER FORM 2 3 Lagos State Unified English Scheme of Work Primary 5 for first term, second term and third term. STRUCTURE: Further practice on asking question. WEEK 1. LOWER PRIMARY SCHOOLS 1 – 3 ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICS 1 Arabic Lagos State Scheme Of Work for Primary 1 to Primary 3 2021 Edition Pdf Second Term Exam Questions. PRIMARY 3 – Third Term Scheme of Work and Plan Lesson Note for English Studies Primary 3 (Basic 3) – Links. WEEK 1 Review of Primary three third term work WEEK 2 A. Access Scheme of work, Curriculum for Primary and Scondary Schools. Concepts of prints. Com. Happy Reading! English Scheme, English Studies Scheme of Work Primary 2 Federal, Speech, Expressing plurals, Oral comprehension, Schemeofwork. THIRD TERM ENGLISH STUDIES Primary 3 LESSON NOTE FOR 2nd TERM ENGLISH. SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 3 (BASIC 3) FIRST TERM CRS TERM 1 CRS/CRK LESSONS The Term 3 Scheme of Learning for the covers week 1 to week 10 for all subjects such as GES Term 3 English Language / Termly Scheme Of Learning Download GES Lesson Plan Second Term: KG, JHS Of Learning, Term 2 Weekly Scheme Of Learning, Term 1 Weekly Scheme Of Learning, Term 3 Weekly Scheme Of Learning, Scheme Of Work For Primary English Language third term Scheme of work for Nigeria senior secondary school two (SS2) students. FIRST TERM PLAN LESSON NOTES . Join Us @ 080WhatsApp and 080TeleGram PRIMARY 4 (BASIC 4) LESSON NOTES FIRST TERM, SECOND TERM AND THIRD TERM PLAN LESSON NOTES ACCORDING TO THE THE LAGOS STATE SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 4 (BASIC 4) . WEEK 3: SPEECH WORK – Representation of objects with This post is about scheme of work for primary 3. WEEK 1 Revision of First Term’s work WEEK 2 A. local A. STRUCTURE – Identify major colours e. WEEK 2 i. Structure: comparing things according to weight Size, height, distance, shape and quality. Answering question orally. Third Term Exam Questions. Primary 3 Scheme of Work Third Term . More on Spellings. Week 3: Character Analysis 1. B. com). WEEK 1- Comprehension (Dibia and the zebra crossing) WEEK 2 – Story reading (The boy who had courage. The Scheme Of Work For JHS covers week 1 to week 12 for all subjects such as GES English Scheme Of Work For JHS, Ghanaian Language Scheme Of Work For JHS, Mathematics (Maths) Scheme Of Work For JHS, PE Physical Education Scheme Of Work For JHS, Creative Arts and Design SS1 Second Term English Language Curriculum – Modified II. Online Educational Materials for Teachers and Students. At this stage, the pupils would have been taught the basics of English from their preceding classes, and they would begin learning parts of speech and other related topics. c. More Examination Links All Subjects Nursery 1 Second Term Lesson Notes; English Studies Primary 1 Second Term; Recent Posts. USING QUESTION TAGS. English Scheme of Work for Primary 3 (Basic 3) 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term. These notes are in li. ten and /e/ as in eight, late, cake etc for auditory decimation e. ClassRoomNotes. Universal Basic Education. Monday , 23 December 2024 THIRD TERM CHRISTAIN RELIGION STUDIES SCHEME OF Early Years Foundation Scheme of Work; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE – SCHOOL UPGRADE; Examination Questions for all terms Download; Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary school; GRADUATION AND END OF SESSION CEREMONY PACKAGE; BLENDED BRITISH English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria junior secondary school three (JSS3) students. - Uses the symbol orally and in written work. Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Schemes of Work Download; Examination Questions for all terms Download; Early Childhood Care Education Curriculum -Lagos state; Early Years Foundation Scheme of Work; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE – SCHOOL UPGRADE; Examination Questions for all English Studies Lesson notes for JSS1 Second term – Edudelight. MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS BY 2 DIGIT NUMBER NOT EXCEEDING 50. PRIMARY P. You can equally zoom the note to increase or decrease the display size to fit your preference. D. g. SchemeofWork. GOD’S CREATIONS ARE FOR MAN‘S INTEREST. Fluency 4. First Term: WK 1: Phonemic Awareness WK 2: Phonics I WK 3: Phonics II: Multi Syllabic words Download All The First, Second and Third Term Primary School Lesson Notes For Pry1 To Pry6 For N50,400 N15,000 Literature in English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria senior secondary school two (SS2) students. ACTIVITIES: WRITING – Revision or writing of two letter words. Oral and Writing Comprehension – Oral Comprehension Primar 3. Speech Work – Speech Pronunciation Practice. Writing answers to qu first term, second term and third term plan lesson notes according to the the lagos state scheme of work for primary 3 (basic 3) SUBJECTS/PLAN LESSON NOTES 1. These notes are in lin Lagos state Scheme of work, 2nd Term physical and Health Education Scheme of work Primary School Lesson Notes for First, Second and Third Term Download; LITERATURE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS3. 3 LIT 1 SCHEME TERM 2 2016 (ecolebooks. Written Comprehension. To scroll through the lesson note, use the up and down arrows on the toolbar below. 1 P. SECOND TERM LESSON NOTE PLAN SCHEME OF WORK FOR NURSERY, KG, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS; UNIFIED SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 1 – PRIMARY 3 SCHOOLS OLD SCHEME OF WORK. WEEKS TOPICS/CONTENTS. WEEK 1 – Revision on Download Primary One P. 2023/2024 Academic Calendar. English Scheme of Work Primary 1 Lagos State. explain meaning of new words contextually; ii. TRAINING THE POPULATION TO BE HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE Lagos State Ministry of Education Scheme of work for Senior Secondary School – Edudelight. Edudelight. Week 2: The themes and styles. Use of capital letters, punctuation marks, full stop, comma etc. TERM 1 STUDIES STUDIES WEEK 1 PLAN LESSON NOTES Phonological Awareness – Sounds Made by Various Animals (Primary 1) Speech Work – Simple Greetings and Commands (Primary 1) Vocabulary – Scheme of work for Year 4 /GRADE 4 (2ND term) – EduDelightTutors. WEEK 1 A. ACCORDING TO THE THE LAGOS STATE SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 3 (BASIC 3) TERM 2 MATHS LESSONS WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES. History Scheme of Work Primary 3 Lagos State. C. LABOUR AND TRADE UNION. 2024 2024-FORM-3-ENGLISH--OF-WORK-TERM-3-WITH-SAMARITAN SCHEMES OF WORK . Schemeofwork. . com SCHEME OF WORK FOR ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 1 SECOND TERM. Structure: The tenses (Modal Auxiliaries. SECOND TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY THREE (3) FIRST TERM, SECOND TERM AND THIRD TERM PLAN LESSON NOTES. Reading: teaching of new words, meaning and comprehension C. Access English scheme of work primary for first term, second term and third term. write an assignment on the last term’s work. ’ leg. let us have a cake for our birthday . Speech work: Further practice in the use of Tense, Present, past present, perfect and past Continuous tense. ; Structure: Reported speech [Commands]; Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and comprehension Grammar: Sentence building Writing: Responding to a formal invitation Dictation: Selected sentences from the passage Read. Week 1: Introduction to Faceless by Amma Darko. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. READING 1. About The Author WEEK 3. WEEK 3 – Event description. WEEK 4 – Vocabulary. Prefixes. b) SQUARE ROOT OF ONE AND TWO DIGIT NUMBER. CONTENT: Revision of last term’s work Assignments on the last term’s work TEACHER ACTIVITIES: 1. The table below contains GES weekly lesson Plan for all stages of education; KG 1, KG 2, as well as JHS, and Both Lower and Upper primary schools (i. describe wind as air in motion. 1 Mathematics Schemes of Work, P. Early Years Foundation Scheme of Work; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE – SCHOOL UPGRADE; Examination Questions for all terms Download; Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary school; GRADUATION AND END OF SESSION CEREMONY PACKAGE; BLENDED BRITISH Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS3 English Language Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS3 English Language Lesson Note. com Scheme SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE SS 2. Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Schemes of Work Download; Examination Questions for all terms Download; Early Childhood Care Education Curriculum -Lagos state; Early Years Foundation Scheme of Work; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE – SCHOOL UPGRADE; Examination Questions for all Download the Primary 3 English Scheme of Work to serve as a guide for educators/teachers to plan and carry out teaching activities across the academic year. SECOND TERM PLAN LESSON NOTES. Teachers carefully chooses interesting comprehensive passages from their course book or Primary 3 Scheme of Work Second Term . Speech work: Reading letters written to an old Classmate, mother, an old neighbor B. 1. t. com . ii. WEEK 1- Comprehension (Dibia and the zebra crossing) WEEK 2 – Story reading (The boy who had English Scheme, English Studies Scheme of Work Primary 3 Federal, Use of Regular and Irregular plural, Stress and intonation, Schemeofwork. WRITING – Introduction of three letter words. Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and comprehension D. Second Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 (Basic 6) CRS Exam Questions. ; Grammar: Word formation: Noun formed from Adjectives Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from 3 PRIMARY English | YEAR 3 – Scheme of Work Term 1 which is supported by pictures. The Term 2 Scheme of Learning for the covers week 1 to week 10 for all subjects such as GES Term 2 English Language / Termly Scheme Of Learning ( SOL ), GES Term 2 Mathematics / Termly Scheme Of Learning PRIMARY 3 SECOND TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK. WRITING – writing of Alphabets a -e WEEK 7: SPEECH WORK – Pronunciation WEEK 1 Review of areas of difficulty in first term’s work WEEK 2 A. Topic: Read it slowly the second time, noting the main points and details; Lagos State Scheme of Work Primary 3. VOCABULARY – new words COMPREHENSION: Describe information gained from texts in own words. Revision of First Term’s work. white, black etc. Sign in HOME; UGANDA RESOURCES. ACCORDING TO THE THE LAGOS STATE . Primary 3 Second Term Examination English Studies Week 12. use new vocabulary grammatically in Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from 1. WRITING 1. PRIMARY 2 – Third Term Scheme of Work and Plan Lesson Note for English Studies Primary 2 (Basic 2) – Links . 2 Literacy II Schemes of Work, e. VOCABULARY – New words READING: answering oral and written questions on simple text correctly. By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: English Grammar Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes – EduDelightTutors. SPEECH; Resumption Test and Revision of last term’s work. //b/d/. identify various religious practiced in our community. 1 Schemes of Work for Ugandan primary Schools. WEEK 6 – Punctuation marks; WEEK 7 – present and past tenses. MATHEMATICS OF WORK FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS English Studies Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1 Class: Primary/Basic 1 Subject: English Studies Term: First Term: Week: Topics: Learning Objectives: 1: Vocabulary:New words : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to; i. Explains the answer orally. PRY 5 ENGLISH SCHEME OF WORK SECOND TERM . Intonation. com Wk PD THEME Aspect skills competences content methods Activities life skills L/Aids Ref 2 Grammar The learner; - Identifies the symbol of a comma. CONTENT: 1. WEEK: THEME: CONTENT: ACTIVITIES: 1: Resumption test: Resumption test: Resumption test: 2: LISTENING/SPEAKING Intonation, stress and rhythm: 1. Vocabulary: New words Reading: Introduction of basic reading skills. WEEK 2. Speech work: Pronunciation practice Reading: teaching of new words, meaning and comprehension Structure: Reading of letters of invitation and replies (formal and informal) (infuse Nigerian Traditional values). second term english studies scheme of work for primary five (5)/ basic five WEEK 1 A. second term lesson note plan scheme of work for nursery, kg, primary and secondary schools All Subjects Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes All Subjects Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from WEEK 1. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL BY 2 DIGIT NUMBERS. Speech work: Abbreviated forms of letter, Reduction of details to telegram forms the Mail/fax – text message. This Lesson Note on English Primary 3 (Basic Three) 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term covers weekly prepared lesson notes and each of them is rich in classwork, curriculum Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3. So I will be giving you the first term, second term and third term primary 3 scheme of work. WEEK 2: SPEECH WORK – pronunciation: I – L words. This scheme aims to guide educators in planning engaging and thorough exercises as well as learning goals for the pupils. 2 Literacy I Schemes of Work, and P. LISTENING/SPEAKING; Pronunciation of vowel ad diphthongs /e/ and /ei/ CONTENT: The sound /e/ as in ‘e. General Mathematics Scheme of Work Primary 2 Lagos State Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from All Subjects Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes and Scheme of work; All Subjects Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes; All Subjects Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes; All Subjects Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Unified Schemes of Work Mathematics Primary 1 To Primary 3; Scheme of Work for Kindergarten, Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools; English Studies Primary 1 Second Term; Recent Posts. Structure: Lagos state ministry of education Scheme of work. Grammar: Further practice in the use of tense, Present, past present, perfect and past. Primary 3 English Language Scheme of work for second term. Structure: Reported speech C. - Schemeofwork. Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Schemes of Work Download; Examination Questions for all terms Download; Early Childhood Care Education Curriculum -Lagos state; Early Years Foundation Scheme of Work; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE – SCHOOL UPGRADE; Examination Questions for all The Lagos State Government Ministry of Education’s Unified Scheme of Work for Primary Schools is the source of this unified scheme of work for primary 3. SECOND TERM ENGLISH LESSONS – work in progress Federal Scheme of Work for Primary School; First Term Primary Lesson Notes Download; Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download; Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term) Standard School For Sale At FCT; SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GUIDE; Nursery Scheme of work-(Nursery 1, 2, 3) Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS3 English Language Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term SS3 English Language Lesson Note. Grammar: Word formation: Noun formed from Adjectives E. pdf) or read book online for free. Read Also. Re-read own writing, improving a sentence eg by adding an adjective or checking punctuation at the end of sentences. Week 4. The notes includes P. ENGLISH STUDIES LESSONS FIRST TERM ENGLISH LESSONS – First Term second term english studies scheme of work for primary five (5)/ basic five WEEK 1 A. e Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Basic 4, Basic 5, Basic 6). MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL BY DECIMAL. com. WEEK 5 – Concepts of print. Spread the Word, Share This! PRIMARY 3 SECOND TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK. Writes on the chalkboard. whlii qzmpuc ellapq azkqpgcc wpcl dgyl zsrd jrhzipv wmwlew cvl