Types of planning ppt Monitoring and different types of evaluation are also defined. It is the job of all the managers in all types of organizations. strategic planning and action planning, both of which are dealt with in detail in separate toolkits. Develop premises regarding future conditions. It also discusses developing objectives, designing lessons, and assessing student learning. R. , centre, state district, sub- division, block and village from the top to bottom type to a system of bottom-to-top type Decentralized plan District Planning submitted its proposal under micro level planning 1984 Planning commission of India Introduced MLP in during the 7th Five year Sep 25, 2018 · Planning process in a country is having various tiers, viz. Ppm lecture 10 11 planning, process, types • Download as PPT Types of Planning - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 3. Lesson plan An outline of a topic to be taught in a given period which can take a variety of forms and be prepared on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. › Regional Development Planning. Planning is the first of the managerial functions and precedes other functions. The document discusses four types of plans: contingency plans, which are made when unexpected changes are needed; operational plans, which describe day-to-day operations and can be single-use or ongoing; strategic plans, which provide a long-term vision for the organization; and tactical plans, which outline the specific actions needed to achieve strategic goals on a shorter timescale. Pervasive process : Many people believe in planning. The document discusses effective lesson planning. There are risks of various types due to uncertainties. FAMILY PLANNING METHODS • DEFINITION :- ‘A way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions by Individuals and couples, in order to promote the health and welfare of the family group and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country. This are the targets or desired ends that management wants to reach. What is Planning? A primary managerial activity that involves: Defining the organization’s goals Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals Developing plans for organizational work activities Types of planning Informal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the 15. Planning at various stages involves nearly everyone in an organization Types of Educational Planning - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Present a simple framework for addressing community involvement in planning. • In small type of planning does not involve highly detailed scheduling of every project task (that is a separate activity that usually follows the planning phase). This plan determines the equality and cohesion. Probable cost of the scheme. Long term planning spans Jul 2, 2024 · Detailed and Specific: This type of planning looks at the daily, weekly and the actual activities necessary for organizational effectiveness in the achievement of the specific operations goals. What is the focus of the council? Slideshow 6180704 by The document discusses different types of educational planning. – Killen • Is a process by which manager looks to the future &discovers alternatives courses of action open to him”- Joseph Massie • Planning is anticipating - Earl Strong 11. This document defines planning and discusses different types of planning. Mines and their location 7. This document outlines the planning process in 3 steps: 1. Adequate funds have to be ensured. Plans 3. 8; Callahan, Quackenbush and Rowings 1992, p. Introduction Airport Engineering encompasses the planning, design, and construction of terminals, runways, and navigation aids to provide for passenger and freight service. Sep 10, 2017 · This document discusses different types of plans based on time, managerial level, breadth, and use. and administration. pdf), Text File (. 11. : Establishing a green house 4 • Plans are prepared through the planning process which involves taking various activities to arrive at - what is to be achieved, how it is to be achieved and when is it to be achieved . What types of plans do managers use? What are the useful planning tools and techniques? How can plans be well implemented? Creating stunning presentation on Types Of Planning Ppt Slides Download with predesigned templates, ppt slides, graphics, images, and icons. Scenario Planning - Planning for future state of affairs is a long-term version of contingency planning. › Urban Development Planning. Method of Preparing Fixtures in Knock-out Tournament • Total Number of matches= N-1 ( N is the No. INTRODUCTION:- Planning (also called forethought) is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. Waterways and canals 5. Lunch is the second meal of the day after breakfast. 2 Define the nature and purpose of planning Classify the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they use Compare and contrast approaches to goal-setting and planning Discuss contemporary issues in planning Oct 7, 2016 · 2. g. Short term planning (generally 1-3 years) Meeting needs as defined by current trends Using available resources and re-allocation of resources 2. This also means that 24. Planning is futuristic. DEFINITION: Family planning is a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, upon the bases of knowledge, attitude and responsible decision by individuals and couples in order to promote the health and welfare of family group and thus contribute Jul 8, 2015 · It explains the planning cycle of planning, implementation, and evaluation. It normally involves defining specific learning objectives aligned with the existing curriculum, selection of subject matter, required materials and resources, the activities that will take place as well as time and class management notes Feb 6, 2023 · Planning is a key managerial function that focuses on the future and involves defining goals, strategies, and plans. The art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. 10. It defines planning and provides types of plans including: long, medium, and short-term plans based on time; top, middle, and lower level plans based on managerial level; corporate and departmental plans based on breadth; and standing, repeated, and special/single use plans based on how they are Jul 12, 2019 · 1. In one extreme case , process planning is accomplished by releasing the part print to production shop with the instructions (make to drawing) 3. Planning is a selective process. Encouragement of commitment to personal and organizational goals. Planning is a pervasive in nature. Although future cannot be predicted with cent percent accuracy but planning helps management to anticipate future and prepare for risks by necessary provisions to meet Ppm lecture 10 11 planning, process, types - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Organizational MissionMission – the organization’s reason for existence. Cover periods extending beyond 1 year. • Discuss why scenario planning has become an important planning tool for managers. Classification of organization roles and structures as well as delegation of authority according to the results expected of the people occupying the roles. Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to reach. It bridges the gap between the present and desired future. The identification of targets or desired ends that management wants to react. Academic or Curricular Planning: • This type of educational planning refers to planning for smooth academic transaction of the syllabus for any course at any level of education. Hierarchical planning: By dividing large problems into smaller ones, hierarchical planning makes planning more The document discusses the concepts and types of planning. During the 20th century gradually focused toward a small or mid-sized meal eaten at midday. Short-range plans last 1 year or less and focus on near-term goals, while long-range plans span 3-5 years and set long-term vision. , centre, state district, sub- division, block and village from the top to bottom type to a system of bottom-to-top type Decentralized plan District Planning submitted its proposal under micro level planning 1984 Planning commission of India Introduced MLP in during the 7th Five year The document outlines the steps in the planning process: 1) assessing opportunities and analyzing strengths/weaknesses; 2) setting objectives and expected results; 3) determining planning premises based on anticipated future events; 4) identifying alternatives and evaluating pros/cons; 5) formulating supportive plans; 6) implementing plans through policies and procedures; and 7) reviewing Jun 25, 2015 · 2. A situation analysis examines a company's competitive strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats in the industry. 2) The PMI define the planning process as “those process performed to establish the total scope of the effort 3 Learning Goals Understand what planning it, process of planning and types of plans Be able to describe the planning process and its benefits to the organization such as flexibility coordination and time management Be able to describe tools and strategies used in the planning process (participatory planning, benchmarking, scenario planning and contingency) explain the use of effective short Business strategic planning powerpoint presentation slides. Types of Planning - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Outcome: The student will be able to explain the different types of planning process and tools used for planning. • Planning involves selecting from among alternative future Nov 2, 2022 · Planning is important because it helps identify goals, ensures everyone understands the goals and their roles, and allows the organization to work towards goals in an accountable, resource-efficient way and to evaluate achievements. Andreea Serban, Ph. The term is derived from the Greek word stratēgia, (art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship) for generalship or leading an army. Planning ensures co-ordination Planning helps to establish co-ordinated efforts Jul 23, 2018 · PLANNING • Planning is one of the major functions of management. View Similar. There are different approaches to planning like top-down, bottom-up, a composite approach, and a team approach. Illustration:- An ideal unit plan should incorporates illustrations and examples related to the daily life of the students and also have effective illustration Oct 22, 2018 · Planning process in a country is having various tiers, viz. There are long-range plans that cover many years and departments, and short-range plans that are more specific and cover up to one year. It defines a lesson plan as a teacher's guide that includes goals, methods, and assessment. In other words, a budget is a document that management makes to estimate the revenues and expenses for an upcoming period based on their goals for the business. "— Presentation transcript: 1 TYPES OF PLANNING & TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Planning. Key aspects of planning covered include analyzing the health situation, establishing objectives and goals, assessing resources, prioritizing, formulating the plan, programming and implementation, and evaluation. Tactical Planning Jul 25, 2017 · 4. Planning is important as by nature it enquirers about organizational goals and involves decision making about desired ways and means to achieve goals. Jan 27, 2014 · 2. Definition: A budget is a formal statement of estimated income and expenses based on future plans and objectives. Planning is continuous in nature. Determine where you stand in relation to your objectives. CLASSIFICATION OF PLANNING / TYPES OF PLANNING Planning is a complex and comprehensive process involving a series of overlapping and interrelated elements or stages, including strategic, tactical, and operational planning. Submit Search. The structure, composition and the internal organization may The structure, composition Feb 5, 2018 · • The process of organising resources, people and their activities over space and time to achieve some objectives. There are different types of plans including hierarchical, frequency of use, time frame, and organizational scope plans. Local industries- availability of raw materials and type of labour employed. Solano Community College July 19, 2006. . Slide 1 of 5 Team engagement action plan ppt ideas. Planning minimizes risk and uncertainty In fast changing organizations, planning based on hard facts and data help managers to reduce risk and uncertainties. Sagicor is committed to being an outstanding 5 NATURE OF PLANNING Planning is purposeful : it is goal oriented. Planning is the process by which managers establish goals and define the methods by which these goals are to be attained. Capacity ) is the maximum theoretical output of a systemis the maximum theoretical output of a system Normally expressed as a rateNormally expressed as a rate Under ideal conditionsUnder ideal conditions Effective capacityEffective capacity ( Best Operating Level ) is the capacity a firm expects to achieve Mar 18, 2016 · 18. Dec 17, 2014 · • Formal plans can’t replace intuition and creativity. Sep 20, 2017 · Hospital Planning • Planning is the forecasting and organizing the activities required to achieve the desired goals. DEFINITION • Planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done ,who is to do to it ,how it is to be done and when it is to be done. Operational budget planning methods involve creating an accounts chart, reviewing guidelines, forecasting revenues, and computing activity requirements. Planning is the first of essential managerial functions. " types of planning. 1 Training plan normally prepared by concerned federation 2 It is prepared for different level and Jul 19, 2018 · 3. Nov 26, 2021 · 2. Directional Plans Flexible plans that set out general guidelines and provide focus, yet allow discretion in implementation. An airport is a facility where passengers connect from ground transportation to air transportation AIRFIELD is an area where an aircraft can land and take off, which may or may not be equipped with any navigational aids Chapter 8: Foundations of Planning Define the nature and purpose of planning Classify the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they use Compare and contrast approaches to goal-setting and planning Discuss contemporary issues in planning The importance can be outlined as- 1. Millet says, “Planning is process of determining the objectives of administrative effort and devising the means calculated to achieve them”. Define your objectives. This is an editable six stages graphic that deals with topics like Organizational Objectives Strategic Planning to help convey your message better graphically. Sep 14, 2014 · Menu Planning. Planning may be described as a system of setting up of desires and goals for a given period of time, formulating options for the path of movement to be taken, and sooner or later determining the suitable movement from the diverse options. High tea (also known as meat tea or tea time in Ireland) usually refers to the evening meal or dinner of the working class, typically eaten between 5 pm and 7 pm. It involves principles and fundamentals rules for the formulation of training. Contemporary Planning Techniques • Explain why flexibility is so important to today’s planning techniques. Planning is capable Strategic planning involves developing long-term objectives and determining how to achieve them, while operational planning sets short-term objectives. Long-term Versus Short-term Planning: Power system planning issues may cover a period of 1–10 years, or even more. The document discusses different types of planning used in organizations. Difficulties in traditional process planning 1. Planning facilities decision making: Under planning targets are laid down. • The Urban Planner is centrally concerned with the design of layout, allocation of resources between regions to achieve central regional and National objectives. Definition • It is that part of city planning that deals with type, location, intensity and amount of land development required for various functions of the city • land use planning is used to provide an idea or proposition of how land should be used as towns and cities develop • The result of this planning is a land use map or plan. However, the two cannot Apr 15, 2020 · 6. On the basis of content, Plans can be classified as: A. 9. The planning process is a fundamental management function that includes formulating detailed plans to balance needs with available resources. Mar 15, 2019 · Types of Planning. Planning minimize uncertainties Business is full of uncertainties. Likewise, a Balance Feb 9, 2017 · 9. INTRODUCTION • Cultural evolution of mankind: three stages such as 'Stone', 'Bronze' and 'Iron' • Earliest forms of dwellings of 'Savage' hunter were rock- caves • Change the face of the jungle and create the huts of reeds and tents, to protect against weather, wind, beasts and enemies • Started living a settled life mostly on the banks of rivers • Man always preferred to live in Jul 14, 2019 · There are three categories of planning tools and techniques: techniques for assessing the environment like environmental scanning, forecasting, and benchmarking; techniques for allocating resources such as budgeting, scheduling, break-even analysis, and linear programming; and contemporary planning techniques including project management and scenario planning. Corporate plans consider organization-wide goals, and functional plans focus on departmental It outlines the basic steps in business planning, major types of plans, decision making techniques, the decision making environment and process, planning techniques like forecasting and scheduling, reasons why managers fail in planning, and concludes with defining control techniques. Financial Planning helps in ensuring a reasonable balance between outflow and inflow of funds so that stability is maintained. 6. The stages in this process are strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning, long term, short term, day to day. Goal-setting c. › Site Planning Jul 4, 2023 · Sumit Thakur General Seminar Topics Family Planning Methods PPT: Definition and Types Free Download: A few of the contraceptive options include oral contraceptive pills, implants, injectables, patches, v*ginal rings, IUDs, condoms, male and female sterilisation, lactational amenorrhea procedures, withdrawal, and fertility awareness-based approaches. Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, when where, how and by whom it is to be done. This type of planning comes from the top to the bottom. managerial deficiencies. pptx), PDF File (. • List the steps in the project planning process. Dec 4, 2023 · Popular different types of planning in ai include: Classical Planning: In this style of planning, a series of actions is created to accomplish a goal in a predetermined setting. Specific plans clearly define objectives, while directional plans provide flexibility. 2. 126). It determines the equipment needed in the restaurant and its layout. Planning is focus with future activities. INTRODUCTION The menu is a list of food and beverage items that can be offered by a food service outlet. Establishing objectives - Management defines clear, specific, and measurable objectives considering organizational resources and opportunities. INTRODUCTION Family planning is the term given for pre-pregnancy planning and action to delay, prevent or actualize a pregnancy. The document discusses different types of planning used in organizations, including strategic planning conducted by top management for long-term goals over 10 years, operational planning by lower management for current activities over 1 week to 1 year, and short-term planning for less than 2 years to keep the business running day-to-day. It describes the 10 step planning process which includes situation analysis, identifying opportunities, setting objectives, determining alternative actions, evaluating alternatives, selecting the best alternative, developing derivative plans, implementing plans, and following up. It encompasses planning on education in relation to needs and demands of the individual and society. Strategy A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Types of health planning Based on time frame 1. Eating outside home is becoming more and more popular because of many reasons, one of which is women employment outside home, mashrooming of food joints of various type in land around, the anxiety to try new foods, unfamiliar to palette, the crave for Planning is the process of thinking about activities required to achieve goals and involves creating and maintaining plans. Types of planning Informal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit. Source :- Town Planning by Rangwala Survey • General • Necessity • Collection of data • Types of Survey • Surveying Techniques • Selection of Samples • Types of Samples 6. Mar 8, 2023 · A ‘region’ in planning terms can be administrative or at least partially functional, and is likely to include a network of settlements and character areas. Culinary Technology Unit 4 2007. Development of Sep 6, 2011 · 2. • To be successful, a hospital requires a great deal of preliminary study and planning. Planning is an inter- dependent process which co-ordinates the various business activities. Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals This document discusses planning in organizations, including what planning is, how prominent people have defined it, its basic components, nature, levels, and types. Planning is based on objectives & policies. The document discusses the planning process and types of planning. What is planning? • Should we open a satellite campus in the town 30 miles from the main campus to respond to the educational needs of that town? 12 Types of Plans Specific Plans Directional Plans Plans that are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation. It describes different types of assignments like whole-class lessons, group work, and independent practice. Educational planning involves setting objectives, determining actions to achieve those objectives, implementing the plan, and monitoring/evaluating results. • All services channeled along the street • Other community facilities group at regular intervals • Residential area is limited to 200 meter either side beyond which would lie the Countryside. Importance and Purpose of Planning Planning provides direction Planning provides clear sense of direction and purpose of activities of an organization. Apr 7, 2019 · Overview of Planning Concepts. Nov 13, 2010 · 32. May 4, 2019 · Planning began with the Indus Valley civilization which had well-laid grid patterns and infrastructure like drainage systems. Planning is a fundamental management function that involves the process of setting objectives, determining the actions necessary to achieve those objectives, and making decisions on how to allocate resources to implement the planned actions. • Describe how managers can use linear programming. Planning b. Planning is a dynamic process. 68). • All successful hospitals, without exception are built on a triad of good planning, good design & construction and good administration. It assumes that everything is static and predictable. Also Copper T should be Types Of Planning found in: Types Of Barrier In Communication Plan Icon, 3 types of product improvement plan, Types of planning ppt slides download, Product Development Plan Types Of Planned Product Obsolescence Strategy,. Read less Oct 20, 2020 · content:- •indroduction •definition •characteristic of planning •element of planning •principle of planning •types of planning •steps of planning •conclusion 5. May 31, 2017 · 15. It outlines 5 key planning steps: 1) identify your purpose, 2) analyze your audience, 3) choose your ideas, 4) collect your data, and 5) organize your message. PROCESS PLANNING Process planning is defined as conversion of design data to work instruction Process planning is defined as systematic determination of methods by which a product is to be manufactured economically and competitively. John D. It outlines a 6-stage process for planning: 1) environmental scanning and data collection, 2) setting objectives, 3) generating and selecting strategies, 4) translating strategies into operational plans, 5) implementing the plan, and 6) evaluating and modifying the plan. The corpus/status dichotomy emphasizes the dual nature of language planning, that is, its concern with both the linguistic and social aspects of language. What Is Planning? • Planning A primary managerial activity that involves: Defining the organization’s goals Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals Developing plans for organizational work activities. Plans 2. MENU PLANNING Specific Objectives By the end of this sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: define terms used in menu planning state the importance of menu planning identify types of menu explain factors to consider when planning menus explain factors to consider when compiling menus explain how to cost and price menus prepare a time plan for production of a menu. Training Conception As it is clear by the name itself in real sense it is not a plan but a concept for planning and carrying out of training process for a long period. Factors to be considered are: Market trends, economic factors, growth of population, consumption pattern, industrial production, national income, government economic and industrial policy 32 Likewise, a Balance Sheet for many years can be prepared to forecast cash, inventory levels, accounts receivable/ payable, liabilities etc. ” (Project Management in Public Health in Europe, EU Health, 2011) Planning normally answer the question like what Planning (Types of planning, Planning process, Principles of planning, Planning machinery in Pakistan) Lecture # 09 Definition and Meaning Fritz Morstein Marx says – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. The document discusses different types of plans organizations use for training: short-range and long-range plans. Planning is a primary managerial function. Strategic plans apply to the entire organization and establish long term goals, while operational plans cover shorter time periods and specific operational areas. 8. Mission statement is a broad statement defining the organization’s basic business scope and operations that distinguishes it from its competition. Jul 11, 2018 · 2. Apr 16, 2015 · 2. He also says, “Planning is the simply endeavor to apply foresight to human activity, planning anticipate desired results and prepared the steps necessary for their realization”. It outlines the typical elements of a lesson plan such as objectives, materials, and activities. MENU & MENU PLANNING Menu planning: • Type of Consumers- This refers to the age, sex, occupation, socio-economic status, and nutritional needs of the costumers. Planning Council Activities. functions of management –i planning: nature, scope, objective and significances of planning, key factors to planning, types of plans, process of planning, effective planning-principles, barriers & how to overcome barriers, planning premises and forecasting. This document discusses human resource planning (HRP), including what it is, why it is important, the HRP process, benefits, types of HRP, techniques for forecasting human resource needs and availability, factors that affect HRP, and challenges. Challenges to planning include lack of information, time/costs, resistance to change, and inability to Jan 28, 2019 · Centralized planning: The framing, adopting, executing supervising and controlling the plan is done by central planning authority. This is a three stage process. For instance, the school canteen where students are the major patrons of the establishment, the canteen manager must offer foods high in carbohydrates and protein since most of the students are growing kids. Planning is defined as anticipating the future and making advance decisions. Planning is a primary function : It is the basic level of management process. • Various levels, types, scale and aspects of development planning are: › National Development Planning. Planning Machinery Planning Machinery Most countries of the world have established a planning Most countries of the world have established a planning agency of one kind or another for the planning of economy agency of one kind or another for the planning of economy and administration. Planning promotes innovative ideas: Managers get the opportunity to develop new ideas and new ideas 5. “Corpus planning” refers to all actions aiming at modifying “the nature of the language itself”, “Status planning” is concerned with whether the social status of language should be lowered or raised. Mar 25, 2021 · 1. There are different types of planning including strategic planning, which establishes organization-wide goals, and operational planning, which specifies how goals will be achieved. Planning is an intellectual process. There are two types of regional planning • National Planning • Local Planning National Sep 12, 2019 · This document outlines the key stages and approaches to educational planning. After this only the HRM department can initiate the recruitment and selection process Its called by manpower planning, personal planning or employment planning Sep 18, 2013 · Planning involves determining a course of action to achieve objectives. The planning process consists of steps like situational analysis Jun 3, 2024 · Types of Planning PPT Free Download: Full Classification . Jul 14, 2019 · Objective: To study different types of planning, its tools and techniques. com - id: 3dcbef-OTFmN PLANNING PROCESS AND ITS TYPES EVERSHINE/SUSITRA/T8/M2 Scheduling • This lays out the operational plan on a projected timescale, including the anticipated completion date. There are variations in the level of details found in route sheet among different companies and industries. It consists of Devising (arrange), Selecting Specifying process machine tools to convert raw material to Effective managers use different types of plans depending on their situation. • It is a process that involves the setting of the organization’s goals, establishing strategies for accomplishing those goals and developing plans of actions that managers intend to use to achieve said organizational goals. Goals d. THE NEED FOR EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE CURRICULUM PLANNING The need for Exactness and Particularity in making decisions about ends and means demands scientific curriculum planning. The Linear City • A town for 30,000 people based upon the principal transport route which is 100 meter wide of infinite length depending upon urban growth. INTRODUCTION • There is a quite good relation between Surveying and Urban Planning in development of layouts as the development of sustainable society. Presentation on theme: "TYPES OF PLANNING & TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Planning. It determines the supplies to be ordered. There are different types of plans including: - Strategic plans which are long-term plans created by top managers to achieve organizational goals. ArunKumar,AP/Mech,RIT 8. Planning is required at all levels of management. It describes initial planning, ongoing planning, and discharge planning. Planning is flexible. • Planning is the process by which an individual or organization decides in advance on some future course of action (Omran, 2002, p. Objectives are goals or purposes that guide organizations and are essential to the planning process. This session 1. It is the first management function and a very essential component of management. • Planning focuses managers’ attention on today’s competition, not on tomorrow’s survival i. Also See: Critical Thinking PPT Presentation Planning is an important part of the management process that involves determining actions in advance to achieve goals. D. Corporate and functional planning set the long-term objectives and plans for the entire organization and its major functions respectively. › Zonal Development Planning. Types of Plans On the basis of Time On the basis of Management Level On the basis of Broadness On the basis of Use Apr 5, 2019 · 3. Several future states of affairs must be identified and alternative plans must be prepared in order to meet the changes of challenges in the future. ADVANTAGES: Employee feel motivated when working in the organization because of clear goals. 13. Short-term Focus: In general, it deals with periods that include days, weeks or months to enhance the working of each day. Consists of a hot Regional – Level Tourism Planning • Such types of tourism planning are undertaken by 2 or 3 states • For ex:-Roads ,highways, rail links, air strips, artificial lakes, water , electricity, sewerage and other parts of vital infrastructure are created in collaboration with the union govt. 5. Objectives in Meal planning Meals outside home is eaten in a diversified plans. Planning provides direction, reduces risk and uncertainty, and guides decision-making. Presenting this set of slides with name - Organizational Objectives Strategic Planning Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Cpb. Planning establishes standards for controlling: Planning provides basis for 3. Lunch is a midday meal of varying size depending on the culture. Planning is vital to the continued success of organization. It identifies corporate and functional planning, strategic and tactical planning, long and short term planning, proactive and reactive planning, and formal and informal planning. Mar 24, 2013 · 2. Each is planned to meet the need of customer/clientele. Mar 22, 2018 · 9 types of management - Download as a PDF or view online for free 4 Introduction: Definition of Project Planning Defines as “the process of choosing one method and order of work to be adopted for a project from all the various ways and sequences in which it could be done” (Antill and Woodhead1990, p. Read less Jul 14, 2019 · 111. The Role of the Menu The menu serves several purposes to both the restaurant and its customers:. It also involves developing budgets to guide future activities. • Planning is costly and time consuming. It is directed towards efficiency. Animated . Planning is directed towards efficiently. The mission describes as well the organizations values and aspirations. It defines planning as the process of thinking about and organizing activities to achieve goals. Look at how one can develop an involvement strategy for any particular situation. All investment decisions are taken in accordance with goods and targets fixed by the central planning authority Jun 3, 2012 · Different budget types are described, including income/expenditure, capital, and cash budgets. It also outlines key components of planning including objectives, policies, strategies, procedures, programs, budgets, and rules. Planning involves identifying problems, gathering information, analyzing alternatives, selecting plans, and checking progress. The document discusses different types of planning based on breadth, time frame, specificity, and frequency of use. Continue Use of strategies, tactics, techniques and teaching aids:- A teacher should have a good command over general principles of teaching, so that he can use the strategies and the techniques accordingly in the content matter. txt) or view presentation slides online. Provide a taster of the options available. Capacity terminologyCapacity terminology Design capacityDesign capacity ( Max. This is a types of planning ppt slides download. Feb 14, 2015 · 18. “PLANNING” Planning is the basic function in management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving these objectives. It discusses the stages of the educational planning process which include collecting statistical information, evolving policy proposals, making projections and programming, costing educational plans, and making decisions, implementing, and evaluating plans. Planning is a primary management function which every organisation has to undertake irrespective of its size, nature and origin. Planning is flexible Jan 25, 2020 · This document discusses the importance of educational planning and provides guidance on how to plan effectively. e. Planning is the process of thinking before acting and is a fundamental management function. MODULE 10 PLANS AND PLANNING TECHNIQUES “Goals and objectives get you there faster” How and why do managers plan? What types of plans do managers use? Apr 7, 2019 · Overview of Planning • Definition of planning • Types of plans • Planning processes and steps • Evaluation • Accreditation expectations 2. For the peak loading condition of the coming year, a power system utility expert notices that from the two lines, feeding a substation, one would be overloaded by 10% of its rating, while, the other would be loaded by 60% of its rating. ppt / . The four main types of plans are strategic plans Sep 8, 2017 · 11. • Formal planning reinforces success, which may lead to failure. Important settlements from each period are discussed, showing advances in planning concepts over time. Department of EducationDepartment of EducationDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Instructional Process According to Airasian (1994), the instructional process is made up of three (3) steps: (1) planning instruction; (2) delivery of instruction; and (3) assessment of learning This means that teaching begins even before a teacher steps in front of a class and begins a lesson. Apr 6, 2018 · 3. of Teams) • Divide the Number of teams into two halves • If the number of teams is not exact power of 2 (4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on) and is an odd number o Upper half = (N+1)/2 o Lower half= (N-1)/2 o Byes are given in the first round o Number of byes = 𝟐 𝒙 - N (where 𝟐 𝒙 Jul 6, 2016 · Essentially, project planning involves establishing the scope, aims and objectives of a project, the way in which the project will be performed, the roles and responsibilities of those involved, and the time and cost estimates. Planning helps in reducing uncertainties of future as it involves anticipation of future events. Financial Planning ensures that the suppliers of funds are easily investing in companies which exercise financial planning. PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting types of planning ppt slides download. Family Planning Methods PPT: Definition and 4. Improvement of managing through result oriented planning. • Planning is the process of determining how the organization can get where it wants to go (Certo, 2000, p. Council Planning. 4. It also provides some ideas about techniques to use in planning. Some key teaching strategies discussed include lecture, discussion, demonstration, debate, role playing, and simulation. Apr 20, 2015 · The chapter discusses the key concepts of investments including defining investments, differentiating types of investments, outlining the investment process and participants, describing steps in investing including establishing goals and managing taxes, examining how investing changes over an individual's life cycle and in different economic environments, and understanding popular short-term Apr 26, 2020 · 3. • Describe project management. There are three main levels of planning: corporate, business unit, and functional. Approaches like incremental, zero-based, line-item, and performance-based budgeting are compared. Definition of planning Types of plans Planning processes and steps Evaluation Accreditation expectations. Strategic Planning B. Regional planning basically covers an area broader than city, but smaller than a country. Planning - Download as a PDF or view online for free. View Similar Jul 29, 2014 · Planning Strategies(continued) • Opportunistic Search • Favor the most constrained operations • Meta-level Plans • Plans about plans • Techniques of planning can be selected dynamically based on the type of problem at hand. Nov 25, 2013 · 2. Apr 21, 2020 · Types of IUCDs Some important devices (IUCDs) are discussed here: • Lippe's Loop • Copper – T: Copper - T-200, Tcu - 380 A, Tcu - 220 C, Nova T, M2 Cu – 250, ML - Cu 375 & 250 • Progestasert T Shaped Device Insertion of IUCD • Loop can be fitted at any time except the pregnancy, during reproductive age . The document provides guidance on preparing effective business messages. Overview of Planning. The manager has to evaluate/ assess each option and select the most suitable option. Planning not only selects the objectives but also develops polices program and procedures to achieve the objective. 2 The Planning Process Steps in the planning process: 1. ppt), PDF File (. It includes the selection of objectives, policies, procedures and Jan 10, 2023 · Sumit Thakur MBA Planning In Management PPT: Definition, Types and Importance Free Download: Planning is the fundamental management feature, which entails finding out beforehand, what's to be carried out, whilst is it to be carried out, how it's far to be carried out and who's going to do it. Planning is pervasive. It should provide a fairly inexperienced planning team in any organisation with a clear picture of what planning should involve, and of how planning links to monitoring and evaluation. Guidelines are provided for developing different types of nursing care plans such as informal, formal, standardized, and individualized plans. 7. Council Annual Planning Financial Budget Planning Leadership Planning WHY PLAN Yogi Berra “ If you don’t know where you are going, How will you know when you get there. • Distributed Planning • Different parts (subplans) of the plan are developed by different “expert Mar 13, 2018 · 11. Medium-term planning (5-10 years) Modify demands Recognize new needs Obtain new resources 3. Planning is found at all levels, be it in top management, middle level and frontline level management. I. It discusses fertility awareness methods, spermicides, male and female condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, birth control sponges, pills, patches, vaginal rings, shots, implants, IUDs, tubal ligation, vasectomy, tubal implants, emergency contraception, options for older women, withdrawal, and the Jul 29, 2009 · 2. Ancient texts provided guidelines for planning villages, towns, and cities. What is planning?. a. Business planning is performed at various levels in an organization, often in a hierarchical fashion, With each level drafting plans to achieve the goals set in the level directly above. The original menus that offered consumers choices were prepared on a small chalkboard, in French a carte; so foods chosen from a bill of fare are described as "à la carte," "according to the board. The planning process involves classifying problems, setting objectives, collecting and analyzing information, establishing assumptions, determining alternative plans, selecting an operating plan, arranging the timing and sequence of operations, and following up on Planning involves setting priorities, establishing goals, and selecting interventions. Planning means looking ahead. In simple words, HRP is understood as the process of forecasting an organization's future demand for, and supply of, the right type of people in the right number. Curriculum planning develop well-coordinated, quality teaching, learning and assessment programs, which build students’ knowledge, skills and behaviors in the disciplines, as well as their interdisciplinary and Jul 14, 2014 · The document provides information on various methods of family planning and birth control. There are four main types: 1) based on time span - short, middle, and long-term planning; 2) based on level - micro, macro, and grassroots planning; 3) based on people involved - individual, group, institutional, and developmental planning; 4) based on nature - master, basic, and Oct 15, 2012 · The main steps in the planning process are to define the task, identify resources, consider alternatives, create the plan, implement the plan, and evaluate. Planning- the concept Plan is a commitment to a particular course of action necessary to achieve specific results Planning is determination of future course of action It occupies the first position in the management process Without a plan- there can be nothing to organise, managers can’t lead with confidence no way to see if they stray from the path of achieving objectives Planning is Types of Regional Planning (Continued) Physical Regional Planning • Related to the ordering of space –landuse, infrastructure network, new town/ settlement • A basis for development control mechanism • Ex: Planning of a new town by Urban Development Agency (UDA) Economic Regional Planning Feb 9, 2024 · 2. It covers types of instructional planning like course plans, unit plans, and lesson plans. Types of farm planning: • Simple farm planning: - Adopted for part of farm or for only one enterprise - Simple and easy to implement • Complete or whole farm planning: - Planning for the whole farm - Adopted when major changes are planned - e. There are different types of planning including strategic planning done at the corporate level which is long-term and directional, and operational planning done at lower levels which is short-term and specific. Strategic planning sets long term organizational direction while operational planning focuses on existing operations. pnbng ntj eqra imrvr ihedp vsffmx yvcp lzml trgb wmrt