Reserve map extracts reddit. Pick one map at at time to learn.
Reserve map extracts reddit. Pick one map at at time to learn.
Reserve map extracts reddit I ran some offline every new map and found the pmc extracts, for scav I just ran it over and over and if I had trouble I googled a video of the extract. And I'd say Customs is the opposite making it one of the hardest maps to extract on. Me. 4 million roubles to be able to extract comfortably from the map is a bit too much in my opinion. I have now made a Customs, Reserve & Lighthouse map with the correct cardinal directions :) Currently, the amount of risks you have to take as a PMC to get to the loot, move around, and extract, really shies people away from the map other than tasking. My team and I literally wiped every PMC and died to player scavs. reddit. It is the seventh map that was added to the game. I dont have any pictures, but if you can follow me here I can explain; the station where the train departs has a bunch of broken buildings with parked trains around them. They are upside down for some reason. 8 is awesome). The only maps that aren't like this are Factory and Labs. Extracts on this map are not easy at all and require some sort of prerequisite. i do give them a chance to run away, if they dont they die my sincere advice to people playing with their mates on any map especially reserve, use insider jokes/meme or anything relatable and tie them to areas, rooms and corridors. Good for a low level to grind up some quick exp. Any advice would be appreciated. Woods is doable as a first-map, however, for a brand-new player, it may just be a more confusing Shoreline. Manhole extract on Reserve is a classic to camp from that building right in front of it, second floor. example: reserve, graphic card room (RB-AK), or jumping out of graphic card room via cafeteria (back window of RB-AK dropping down to metal). - Reserve and D2, Factory + Factory Keys, etc. Just don't remove my watermark, I want at least a little credit. I do the "west" side of the map with the Marked Room barracks and I usually have to kill one or two players and 2-3 scavs to have it all to myself. I am not sure. well, its easy and obvious why The extract seems to have no downsides compared to the other available options which usually involve no backpack, staying late into the raid etc. After a transit is activated, no other transits or extractions can be used. I wanted to know how having access to the Cliff Descent extract could help me in my raids in these maps from veterans like yourselves :) Usually like 80% of the PMCs that spawn in reserve either die or extract within the first 5-10 minutes of the raid (pistol/ hatchet runners, people running into Gluhar and noticing too late, people meeting in the "hot spots" etc), which makes the whole bunker hermetic/ train a lot more reasonable than it seems, although both are still fairly The map itself is great, but I agree with your points. And the switch flip by the heli in the dorms area then run across to the hanger thing by the Train track… Its a good way to learn the map without having difficult extracts and then you can move over to PMC runs once you feel you know the map enough. Spawn near road to customs on shoreline, extract tunnel. But currently in most cases your only extract is bunker door. The loot problem is far from just a Reserve problem though. be. Reserve is the best scav map by far. scav extract but you need a pmc and scav. Unless they physically check me map, which they may not have a second monitor to do so. BUT sunrise on Reserve has the orientation the other way round. youtube. A friend and I weren't happy with the existing Reserve map on Tarkov Tools - no offence to the artists of those maps, they're great, but we wanted something that was 2D and easy to navigate. If you mistake the water for being north (as half of the maps on the wiki do) then a new player wouldnt even be able to tell which wing is east and which is west. Reserve extract with paracord. Lots of loot, easy extracts. IE the radar station is on the cliffs behind the resort. Posted an updated version: https://www. It's as if Shoreline had an extract in the resort. There isn't really a reason in mind for me that a lvl 1 player can load into a free map and walk out with T4+ gear and good ammo. Its currently too easy for them and makes it the best map and only map for many people to scav on. Heck ill even teach you the map its the only one i play learning customs as we speak! Good luck The sun rise/set is correct for this orientation and so is the "south fence" extract, it is just the east/west wings that are mis-labeled. You gave more to Shoreline, despite it already having so many extracts, yet you neglect the map that barely has any. So, just starting to learn reserve, and as far as I’m aware there aren’t many easy to extract PMC locations. I can get more good ammo in a certain cafe on streets than I can in the actual military base. As long as the alarm is on (3-4min) the extract is open. I personally love reserve for the extracts. The extracts were designed for back when Reserves actually had good loot on it. The interior is more confusing, but still a relatively simple square layout. So many letters to say you got killed on your way to extract. Havent played much interchange or labs or shoreline yet. Found some military items like an MGT and circuit boards, and I've found some hardware things like fuel conditioners and a propane tank. Recenly in my last PMC raid to Reserve I tried to extract through bunker door 3 times: 1 - someone else pressed the button and I thought it's right time Hey guys, so i’ve played a couple raids on the reserve map so far and it’s awesome. Reserve is probably the best map for a RR extract as it has the most minimal risk out of all of the Reserve extracts. The map really needs another consistent extract to make D-2 camping less lucrative, even if it’s far away from everything tucked into a corner. All players of a lobby-made If I'm looking at that correctly though, that extract might as well be unusable. So, I decided to go ahead and make my own. With how easy it is to extract and gain loot with no risk as a scav, it is a very unfair map for PMCs. On other maps, I have a higher survival rate but Reserve is like at 20%, even in customs rushing dorms and trying to get into every fight I can. Customs? Big red? Extract is the bunker on the far side, car extract, old gas, and the bunker close to old gas. Feel free to tell me any information not on here and I'll be sure to update my map. Transits are available 1 minute after the start of a raid and have a 30 second timer. For context this is my 3rd wipe and I am struggling with the reserve map. Once you pull the lever a alarm will echo all over the map and the exit (on the map marked on Bunker hermetic door) will be open, but only for 4 minutes. I am familiar with the layout and extracts, have the red rebel, and do the majority of my scav runs here but I can’t seem to survive as a PMC on this map. The easiest for loot runs is to bring a big rig, and use the sewer manhole with no backpack, stay away from the train side of the map and out of the big Reserve's extract results in so many crazy adventures and stories. My tips if you extracting in it. Car Extract at power too . My only question is, are their any other extracts you can use without needing anything special? Like some that aren’t shown or something like that? Seems kinda silly how if you miss the train you’re nearly TOTALLY fucked. I made Lighthouse, Customs, Reserve, Shoreline & Woods so far. I feel like other maps should be somewhat similar. 890K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. Presenting my Reserve Map v1. I can see how a low level would need to camp to get some gear (as weak a strat as it may be) but over level 50?? PMC spawns are on no other Reserve map that I can find currently which makes your map the superior map of all others I've seen currently. D2 isn't all that bad once you check every extract camping corner and once you obtain a RR, it becomes one of the best maps in the game IMO. On reserve you’ll mostly have the same extracts as a PMC, but your scav extracts will change significantly sometimes. Map making isnt a competition. Especially on a map like reserve with a lot of good places to loot. I can't seem to find it anywhere on youtube or in game. I think I've scav'd on reserve with around 32-34 minutes left. In Escape from Tarkov, transits are used for map to map travel without leaving a raid. Usually you’ll have either CP or hole, probably heating pipe. The other maps need defined purpose. Will post an updated map soon ™ I otherwise don't play this map. Interactive Maps for Escape From Tarkov. For scav I suggest reserve and lighthouse they have the most profitable runs. But reserve is my most favourite map; atleast most played and best known (maybe except for the underground tunnels) The ai is bit too much for my taste, but loot is decent. Playing it without red rebel it too much of a gamble, and dying because of crappy extracts is next level annoying. Gives you the ability to extract if you aren’t wearing armor vest and have paracord(you can extract with armored rigs though), for me it was one of the first things I grinded to buy because of how useful those extracts are for me so it’s up to you if you think the ability to extract through less deadly extracts is worth 4m Need to kill 25 scavs with ppsh on any map, was thinking shoreline since main road and scav island is mostly uncontested by pmcs Reserve : Oh boy. So many to choose from that map is amazing lol. The Scav grotto Extract is located in the Sunken boathouse. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed… Reserve is probably the worst map in tarkov (besides shoreline) and nobody ever seems to talk about it. Still not my favourite map either, but it feels more playable than Reserve to me. :-) This also means that most shoreline maps are upside down and that the shore is north. As in the title - with all the mayhem ensuing from AI mods and general heat on the ground level, D2 seems like the easiest and safest extract to reach. But I agree. Honestly the entire underground expansion kind of ruined Reserve. Allow an extract or two that limit the loot you can take out but are easy access for when someone is trying to do quests then add extracts that are fought over or are somewhat more difficult than just going to a wall and sitting there. Usually when I scav reserve I just go sit in the co-op extract - Sometimes I give the old "Shave and a Haircut" bit into the air. Now it's just the place for below average ammo and some nerfed Intel spawns and that's disregarding the fact its extracts suck. Personally l think the map should be locked behind a level or a investment, and l think labs should be harder to get into. Its a fun map if you have a team to play with your better off going bunker and getting everything you loot. I am now in the final stages of completing the Customs map I have been making for the past ~ 6 months but I need help pointing out areas where it could be improved, mistakes I made or if I missed anything that you guys think is important to show on the map. The extract arrows and text are very difficult to read. D2 two switches to work. Either A. In woods you can spawn by the camps at the expanded area by the mines and extract at ZB-14 or outskirts. Just loot casually above ground while everyone is killing each other in the bunker. Most maps it depends on what side you spawn. Look up a loot guide on youtube. For Interchange, the extract is out of the way from the 2 other main extracts, reducing the chance you get caught at an extract. Like Shoreline, it's easy to avoid PvP, but there are far fewer recognizable landmarks, and large sections of the map are visually identical and empty. add more extracts to the map or B. I had a bit of trouble finding my way around this place at first, even with the maps we had. i have a 55% SR on tarkov currently. Makes the raids more dynamic and difficult. Lighthouse : Car extract would be primary since many people will try to loot up and get out as fast as they can . Stationary weapons in the form of AGS-30 30x29mm automatic Interchange-scav camp coop , power facility car will give you rep as well Customs- dorms suv for rep as pmc as well Reserve-scav lands coop Woods-factory gate coop, suv bridge for rep as well as pmc again The problem with reserve is a lack of extracts until you get rr. In other words, sunrise is broken on either Shoreline or Reserve It's a fun map if you take cheap kits like a non suppressed P90 with flesh rounds and the diaper. The point of all of my 3D maps is to help new players get their orientation based off of visible POI's & being able to find their extract even if it's their very 1st raid. EDIT: Changed the bunker door back to a PMC and Scav extract Browse interactive maps for Escape From Tarkov. Keep D2, but move the D2 button to an aboveground building without basement access and have some sort of alarm go off briefly to signal someone hitting the power. Just go in with a scav backpack (the plan is to toss it away before extracting, but keep it if you find a REALLY good big item and extract from train as normal). Just my 2 cents with a couple hundred reserve raids this wipe. I don't dislike anyone, maybe their given playstyle if that happens to be extract campjng. Would be awesome to have the game setup as a progression from map to map, gaining access to new places as you progress, with quest items and tasks for each progression only available on certain maps. The secret Federal State Reserve Agency base that, according to urban legends, contains enough supplies to last for years: food, medications, and other resources, enough to survive an all-out nuclear war. First I will have to update the island on my Lighthouse map to show the changes they made to it. 5 days of play watching videos on those maps and what to look for will help learn those. Interchange- Map is just a large square with your 2 main extracts in opposite corners. ) and help get down landmarks on maps to have easier time to get bearings. You should not be able to receive a list of extracts that is 100% conditional extracts. true. The car extract on Woods is a frequently used one and quite campable. Interchange is pretty sad now-a-days, and if it wasn't for keycard and boss spawns, snoreline would be in the same boat imo. Reserve really pulls the safety of extracts right from under you. More consistent than on other maps. I admit other spawn points have a higher probability of better loot and more easy extract options, but I always find spawning at big red relaxing because unless I need to go to the right side of the map for a mission or something (crack house, fortress ect) I stick left stay quiet, keep an eye out and hit up whatever caches I can along the way I kind of enjoy Reserve more as a map with multiple extracts that can't be camped from one location. I've been looking to branch out to maps I haven't really played in my 3 months of Tarkov, with the next wipe coming up being my first; I'd like to take this chance to try out maps like Reserve, Labs and Woods. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games This map is absolutely fucked. After loading to the next location, players will appear as close as possible to the corresponding transition zone. Addind extract to north would make survivability harder. Reserve is a bad example. I think Reseve is arguably the best balanced map right now. Im getting a bit tired of playing 80% customs and 20% woods, so i wanna try a new map. Dont enter it until a couple of minutes after it arrives. Now it's just like all the other maps, average loot. UPDATE: Version 1. Lighthouse- Very linear, thin map. And if player scav parade shows up then you've got tons of cheap flesh rounds to make them suffer. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games. Literally, one other extract. Rock Runnel on Shoreline. If you die a lot try tweaking you settings and run at night and just go slow. Wait for the train at the end of the raid. Wander the edge of the map and you'll find your extract every time. I know the potential there is in Reserve, but its really hard for me to enjoy it. For the quest, see Reserve (quest). For example, you head to D2 while you hear a clan moving there too and they heard you. Reserve used to be the map for getting ammo and military based electronics. I simply stayed away from the map before but now with tasks added I am trying to get better with it. See all maps 🗺️. it may become a little bit more difficult when you install Waypoints and PMCs/Scavs are roaming that part of the map, but in overall it's much more doable than a) going for the power lever and manage to not die on the way since that's where 884K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. I will go over some changes that I would like to see that could improve the map. Put it on the highway for all I care, just add one more. G. The map layout is pretty unique because it offers close quarter combat (underground and various structure) and also offers long range engagements (dome and above bunkers). com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/dof3s2/updated_reserve_exit_map_all_pmc_and_scav_exits/ Video showing the map locations ingame: https://www. Great map, earned enough for the keys I didn't have and my RR in about 1. I meant cheating is obviously the worst but extract camping in some peoples eyes is just as bad. hey guys, i just noticed that i cant extract on D2 in reserve for a reason i dont know, it showed me a level 1 required and reputation but for what… One information is wrong. Primarily used for extracting from Reserves more easily. You can always barter for another from Jaeger, it's not all that expensive. Need RR and paracord can’t wear body armor only a rig or nothing. I have not raged in the last 5 days playing tarkov except after the 5th death in a row in Reserve. i have routes, keys, and have even worked out all the extracts :D in the past 2years ive never seen more than 40% for a short while. Overlook on CP Fence, Top of black pawn looking at hole in fence by mountain, towers that look at any of the scav extracts, Train Depot watching for raiders to spawn or people running to bunker door, etc. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Then you get the actual extract, which can be heavily camped, but isn’t as bad as everyone says. If this map have 2 normals extract it could be a good map. com/watch?v=H-w6DgaW7K4&feature=youtu. So you can hit PScavs very early. im not taking my chances with people that barely speak english though. Your primary extracts aren't hard to find, usually have the same small handful. Path to Lighthouse basically ended extract camping on Shoreline, something like that would be nice. the only co-op exfil i use consistently is on reserve playing as a PMC. Armored Train is cool, but its a gamble, cause its janky as shit. Raiders and scavs spawn pretty frequently on this map. You still would have to travel same distance as you have to now, you just could meet more players on the way north later, when now most of them head south after 10 minutes, so you are pretty safe north if you dont meet player scavs. I haven't been able to extract there lately. I don't mind playing with him, but I know what to expect when we play. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Anyways, here's a map. You have to go to power station to turn on the swipes at the toilet on the 3rd floor of the mall in Burger Spot to then go down to the basement. With no Coop extract on these maps there's almost no reason to ever be friendly with playerscavs on these maps. Hi, this is my second wipe (i joined late last wipe) and im not the most amazing player, particularly with PvP. . There are no normal extract on the map all has some sort of conditions to work. Updated my old map and added every spot I've encountered scav boss. Reserve raids are rewarding because you have to earn your extract. Minimal risk, compact map, easy fast extracts, huge variety in loot, has lots of overseen loot spawns, has raiders that can be easily farmed, and predictable locations for PMC corpses. Maaaaybeeee add a new conditional extract or a car extract there- or, to keep things Reserve themed, have the BTR driver show up there and function like a car extract but more expensive. 3 is now posted in the link below! -Added South Road Landslide scav exfil -Adjusted Path to Shoreline/Shoreline Free Scav location Also, it now has more extracts making extract camping difficult on that map now. I'm no Maksen but I spent the last few weeks putting this together with help from the guys on the Wiki team. Thats the shack with the lever. The extract is in the basement of the Stronghold between Old Gas and Crackhouse. Discover the prime locations for top-tier equipment and valuable resources within the game. There are a total of 4 spawns that give you roadblock and the rest give you Outskirts. Introduction. Most of us who make free EFT maps cooperate & share information with eachother. I know Reserve has the reputation for being one of the most easily extract camped maps in the 487 votes, 30 comments. I'm not sure if weapon parts is where the money is at. Click for fullscreen. make it to where it is impossible to receive a list of extracts that is 100% conditional. I scavved reserve, learned all the extract locations and bunker locations, went as my pmc and realized extracts are awful, so I bought red rebel. you run for your life from a clan, close doors behind you so they take time to open it and you hear them approaching while the slide doors open but you make it in time. The train being buggy definitely should be addressed, but the whole prospect of conditional extracts is a great implementation and should be on more maps in my opinion. With markers for PMC, Scav and Boss spawns, extractions, transits, loot, keys, quests, levers and more. I made some "flow" maps of woods, customs, reserve on that could maybe help some new players understand which direction GENERALLY people go off spawn, high traffic areas and where the hot spots are. Doesn't seem particularly dense or better than anywhere else on the map to me. Feels more like an easter egg than a real extract. Players on reserve wipe each other out in the first 10 minutes or leave asap. In the reserve you can spawn at dome and extract at red rebel. Posted by u/Cpt_Muff_Muncher - No votes and 30 comments All you have to do is google “[MAP NAME] extract map” and take the literal 30 seconds it takes to find the answers on your own instead of clogging up the sub with another of these posts. Vertical versions: Day. If you look on the map just go straight south from "Cliff descent" and youll see a small cube next to the road. My bad, meant to clarify better. Up to now I haven't found a ton of great loot. The idea would be to be extra mobile, selecting some great loot as you work across the map, and then quick turnaround extract through the manhole with equipped guns and a vest full of The other two scenarios are in Map Room, the large open room underground with 3 crates near the D2 Extract power switch. Night How do you trigger the Train Extract on Reserve Mil base ? Also what is one liver thing thats make the entire Mil Base alarm and what happens if you… About the Warehouse 4 basement: I didn't add the loot there because I am not sure where to best draw the 'basement' level. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. There is literally ONE normal extract on this map, and calling it a normal extract is a strech. Reserve is a location in Escape from Tarkov. The Armourd train extract is in the wrong place, next building to the right. Hoping that at some point you can actually travel between the maps in open world fashion. It closes after the alarm stops Edit: There was or still is a bug that let's you extract through hermetic doors as long as the switch isn't used. When I started last wipe I use to run a quick offline on each map several times and have myself take a different extract to be more familiar with each map, plus help me learn if an extract had a requirement to be used (E. Going down to the bunker is a death sentence. Others already spoke about the Fire for the boat on customs or the green smoke at Old-Gas, things like that. 161 votes, 37 comments. Spawn tunnel extract road to customs. EDIT: I don't believe bunker hermetic door works for pmc anymore. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. Extracts. It can save you from trudging across the whole map and running into extract campers sometimes. At most I'll be missing one of either Heating Pipe or checkpoint fence. My suggestion is when you go PMC to go without backpack and use the Sewer Manhole and if you ever get an RR you bring a paracord and use the dome extract instead. For Reserve, the sewer manhole is a quick, easy to get to extract on a map that is hard to extract on. When I loot run reserve I tend to stay away from the train station area and hit black knight, tech, the three barrack buildings, dome and then extract up there. So if you don't intend to play a lot of reserves, just sell it. When I went to the loot transfer screen my backpack was completely gone (Which had the majority of my high value loot). Map is very rewarding and extract shouldn't be simple. Ive also experienced being inside, and the extract timer doesnt start, so you are killed when the train leaves the map. Extract camping on factory is rarely worth it, everyone knows the spots and checks them every time they leave. Reserve map for Escape from Tarkov. Reserve is the second most loot packed map, labs being number one of course. Interchange, Reserve, and Lighthouse aren't great first For reserve, same conditions, players need to have died or extracted. 965K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. With how shit and inconsistent loot is on reserve and the rarity of the glucose gang theres no reason to traverse the rest of the map for hermetic door or to hang out for the train. Feel free to share it with your friends and etc. Question This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it! Your argument falls flat on its face if we were talking about shoreline instead of reserve. I made two maps that are upside down & the reason for that is that I used BSG's official in-game maps as reference when making them. To my knowledge the only people playing the map consistently are using the cliff descent, that's why the Red Rebel is so sought after. reserve is my map, this is what my PMC was born for I had a really good haul and headed for the hole in the wall by mountains extract and extracted normally. Your options are to either go to D2 and deal with extract campers, juiced squads, rats, etc. So having more extracts in the south west of the map ignores the entire problem. Every single extract is fairly risky (D2 being extremely) and requires at least some type of planning. Pick one map at at time to learn. It needs more testing since I've had a run where it didn't work, so either there is an indicator for when its open or it's perhaps bugged. To this day, Reserve is the only map in the game without a PMC extract that requires no extra steps and isn't badly placed. Interchange: Obviously, amazing loot. 887K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. Background on Reserve. I have a friend who pretty much exclusively plays reserve on his pmc. Map layout is easier to learn in reserve rather than lighthouse for me but I don't play lighthouse as often as reserve or customs, but that's just my opinion. Here's a collection of maps for all eft maps, showing extracts, loot, keys, scav zones etc It's all already organized and properly denominated in one single package But the extracts on Lighthouse are much more humane than on Reserve, leaving you more choice depending on Raid time and having less linear extracts that you can approach form different places (unlike Hermetic or D2, the main extracts on Reserve). Did they update the map so you can’t extract with a backpack there? If i had to say something: Scavs on reserve spawn to early, Scavs on other maps spawn to late. Buff the loot, add an extract. " which is why it's the only map you can get military tech, tank batteries, etc. Literally why would you go anywhere else on the map? It’s the best loot run on the map when you consider how quick and safe it can be, and discourages players from getting into engagements on the surface that has all sorts of sick buildings for PVP. populating region with scav is not as good as having PMCs there. in terms of extractions, no map has super easy ones, so i would just keep a map open on your phone and look out for landmarks to help you understand where you are 856K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. Bunker, stick a siren on and let the entire map know your trying to get out at a specific spot. I previously made this Reserve map along with the tunnels. The way you feel about reserve I feel about interchange. ive pretty much ran nothing but reserve and know the map inside and out now. Man hole, fuck your loot. Remove color from vegetation, it may look nice but it really jumbles up what you need to actually bring attention to. 45PS. D2 turn in power in bunker, run the rattacombs to the extract door… Clift extract. I play reserve only to quest, and won't touch it again until Shturman blesses me with the ice pick axe of wonders. And this Reserve map And now I have finished my 3D map over Lighthouse. I like reserve because the loot is decent and you have decent pvp and pve options. The main reason l am okay with the limited extracts on reserve is the quality of loot. Only missing hole in the fence if I spawn right beside it. This switch OPENS the hermetic door extract. Dead raiders and players in the bunker are a feast for a scavs. a 100ft path with no other exits or entrances to get to bunker door is hardly "normal". D2 - Requires you to turn it on, then run down one of two corridors (black pawn is the only route if you have to turn it on) which both meet up into a tunnel that can be easily camped. Jul 13, 2024 · I’ve been extract camped at RR 3 times in the past two days, all by players over level 50 running m62 with razor scopes. So I decided to make my own while learning how to use Blender in the process (2. Dont get me wrong, I like the underground expansion, its actually pretty good, the problem is that it destroys the flow of the map. or go to hermetic where you're running across the map hoping you don't get sniped or killed by the aforementioned types of players. Hello. Maybe a combination of those, plus the usuals- hermetic door/scav lands/armored train - which are all conditional. Find custom maps to explore and visualize locations with markers for PMC, Scav and Boss spawns, extractions, transits, loot, keys, quests, caches and more! For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. looking at your map the bottom right water treatment container (white top) below it before you hit the water is a bunch of rocks, a beach you can reach from only climbing the rocks is the extract Reply reply When will the devs add an extract that is actually good? You either have to run across the map listening to the deafening alarm (extremely easy to camp), toggle power from bunkers and go through shitter infested hallways (extremely easy to camp) or have red rebel (only exit that isn’t a pile of garbage. Bunker extract where you have to run across most of the map. Factory just has the one main PMC extract and a key is required for the other ones. Even the raiders don't spawn consistently, and when they do there's a fair chance they're packing M855 or 5. Customs is starting to feel very outdated so I might remake a new version of it. Enjoy guys! Please do tell me if something is inaccurate. I feel like the actual layout of the map is super fun until it comes time to extract where your options are: Get killed by extract campers in d2 Fight off either a ton of raiders or Glukhar Spend 2mil for an item that is only used on Reserve or Lighthouse It just feels like such a good map that gets ruined from horrible extracts. Reserve Map in 4K - Direct from the wiki. Raiders have a CHANCE of spawning down there by default at the begining of a raid, as well as an additional chance when pulling the power switch for the extract. Reserve is directly to the South of Shoreline, so the dome has to be North. Interchange : Emercom exit is painful , there is a bush u can prone in with a scope and see directly on the ramp , easy killzone. I split it up into different versions because people seem to prefer them in different ways. Yea but the entire point of this bitching is all the PMC extracts are 90% in the south west of the map. Also better loot Go in and secure 3-6kills only take the best of the guns and once and a while you get lucky. Im still thinking that Shoreline is the worst map, beacuse combine 2 things that i really hate of Tarkov (Longest distances without any coverange and builds with bad sound) and the 70% missions are here, you have to play so much time in this map to progress. Its tarkov, everyone can't play how they want too lol im only salty when it happens to me after trying to leave with a fat sack. Reserve > customs > factory > woods. Thanks in advance A decent extract. 12 PMC player map with Scav boss (Gluhar) and raiders Which is called "xxx south"(opposite of the "shore"/sea). Escape from Tarkov's Reserve map is a lucrative yet dangerous battlefield filled with valuable loot. On customs you can spawn at crackhouse and extract on gas station. Hello! I previously made these 3D maps: Customs (with proper cardinal directions) Customs (with BSG's map as reference) This tunnel-map for Reserve. I already had to remove a number of cut-out buildings to fit all the new stuff. The entire concept of Reserve from the beginning was "easy to loot, difficult to extract. Reserve is definitely one of the hardest maps to extract from, I would recommend watching Pestilly's Reserve Map Guide, there are timestamps in the description so you can skip to the extracts if that's all you're looking for, but the whole thing is invaluable if you are learning Reserve. It has a tendency to shoot back out of the map at the speed of sound. There's no excuse really, this is the only map that is so notoriously known for basically nothing but extract camping (outside of D2 on Reserve). I literally got zero exits that don't have some sort of stipulation to them. As for the third thing, BSG really needs to make extracting a difficult task for scavs. In labs you can extract right where you spawned in many cases. reserve is absolutely not where you should be going if you want an easy beginner map, imo the easiest beginner map all around is customs because of how many landmarks there are that make finding your way easy. Dome, bring a 5mill red rebel, a rig with no body armour and a paracord motherfucker. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Pmc extracts are always always always the same. The game is hard and has a steep learning curve, but holy shit did you actually just buy it, start it up, and play it without even bothering to have a look The rest of reserve is overrun by scav mains. pretty much everytime i kill a few people and end up with more loot than i can carry i run up towards the pawn buildings and voip at some playerscavs. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn all the tips and tricks for surviving and thriving on Reserve. I am correcting my mistakes though. In my opinion Coop extract should be the best extracts on each map, having the risk of trusting a player scav to not shoot you in the back of the head Its one of my favourite maps. I am one of them. The extracts usually have a caveat to take them because they provide a benefit to taking them. im thinking of jumping into reserve or lighthouse, but im concerned that its reserved (no pun intended) for the super geared GigaChads and if i go in im likely to tank my survival rate below the 26 The train extract seems like a last man standing situation as everybody tries to extract at once and the bunker door extract is a lot of running back and forth and I’d imagine exit camping from all the over watching buildings. Custom tactical maps with all exits, loot, keys & weapon spawns marked out. Successful extracts have been from beneath it just behind the stash. Any idea? Also, I didn't put any indicators for the one-way jumps, since the original map I used didn't have any. If the extract is indeed south as the name indicate and you can see the dome south as well (by the bunkers on shoreline which is at the same end of the map) then the dome on reserve is north. If you can't do that you have to be an absolute chad to reliably run Reserve and Reserve is supposed to be a late game map so all of the extracts are a bit rough, the easiests is red rebel and paracord so you can use cliff descent but theres a cost to buying those items. 60-70% of my Reserve raids, and I literally ONLY play Reserve, devolve into a clusterfuck underground with the rest of the map barely utilized. I have done 12 raids, and have died while trying to climb up the mountain a couple times even as I tried to be slow I just died to someone in that building, and then last run where I had about a Most of scavs on reserve will have every extract open. Some other maps use it for extracts as well but again, primarily for Reserves. While OLI, Techlight, Rasmussan, and UltraMed are all great, with the recent dynamic loot changes Goshan, Idea, and every Warehouse area are pretty dang amazing as well. 910K subscribers in the EscapefromTarkov community. Even D2 requires you to go stick the power on first, reserve ona whole has some of the hardest extracts imo, theres not a single simple Access up-to-date details on the map Reserve in Escape from Tarkov, covering extraction sites and loot spots. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You've got to flip a power switch in Warehouse 4 to activate the extract. It's close to the guard house that the key also unlocks. The map is getting tight. In that time you probably could've just walked to another actual extract. kfl voqfux wmdcyx sui ebu oxpyywae gmhwi ibtn ifd gyqkl