Poultry breeds introduction slideshare The document also discusses raising other small animals like pigeons, as well as pig farming and the different pig breeds. It also provides a table comparing the key traits of each breed. Poultry is the second most widely eaten meat in the world, accounting for about 30% of meat production worldwide, after pork at 38%. • Lamoreux and Hutt (1939) reported that White Leghorn chicks survived longer on diets deficient in or lacking vitamin B1 than did Rhode Island Red chicks. 2 Egg production Backyard poultry production is at the subsistence level of farming. Dec 25, 2016 · After brooding stage, grower stage happens to every poultry species. Apr 3, 2024 · Chapter 1 Overview of the Poultry Production Introduction: The Poultry Industry in the Philippines The significant development in the poultry industry over the past several decades can be attributed to the application of modern technologies on breeding, reproduction, nutrition, animal health, production and processing. 6-9 3 Integrated Farming systems- Role of Livestock and Poultry, manure management methods, Duck/Fish/Rice Culture. List the states that lead in broiler, egg, and turkey production. Presentations (1) Philippines Commercial Poultry Breeds. Jan 13, 2023 · 3. It provides specific breed names for chickens such as Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orphington, Cornish White, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red, and White Leghorn. 2011 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW & CURRENT TREND /FACTS The impacts of Poultry Research (e. Dec 25, 2012 · Table 1: Schemes for Promotion of Kadaknath Breed in Jahabua Year Scheme Beneficiaries Ten members of Kalawati SHG in village Mindal, block 2004 - 05 Jhabua Promotion of Kadaknath poultry units in 100 beneficiaries of 10 SHGs of 10 blocks of Jhabua SGSY groups through joint scheme of Jila district 2005 - 06 Panchayat Jhabua and Animal Husbandry 9. 4 flocks per year. • The same applies to poultry production which came from a low level and rose by a factor of more than ten. The Student will be able to…. Read less Jul 29, 2013 · 7. 527 views • 29 slides Classification of Poultry Breed: a group of related animals that have distinctive characteristics and have evolved from common ancestors Variety: a subclassification of a species based on certain traits like color and comb type Type: the purpose of the animal (broiler, layer) Feb 28, 2012 · Poultry Breeds. 74% of the total chicken population of the country are Native Chicken native (UPLB, 2001) distributed as follows: Western Visayas, 13. You have to select those breeds which are suitable for your layer poultry farming business and can produce well in your area. The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) It is a utility bird raised for meat and eggs, and also as a show bird. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks of age. • Poultry meat showed the highest growth during the last 35 years (Windhorst, 2006). 3% annually until 2023 to 134. byeshfcaerfsz Follow. Livestock Improvement The This document identifies and describes the characteristics of different chicken breeds. • These varieties are developed for specific characteristics: – grow faster and larger – larger breast meat yield – more efficient feed conversion – more disease resistance • These varieties are used by broiler producing companies that commercially 6. 5-37. Characteristics A small, noisy bird, like to move about. many parallel manage-mental events is undertaken to make the birds good layers. Its raising is more beneficial than livestock as it is easy to raise and maintain, faster breeding and growth, short life span, requires little space and can be acclimatized to various climatic conditions, average Mar 3, 2021 · The document provides information on the current status of the poultry industry globally and in India. The document provides tips for selecting good quality work Experience: Grand Parent Farm and Hatchery : Breeds Arbor acres, Lohmann , Ross Parent Farm and Hatcheries : Aviagen , Cobb Feed Milling Commercial Broiler farming , integration and processing semi automatic Laboratory Training along with teaching experience Project design , execution It divides ducks into meat, egg, and ornamental types and describes the key characteristics of popular breeds like Pekin, Aylesbury, Muscovy, Rouen, Cayuga, Khaki Campbell, Indian Runner, and some ornamental and Indian breeds. 0: LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION IMPROVEMENT OF LIVESTOCK BREEDS Introduction: The goal for keeping animals is to produce animal products which are sufficient and qualities enough. feeding is the most essential part in this stage Read less The document discusses different breeds of chickens classified into American, Mediterranean, English, and Asiatic classes. POULTRY POULTRY is defined as the domestication of birds for obtaining their feathers, eggs, meat etc. Score cards are used to grade birds on various phenotypic traits for either production or breed characteristics. It discusses the differences between commercial and heritage chicken breeds. It also explains about the PURPOSE OF POULTRY FARMING, Different breeds of chickens, live poultry selection steps, TYPES OF BREEDS - INDIGENOUS BREEDS - EXOTIC BREEDS, The common 5 types of breeds, types of poultry farming, STEPS IN CHICKEN REARING,BYPRODUCTS OF POULTRY, DISEASES OF THE POULTRY & conclusion. The document traces the ancestry of modern chicken breeds back to the Red Jungle Jan 12, 2017 · 1. The document also discusses the Fayoumi chicken breed and barred Plymouth rock. 5. Parts. POULTRY BREEDS-HISTORY OF EVOLUTION Cold blooded (poikilotherms) reptiles are the ancestors of birds The birds are warm blooded, (homeotherms) feathered and flying reptiles, adapted for hot and dry climate of their terrestrial habitat birds are classified into the class Aves, Subclass Neornithes, super order Ratitae (flat breast bone- Ostrich, Emu and Kiwi) and Carinatae (Keel breast bone 8. 03 million heads of Feb 17, 2014 · Systematic steps to arrest decline of poultry biodiversity: • Standards: Compilation of Pakistan Poultry Breed Standards and Specifications like British Poultry Standards or American Standards of perfection. Feb 13, 2015 · 3. Some key points: - Globally, poultry meat production is projected to grow 2. Light Brahmas. It begins by explaining that the red jungle fowl is considered the main ancestor of domestic chickens. Read less May 14, 2010 · This document lists various types of poultry including chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese. Many indigenous breed are on the decline some of these breeds are vulnerable and some of these breeds have become endangered. Light Brahmas • Skin Color- Yellow • Egg Color- Brown • Origin - China • Characteristics: • 1. 4 Rhode Island Red-Chicken. They remain laying eggs continuously till their 72-78 weeks of age. A standard broiler production cycle lasts around 7 weeks, allowing for 7. Selection methods include individual selection based on phenotype, pedigree selection using family records, and family selection involving progeny or sib testing. g the moribond Shika Breed) and Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC) is yet to be remarkably felt. For poultry, it categorizes breeds into American, English, Mediterranean and Asiatic classes and provides examples such as Rhode Island Red, Leghorn and Brahma. It provides statistics on the total number of poultry and egg production in the country. Nov 11, 2022 · Bulls of a distinct breed are bred on non-descript cows from generation to generation. A typical egg laying breed chicken can produce between 180-240 eggs a year per hen. It discusses 18 different breeds including Aseel, Kadaknath, Naked Neck, and Frizzle. It is a popular choice for backyard flocks because of its egg laying abilities and hardiness The Rhode Island Red is the state bird of Rhode Island. It has eight colors recognized. Dual Purpose Breeds The cows in these breeds are average milk yielder and male animals are very useful for work. Angus Black Polled Originates from Scotland Most registered Breed in US Good carcass quality. • natural colour of semen is white or pearly white. Dec 2, 2011 · Major Breeds of Beef, Swine, and Poultry. It describes the distinctive features of important exotic breeds from American, Mediterranean, and English classes including New Hampshire, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, and Australorp. Details are given on common quail breeds categorized as lightweight, medium-weight, and heavyweight that differ in terms of egg production, growth rate, foraging ability, and temperament. So as to achieve, this livestock keepers, must have good quality animals, feeding them well and keep them healthy. 18. • Over a period of time due to various reasons (availability of commercial broilers and layers at cheaper rates, outbreaks of Avian Influenza, New Castle disease etc. 89 tons in 2007 to 1. SUMMARY Increased labour cost and feed cost gives limited scope for large poultry farms and so backyard poultry production should be encouraged. Education 1 day ago · Poultry farming, raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but also for feathers. There is no treatment preventive measure is feeding good quality food CROP BOUND The disease is caused by regular overeating espacially rough and fibrous food the crop become enlarged and protrude prominently at initial stages it can be treated by giving a Jan 6, 2020 · Introduction To Poultry Science. 1 Definition of Poultry Poultry, pullet - Poultry is derived from Latin pullus, "young animal" or "chicken"; kept for eggs or meat or feathers such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. 1-5 2 Various systems of livestock production-extensive - semi intensive- intensive mixed. There are 181. Oct 23, 2017 · POULTRY FARMING Poultry is the branch of animal husbandry concerned with rearing of birds for eggs and meat. They have been genetically selected for high egg productivity. It provides details on the origins, physical characteristics, and purposes (meat/eggs) of various breeds such as Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, Orpington, Aseel, Kadaknath, Banaba, and Paraoakan. POULTRY SCIENCE Poultry science is the study of principles and practices involved in the production and marketing of poultry and its products. Feb 17, 2014 · BREEDS • There are over 100 recognized chicken breeds in the world. NUTRITIONAL ROUP It is due to deficiency of vitamin A symptoms includes discharge from nostrils eyes and swelling benaeth the eyes. Layer Hen Selection: You have to keep in mind some essential information before selecting the layer hens for your poultry farming business. Grading processes, cuts of meat, and recommended cooking methods are outlined for each type. Introduction Chicken, turkey, duck , geese and game birds, are all types of birds called poultry. 2. K to 12 TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION AGRICULTURE/FISHERY - ANIMAL PRODUCTION (Exploratory) *TWG on K to 12 Curriculum Guide – version January 31, 2012 3 Teacher’s Guide for TLE Exploratory Course on Animal Production Introduction This Teacher’s Guide is intended for you, the TLE teacher, who teaches any of the more than 24 TLE exploratory courses in the Grades 7 and 8 of the K Mar 6, 2024 · 2. Major Breeds of Beef, Swine, and Poultry . 8. INTRODUCTION TO POULTRY FARMING The course covers: Status and perspective of Indian Poultry Industry Various types of poultry farms and farming systems practised in India Chicken Farming: Small Scale and Commercial Layer and Broiler Farming System for eggs and meat Farming of other poultry species like Duck, Quail and Turkey The examples of Indian milch breeds are shahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir and Deoni The milk production of milk breeds is on the average more than 1600 kg per lactation. It covers topics such as chicken classes, chromosomes, lifespan, temperature regulation, incubation requirements, egg formation, broiler and layer development, and specialized chicken breeds. It includes chickens (fowls), ducks, geese turkeys, guinea-fowls, peafowls, pigeons and quails. Poultry farming is the form of animal husbandry which raises domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese to produce eggs and meat for food. Several breeds of chicken are used to produce different products. The domesticated chicken is most widely propagated in commercial purpose to meet the demands of eggs and meat. 3. Jul 4, 2024 · 3. Jan 17, 2014 · This document discusses different breeds of poultry, including their classification and characteristics. doc / . Feb 1, 2011 · Poultry genetics and breeding. Apr 26, 2023 · This document summarizes different breeds of poultry classified into exotic, common hybrid, indigenous, and dual breeds. 3 billion to the Gross National Income. ) • Kingdom : Animalia • Phylum : Chordata (with back bone) • Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata (with spinal column) • Class: Aves (Feathered, warm blooded, 4 chambered heart) • Subclass: Neornithes (without teeth) Archaeornithes are Jan 6, 2020 · Introduction To Poultry Science. Aug 9, 2015 · 8) Poultry farming :- Poultry farming is done for egg production and chicken meat. There is no treatment preventive measure is feeding good quality food CROP BOUND The disease is caused by regular overeating espacially rough and fibrous food the crop become enlarged and protrude prominently at initial stages it can be treated by giving a Mar 27, 2018 · 2. It provides information on 10 chicken breeds including White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Araucana, and Brahma. Read less Feb 8, 2021 · Example: Classification of Breeds and Varieties of Chicken Breeds Variety Leghorn White, single comb Brown, Rose comb Plymouth rock White barried MLBibat2020 20 21. are extremely docile and renowned for their tender and flavorful red meat pork 3. Hereford. Weights 4 lbs. It identifies various classes of chickens based on attributes like age, sex, weight and breed. ) . Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old. poultry: similarities Small livestock that do require a lot of land or investment. Read less This document provides information about various livestock species including cattle, swine, poultry, sheep and goats. Aug 24, 2014 · This document contains information about poultry and egg production in Nepal, as well as details on common chicken breeds raised for both meat and eggs. Read less Nov 1, 2017 · 2. It also covers bantam breeds, Indian chicken breeds, and the junglefowl ancestors of domestic chickens. The breeds vary in origin, appearance, egg color, commercial purpose as egg layers or meat. Subsequent to breed standardization, specialized lines have been developed for a high growth rate or This document provides information on various indigenous fowl breeds found in India. Angus. • Nest should be placed in the darker part of the house and clean regularly Havard Brown etc. Follow. For swine, it covers common breeds, anatomy, and farrowing and finishing production systems. Not difficult to handle. EKO POULTRY SHOW- POULTRY ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (PAN) LAGOS: 26th OCT. Final animal resembles the breed of bull used. The term “POULTRY” refers to all the domesticated species of birds reared for the purpose of eggs, meat and feathers. Introduction • The Mediterranean Class includes the Italian and Spanish subclasses of poultry. Breeds CHICKEN Sussex is a British breed of dual- purpose chicken (meat and eggs). Large, gentle nature 2. Learn about the principles and practices of poultry farming. Mar. Most commercial broilers reach slaughter weight between four and seven weeks of age, although slower growing breeds reach slaughter weight at approximately 14 weeks of age. It is a mixture of different breeds and believed to have descended from the domesticated red jungle fowl. Breeds of Swine: An Introduction What will be learned? First, we will be looking at some facts about swine production, and a little history. Details are given on rearing including housing, ventilation, lighting, and feeding. CHICKEN:CHICKEN: Rock Cornish game henRock Cornish game hen: 5-6 weeks, young chicken, very tender and delicate. pdf), Text File (. 4 to 0. Egg Shell Color White. Report. Giridhar Athrey, in Animal Agriculture, 2020. Butter fat content is 7 % average lactation yield is vary from The growth of tile poultry industry in the Philippines has indeed been impressive but its problems including inefficient management and the prevalence of many destructive poultry diseases and parasites cannot be ignored. Poultry History Cond/ Despite centuries of selection for conformation and plumage and decades of selection for eggs and meat, most behavior of wild relatives is also shown by modern poultry. Recall the major poultry enterprises. It discusses 12 breeds: White Leghorn, Australorp, Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Brahma, Silkie, Bresse, Aseel, Minorca, New Hampshire. It outlines objectives of identifying the right poultry breed, explaining nutrition, listing important nutrients, and managing diseases. Nov 12, 2021 · It provides an overview of Unit 1 which covers the introduction to organic chicken production. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance, while guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest. Domestic Fowl Domestic fowl were domesticated from red jungle fowl over 8000 years ago, and the basis of modern breeds existed by Roman times. May 14, 2022 · breeds-of-poultry. Chickens make up the largest sector of Poultry industry. • Arrange feeder and waterer in the poultry house to the height of birds’ • Provide nest box for every 5 layers about a week before the first egg is laid. India is the home for many Breeds of Native Chicken like Aseel, Kadak Nath Jul 9, 2024 · Characteristics of poultry management systems Production system No of eggs per hen/year No of eggs for consumption & sale Suitable breeds Scavenging (free-range) 20-30 0 local breeds Improved scavenging and health care 40-60 10-20 local breeds Semi-intensive 100 30-50 hybrids or local Intensive (deep litter) 160-180 50-60 hybrids Intensive Problems of the chicken industry High cost of feed ingredients (imported) Inefficient management Insufficient housing and facilities Disease outbreaks Marketing and processing of products Capital Climate Threat of avian influenza Farming heritage chicken breeds of the Philippines The birds were finally domesticated around 4000 years ago, when Prof DR at Suez Canal University; College of Agriculture Industry. Aug 31, 2010 · This document provides a classification of various buffalo breeds around the world based on their taxonomy, domestication, and locations. They are divided into two types: Those that lay white or brown eggs. 8 degree Celsius The Eggs needs to turn every 4 hours for Nov 3, 2014 · National Academy ofAgricultural Research Management Page 2 Introduction- Poultry egg and meat are important sources of high quality proteins, minerals and vitamins to balance the human diet. India is the 5th introduction to poultry farming | PPT - SlideShare Poultry Production and Management | Penn State Extension Introduction to poultry | PPT - SlideShare Aug 8, 2020 · 16. 565 views • 17 slides Native chicken breeds are well known for their adaptability to local agro-climatic condition, hardiness, ability to utilize farm-by-product Reinventing native chicken production with ZamPen Native Chicken Reinventing native chicken production with ZamPen Native Chicken Ricardo R. It is estimated that 54. 6 ml of semen Incubator The Use of Incubator Artificial incubation is preferred over natural incubation Uniformity of sizes of chicks May cross breed chickens do not brood Inexpensive Maximizes productivity of egg-laying hens Chicken hatches in 21 days Temperature in the incubator ranges from 37. 17. 565 views • 17 slides Jul 22, 2015 · The document discusses various breeds of poultry and fish. • Instead, they are hybrid varieties or combinations of many different breeds. Chicken dominates the poultry Production in India with nearly 95% of the total Egg Production and the rest is contributed by Ducks and others (DADF, 2014). are very suitable for commercial layer poultry farming. Argana TEKNO SAKA believed to have descended from the 3. VALDEZ, BS Agriculture Cavite State University April 07, 2019 In 2017, it is recorded that the poultry industry contributed PhP 59. 1. INDEX SN Chapter Page No 1 Prelusion-Significance of livestock and poultry in Indian economy-Livestock and Poultry census - role of livestock and poultry in Indian agriculture. Sep 23, 2013 · Poultry - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Feb 13, 2015 · 2. • Expecting a steady increase in the future. Skin Color- Yellow Egg Color- Brown Origin - China Characteristics: 1. Introduction To Poultry Science. The broiler chicken Oct 12, 2015 · 2. The most notable decrease in stocks was the numerous losses incurred by farms mainly in Luzon due to diseases like hog cholera, PRRS, Pseudorabies, Swine Flu and Circovirus in the last year. In rural areas, since less investment is required to start the 4. Fairly good mothers. ABOUT POULTRY FARMING Poultry is the most efficient converter of low fiber food stuff (which is not good for human consumption) into highly nutritious animal protein food. • Poultry refers to a wide variety of birds of several species and it refers to them whether they are alive or dressed (slaughtered and prepared for market. Commercial breeds are selected for high production and growth rates but lack genetic diversity and disease resistance. • Both subclasses are known for their white ear lobes. Improved poultry breeds are developed to produce layers for eggs and broilers for meat. Red with white face Not polled Originates from England Docile Breed. This unit will teach learners to identify the external parts of a chicken, classify chickens, describe the chicken life cycle, recognize healthy chicks and pullets, describe types of poultry houses, and explain housing requirements. It also discusses feeding and caring for poultry. Species of birds under this category includes chicken, ducks, quails, turkey, guineafowl, geese, pheasants, emu and ostrich. Introduction : After humans observed the benefits they could obtain from domestic animals, they continued to maintain their influence on domesticated animals with more and more sophisticated technologies as time goes, as seen, for example, with the method of genomic selection currently used. It is graceful with a long, broad, flat back, and straight breastbone. It discusses several Asian and African river and swamp buffalo breeds such as Murrah, Nili-Ravi, Jaffarabad, Surti, Mehsana, Bhadawari, Nagpuri, Pandaripuri, Egyptian, Jimes, Khoozestani, Kerabao, and Tedong. 32%; Southern Mindanao Jan 30, 2022 · LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THEME 2. Poultry Production (Provide Feeds and Implement Feeding Practices) Module 2 Department of Education Republic of the Philippines This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. Variety : It is the sub-division of a breed distinguished mainly by colour of plumage, type of comb, etc. Cross-breeding between Indian varieties like Aseel and foreign varieties like Leghorn is done to develop new varieties. • These varieties are developed for specific characteristics: – grow faster and larger – larger breast meat yield – more efficient feed conversion – more disease resistance • These varieties are used by broiler producing companies that commercially Dec 26, 2016 · 2. For example, Leghorn breed of chicken has 12 varieties, like white, brown and buff coloured plumage, and single and rose type comb, etc. 05 million heads in national inventory consisting of 64. 1 SlideShare 2 Followers. Feb 3, 2021 · This document discusses different breeds and varieties of Japanese quail. • Heavy breed male - 0. Historically, the primary breeders maintained reserve stocks of heritage breeds for their own breeding programs, however the convergence of breeding companies on a few breeds that make up their successful products has resulted in a thinning of heritage-based genetic diversity. For each breed, it describes their origin/distribution, physical characteristics, and performance attributes like body weight, egg production, and fertility. White Leghorns originate from Italy, lay white eggs weighing around 57g, and are the most widely used commercial egg laying breed due to their high productivity. • Domestic poultry has been bred in Italy for the past 2,500 years. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain, or enhance ecological harmony. Importance of poultry business Poultry eggs and meat are considered to be one of the best healthy sources of animal protein of high biological value. Contract FarmingContract Farming Contract farming companies are generally highlyContract farming companies are generally highly specialized poultry producers and can supplyspecialized poultry producers and can supply signed up farmers with high performing breeds,signed up farmers with high performing breeds, particularly for meat production. Lard or pork type – breeds of pigs that have pork and wide body conformation – Short body length, tend to put a lot of fat easily Bacon or meat type – breeds of pigs with long and rounded body with thin pork – Develop higher levels of muscling – Fast growing and larger Dual purpose breed – breed which is derive mostly by breeding the first two types TYPES OF HOGS Jul 15, 2019 · 17. Desi chicken breeds grown under free range backyard conditions contribute about 10-12% of the total egg production in India. Majority of Ducks are found in certain states on the eastern and southern coast like West Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc. Hens lay some 180-220 eggs per year and each egg weighs about 60g. Specially developed breeds of egg type chicken are now available with an ability of quick growth and high feed conversion efficiency. Unit A: Introduction to Animal Science. By: Chris Sodek. Read less Nov 9, 2018 · It begins with an introduction to poultry and the importance of poultry farming, particularly for small rural families. Dec 19, 2015 · 2. LIVES poultry value chain development interventions: Approaches and scalable interventions Abule Ebro, Yoseph Mekasha, Solomon Gizaw, Yayneshet Tesfay, Zeleke Mekuriaw, Gemeda Dhuguma, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Dirk Hoekstra and Azage Tegegne Workshop and Exhibition on Promoting Productivity and Market Access Technologies and Approaches to Improve Farm Income and Livelihoods in Ethiopia: Lessons 7. Dec 26, 2022 · Local poultry accounts for 80% of sub-Saharan Africa's poultry production, and Nigeria is known for having her 180 million free-range chickens. • Extension: Encourage local/fancy chicken breeding at their source locations • Coordination: Coordinate with zoological parks and Nov 2, 2019 · Poultry breeds - Download as a PDF or view online for free Apr 16, 2020 · Broiler is any chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) that is bred and raised specifically for meat production. Tightly curved horn is an important characters of this breed. 86 tons in 2008. Poor data/statistics culture stalls effective national الخالصة 1 - األخرى الدواجن تربية في مقدمة 1- Introduction of raising other poultry 20 الدواجن ( Poultry ) هي الطيور ،المستأنسة التي تربى لإلستفادة من لحومها وبيوضها The Complete Guide to Poultry Breeds Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply Back to Basics Farming book 394. Minorcas are the largest of the Mediterranean chicken breeds, with long angular bodies and tails held closely to their narrow frames. Poultry Terms to Know Layer-a mature female chicken that produces eggs. These include broilers, roasters, capons, hens, cocks and jumbo broilers. Breed of buffaloes whose home is Rohtak, Hisar and Jind of Haryana and Nabha and Patiala district of Panjab. Problems of the chicken industry High cost of feed ingredients (imported) Inefficient management Insufficient housing and facilities Disease outbreaks Marketing and processing of products Capital Climate Threat of avian influenza Farming heritage chicken breeds of the Philippines The birds were finally domesticated around 4000 years ago, when Jan 18, 2018 · This document provides guidance on selecting chicken breeds for different purposes such as eggs, meat, or pets. Use An egg-type chicken. The word "poultry" comes from the French word” “poule”, which is derived from the latin word “pullus” which means “small animal Sep 4, 2021 · It gives introduction on what is poultry farming and started with riddles. Beef Cattle Breeds. For each breed, it describes their origin, morphological features, egg production rates, weights, and feeding requirements. Birds live free range and hatch their own eggs. Grading up Non-descript cow x Jersey Bull F1 - 50% ND + 50% Jersey x Jersey Bull F2 - 25% ND + 75% Jersey x This document discusses goat and sheep production in the Philippines. ORGANIC AGRICULTURE is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. ), the population of indigenous birds has decreased at an alarming rate. Handling of poultry and Poultry Products 1. Kadaknath Information source: ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal Dec 2, 2011 · Major Breeds of Beef, Swine, and Poultry. Teacher Oak Harbor High School. Indigenous buffalo breed (a) Murrah It is the most imp. Each module contains 1-3 lessons on topics like selecting a site for a poultry house, housing poultry, selecting and procuring stock, brooding, feeding broilers and layers, and maintaining health and sanitation. Large, gentle nature • 2. Introduction to Livestock and Poultry - Free download as Word Doc (. The egg laying poultry bird is called egger or layer, while the one reared for obtaining meat is called chicken or broiler. Introduction Philippine native chicken is the common fowl found in the backyards of most rural households. Choosing the best breed can be challenging, and this lecture will make aware of the various breeds and varieties, and will provide necessary information so that poultry farmers can select the right type for given situation. Well feathered - can withstand cold temps. 4. Laying Breeds Laying breeds are the best choice if you want to have eggs above all else. • Lysine and arginine requirement also varies from breed to breed and strain to strain • Thin shelled eggs are failure of the hen to absorb enough calcium; increasing the Calcium uptake only partially corrects the conditions 1. The modules provide introductions, learning objectives, definitions, lessons, self-checks (19 poultry breeds) with low egg and meat production potential. Both breeds are well suited for egg production but differ in feather color, egg color/size, and nutritional profile. The document discusses the classification and selection of different types of poultry and game birds. Breed improvement work in Pakistan has mainly revolved around artificial insemination (AI) programmes. Apr 28, 2011 · 6. 527 views • 29 slides Feb 27, 2016 · The Minorca chicken breed originated on the island of Minorca off the coast of Spain and was later brought to England and the United States. The most numerous breed. Poultry genetics resources. Information is also provided on other poultry breeds such as bantam chickens, Indian chicken breeds, and ancestral junglefowl. After assessing these select breeds of swine, we will look at desirable characteristics for certain areas. It provides source of income and opportunities of employment at poultry farms, hatcheries, poultry processing units, equipments manufactures, meat and egg marketing channels etc. docx), PDF File (. 9 & 98. Import Ban protected local industry from undue competition. So, now-a-days conservation of these breeds has become necessary. 101,102 Rabbits vs. This document discusses different breeds and varieties of Japanese quail. The production sequence includes breeding, hatching, growing the chickens freely on farms, processing them at 6-7 pounds, and distributing the meat to A broiler is a chicken is 6 to 7 weeks of age and weighs 4 pounds when it is sent to market. It outlines 7 common species of quail globally. Louis Damschroder Ag. Dec 5, 2016 · This document provides information on small-scale poultry production focusing on rearing broiler chickens. It describes their characteristics, origins, uses, and weights. 3% of the hereditary characters of Pure Breed. 9. the most popular are: Plymouth rock (white, barred, speckled, brown). May 27, 2016 · Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Varieties Single Comb, and Rose Comb Sep 5, 2013 · It identifies the six main categories of poultry recognized by the USDA and provides details on specific varieties like chicken, turkey, duck, goose and more. • The number of poultry farmers dropped from nearly 3. The disease scare was such that farmers immediately sold Nov 11, 2022 · For pigs, it describes native Indian breeds like Ghungroo and Nicobari as well as commercial breeds including Berkshire, Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc and Hampshire. Goat production declined slightly in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous year, with the top producing regions being Ilocos, Central Visayas, and Western Visayas. According to Feb 26, 2015 · 14. Several breeds are then described in detail, focusing on their appearance, size, egg production qualities, and uses for meat or eggs. POULTRY The term poultry is designated to those species of birds, which are economical and can reproduce freely under human care. Food safety and proper handling of poultry is also emphasized. USDA does not require inspection of small-scale poultry slaughter or rabbits. txt) or view presentation slides online. 75 to 1 ml • light breed male - 0. Then, we will be looking somewhat in depth at a few breeds of swine and their characteristics. 21. 5 million to a few 100,000. Origin city of Leghorn, Italy. pptx - Download as a PDF or view online for free 1 SlideShare 2 Followers. 30, Sep 19, 2009 · The document summarizes common breeds of swine, including their origin, ear shape, coloration, and key traits. Strain: A specific chicken breeding flock bearing a given name and produced by a breeder through at least five generations of closed flock mating and Jul 14, 2017 · 18. Judging contests are held by the government to evaluate breeders, animal lovers, and students. Their milk production per lactation is 500 kg to 150 kg. 10-12 4 Jan 15, 2013 · 4. They tend to be small bodied so they are undesirable for meat production. Birds are most typically members of the super order Galloanserae , especially the order Galliformes (which includes chickens, quails and turkeys). An Introductory part of the subject " Introduction to Livestock and Poultry". India has 317 million backyard chickens, an increase of 45% over the last few decades and now accounting for 35% of the total chickenpopulation (20th Livestock Census, Government of India). The disease scare was such that farmers immediately sold Nov 11, 2022 · Bulls of a distinct breed are bred on non-descript cows from generation to generation. The most common broiler breeds in the Philippines are Arbor Acres, Hubbard, Ross, and Cobb chickens. • Strain – agroup of chickens within a variety of breed which has under constant specific section of certain traits by a speched breeder for periods of about 5 to 8 years. The Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) stated that Philippine hog production dipped slightly from 1. AMERICAN CLASS OF CHICKEN Breed Comb type Colour of ear lobe Colour of skin Colour of shank Egg shell colour Shank Feathers Ply mouth rock Single Red Yellow Yellow Brown No Wyandotte Rose Red Yellow Yellow Brown No Rhode Island Red Single/R ose Red Yellow Yellow Brown No New Hampshire Single Red Yellow Yellow Brown No Jersey Black Giant Single Red/Grey Yellow/Bl ack Brown Brown No May 27, 2016 · 3. Jan 17, 2014 · If you are considering which is the best breed of chicken for meat, eggs or both, you basically have three choices. . Chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear Feb 8, 2021 · 27. Other poultry covered include ducks, turkeys, geese, quail and pigeons. It is efficient and lays around 160 eggs. to 6 lbs. The document aims to educate about different chicken breeds used for commercial egg and meat production. Pullet- a young female chicken Mar 30, 2017 · The document discusses selection methods for breeding poultry flocks. After 5-6 generations the off springs will have 96. ⚫Breed denotes an established group of bird having the same general bony shape, weight and some common characteristics. For cattle, it discusses common beef and dairy breeds, external anatomy, and production systems. INTRODUCTION • In India, rural backyard poultry is reared by poor people, especially women. Non-industrial strains of the Rhode Island Red are listed as "recovering" by The Livestock Apr 7, 2019 · Philippine Native Chicken: The BANABA CHICKEN of CALABARZON By: MARCO FELIX S. Broiler or fryerBroiler or fryer: 9- 12 weeks, young chicken of either sex, tender flesh and flexible cartilage, smooth sk May 28, 2016 · 3. Slaughter regulations in Maryland are the same for small-scale poultry and rabbits. Their diet is supplemented with crop waste or food leftovers. Conclusion There is usually a large impressive return on investments in poultry farming by concealing this analysis based on large scale poultry farming. Introduction 1. The objectives of poultry breeding are to increase egg and meat production through traits like feed efficiency. Title: Breeds Of Poultry 1 Breeds Of Poultry 2 Chicken Anatomy 3 Leghorn-Chickens. Feb 11, 2020 · CHARACTERISTICS OF POULTRY SEMEN • Semen production – 16 weeks • 22-24 weeks of age are used for semen collection. 5 million tonnes, making it the largest meat sector. It then covers key topics like the domestication of poultry, types of poultry birds, taxonomy and classification of chickens, important chicken breeds, and the reproductive and egg structures of chickens. It includes chickens, ducks, turkeys, pheasants, pigeons, guinea fowl and partridges etc. It describes 8 major breeds: Duroc from New York known for its droopy ears and cherry red color; Hampshire from Kentucky with erect ears and black/white coloring as a "meat breed"; Berkshire from England with erect ears and black/white coloring and a short snout; and Poland China This document outlines a training program on raising poultry consisting of 7 modules. Chicken Rooster. . Duck breeds listed include Peking, White Golden Layer, Muscovy, Rouen and Cayuga. Read less Mar 27, 2017 · Judges must be knowledgeable about poultry breeds and standards, and have a set of standards for each class and variety. Meat Breeds • They are not really breeds. India is rich and diverse with some of the best animal breeds which includes dairy, drought, dual-propose cattle breeds, sheep and goat breeds as well as breeds of poultry. India is the home for many Breeds of Native Chicken like Aseel, Kadak Nath Nov 28, 2018 · Pakistan is fortunate to be the home tract of some of the finest natural breeds of livestock as compared with other regional countries. Local chicken breeds like Sakini, Ghanti Khuile, and Puwakh Ulte are described. The Pekin is one of the most popular breeds worldwide, originating from China. It provides an introduction to goats and sheep, including the common breeds raised. The largest Nov 15, 2016 · 3. This manual provides technology and management know-how for poultry raising which we hope present poultry raisers and Feb 9, 2021 · Meishan • Origin – breed of domestic pig named for the Meishan,[1][page needed] Jiangsu Province, China • Characteristics It is a sub-group of the Taihu pig and is a small to medium- sized (275-400 lbs) breed with large drooping ears, and wrinkled black skin. For Japanese quail specifically, it details the taxonomy and 10 common varieties bred for different traits like coloration, egg production, or meat quality. ⚫Varieties sub-division of breed based on colour, shape, pattern, types of comb, feather pattern ⚫Strain is used to denote a given breeder who has done the breeding on the bird and has introduced certain economic characters in the bird. Oct 11, 2009 · 21. Locate and describe the potential employment opportunities in major poultry production areas. It divides chickens into major classes including American, English, Mediterranean, Asiatic, and Continental. The colour is usually jet black with white marking on tail and fare and extremities sometime found. Block User. Feb 26, 2015 · They produce a large number of eggs for the first 3-4 years. Studies on the village poultry proction systems (1990‘s) Four PhD theses Thesis based works A number of MSc theses Starting from the 1990’s –local ecotypes A number of DVM theses local ecotypes Exotic birds as a reference breed Contents Introduction Past research and developement attempts Pullet, fetile egg and cock distrbution Studies on the village system (1990‘s) What can we It discusses raising poultry like chickens and quails, including different breeds suitable for egg production or meat. • Spread litter material, in case of deep-litter system up to 6” thickness. Standard classification – under this classification, breeds and varieties are grouped according to their geographical origin. Nov 28, 2018 · Pakistan is fortunate to be the home tract of some of the finest natural breeds of livestock as compared with other regional countries. American class breeds and varieties that were developed and American continent. Most can lay 300 eggs/year. Specific breeds mentioned include Rhode Island Red, Cornish, Leghorn, Brahma, and Welsummer. These small bodies allow the bird to put more nutrients toward egg production instead of body size. There should be projects to protect our own desi birds as they are well acclimatized to our environment University should conduct study on the desi breeds , conserve them for the future and evolve new varieties suitable for backyard poultry Aug 13, 2024 · 2. Produce healthful, low-fat white meat. There are two buffalo breeds namely, Kundi and Nili-Ravi and eight discrete breeds of cattle. cyryn dys wtomw dorkd neev ein jlmm hlhqr pupsfnr zscot