Eccn nummer zolltarifnummer.
ECCN: Used for export control.
Eccn nummer zolltarifnummer Zolltarifnummer 39191080. An ECCN code aids in the export of technology and software products. Eine Zolltarifnummer oder HS-Code (= Harmonized System Code), ist eine international standardisierte Nummer. The customs tariff Tares contains all the information you need for the declaration, including costs. How to Find the ECCN, CCATS, or HTS for an Intel® Xeon® Processor. Eine ECCN kategorisiert Güter auf der Grundlage ihrer Art und ihrer Zolltarifnummer 73269098. ECCNs are essential for determining export control Read ECCN “Item” heading under “List of Items Controlled” Match particular characteristics, functions, and applications to a specific ECCN Pay attention to Related Controls and Related Definitions with the ECCN Entry! Bureau of Industry and Security –How To Classify Your Item Other Useful Guidance when Classifying your Item Commerce Controll List (CCL) und Export Commodity Classification Number (ECCN) Welche Waren, Software oder Technologien aufgrund ihrer technischen Beschaffenheit bzw. There are three ways to determine the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for your product. ECCN Self Classification. Die ECCN-Nummer stellt eine alphanumerische Kennung von Exportgütern dar, die der US-RE-Exportkontrolle unterliegen. Contact the manufacturer, producer, or developer of the item you are exporting to see if they have classified their product and can provide you with the ECCN. ECCNs are alpha-numeric codes that describe the item and indicate licensing requirements. If the ECCN contains a list under the “Items” heading, you should review the list to determine within which subparagraph(s) your item is identified. I hear from many exporters who are a bit confused about the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) classification for their products and the Harmonized System (HS), Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), and Schedule B numbers of their products. 70 EAR99 USB Unifying receiver 8517. Department of Commerce regulates export transactions of all goods that fall under the jurisdiction of Federal Regulation Title 15 - Commerce and Foreign Trade (15 CFR). Symptoms. The CCL is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further It all starts with a valid HS code. The second digit stands Additional Information. Intel Export Compliance. Die ECCN wird innerhalb der ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List (CCL) to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. 90 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. 대략적으로 어떤 물건인지 추측을 할 수 있겠죠? Die Zolltarifnummer - oft auch als Warennummer bezeichnet - spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im Außenhandel und ist das zentrale Ordnungsmerkmal im internationalen Handel! Sowohl im Rahmen der Einfuhr als auch der Ausfuhr ist die korrekte Angabe der Zolltarifnummer ein zentraler Bestandteil. 60 EAR99 Wireless & Bluetooth keyboards 8471. The acronym ECCN stands for Export Control Classification Number, which is a five-digit alphanumeric code on the Commerce Control List (CCL). An ECCN categorizes items based on the nature of the product, that is, the type of commodity, software, or technology and its respective technical parameters. 70 EAR99 Essential Solution Es gibt unverbindliche Hilfsmittel (zB Umschlüsselungsverzeichnis Zolltarifnummer-AL Nummer) oder Fußnoten im elektronischen TARIC. . 49. The ECCN applicable to material, as well as its destination country, end user and end use are all factors in whether an export is legal. The CCL, part of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), is one of two control lists maintained by the U. An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a five-digit identifier used by the U. For more details, as well as for information on other HTS Codes, click here to contact us, or fill out the form on the right hand side of the screen. 1B118. The item follows the procedure of first identifying itself with the CCL list. Unter US-Lizenz hergestelle Produkte. As is evident from the name, you can carry out an analysis of the product and classify it yourself. exports and determine whether an export license is needed from the Department of Commerce. nichteuropäischen Lieferanten), die Zolltarifnummer (HS-Code), die AL-Nummer, die ECCN-Nummer, technische Spezifikationen für die Güterlistenprüfung etc. Harmonized System (HS) code: A global system for classifying goods with a 6-digit code. You should note that they attached this disclaimer: Attached is the automated response to your recent request for ECCN-HTS data. com. Additional information. So finden Sie eine ECCN Nummer Wenn Ihr kleine Unternehmen in Übersee Märkte erweitert, müssen Sie ermitteln, wenn das Produkt, das Sie exportieren möchten ein Export Control Classification Number durch das U. Department of Commerce zugewiesen wurde. Schedule B code focuses on trade statistics and product categorization. Department of Commerce to categorize items that are subject to export control restrictions. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS ): The U. You need to find the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for Network Protection products. 2017-04-03 Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) Import control Regulation 0267/12 2017-04-03 ERGA OMNES (1011) Import control Regulation 0267/12 ECCN - Export Control Classification Number; EL - Entity List (US) EUL – End User List (JP) EXW - Ex Works (Incoterm) EBTI - European Binding Tariff Information Ruth Setzler 13. LS4208. EZT-online Auskunft stellt eine Benutzeroberfl che zur Anzeige der Daten des Elektronischen Zolltarifs (EZT) f r Ein- und Ausfuhr bereit. An ECCN (short for Export Control Classification Number), is a designation that an item, which can be a tangible or intangible (i. more_vert. I will focus on area of ‘Classification for International Trade’ in this Blog, which includes Classification of the products with Commodity codes, Control Classes (ECCN) & control groups for legal control The following important foreign trade fields, which are maintained in ERP are no longer be available in S/4 HANA (1610 or any higher The ECCN number is a categorization used by the parties involved to classify shipments made from the U. Das Europäische Zollinventar chemischer Substanzen, ECICS (European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances) ist ein von der Generaldirektion (GD) Steuern und Zollunionder Europäischen Kommissionverwaltetes Informationsinstrument, das es erlaubt: Chemikalien Hier erfährst du mehr darüber, wie du die richtige Zolltarifnummer findest. 셋째자리: 통제이유. , 3A001, that describes the item and indicates licensing requirements. Allerdings sind die US-Positionen umfangreicher (z. Außerhalb der USA hergestellte Produkte fallen als „Foreign Direct Products“ gem. 3. The code above is a complete TARIC code. Du kannst aber auch die spezifischeren HS8- oder HS10-Codes angeben. What is the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) and Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) for the LS4208? applicable to. The Commerce Control List contains ten different categories, and this determines the ECCN’s first digit. Since the ECCN may be affected by the country to which you're shipping the part, you would also select the name of the destination country. export regulations. The HTS is 8471900000 and the ECCN is EAR99. What is an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)? The Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a key element in the realm of international trade and freight management. Unless certain exceptions apply, most EAR99 items can be shipped without a license. Die Nummer kann sechs, acht oder zehn Ziffern lang sein. An export control classification number (ECCN) is a five digit alphanumeric key used to classify U. Thereafter, based on the given information, you either obtain a ECCN & HTS INFORMATION. a. 90 EAR99 Wired 8471. 05. ECCNs are organized by a five character alphanumeric system. com Enter email to receive Lenovo marketing and promotional emails. The Department of Commerce governs both ECCN and Schedule B. to identify specific products, services, and technologies that require export licenses to prevent them from The key in determining whether an export license is needed from the Department of Commerce is finding out if the item you intend to export has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). So gilt die Warentarifnummer bzw. type of commodity, technology or software and its respective technical parameters. Solution Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 4911. Sie wissen nicht, wo Sie die ECCN-Nummer für Ihre Exportwaren finden? Oder Sie sind sich unsicher, was die ECCN-Nummer überhaupt ist und wann Sie diese brauchen? Dann sind A key in determining whether an export license is needed from the Department of Commerce is finding out if the item you intend to export has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). Contact the manufacturer, producer, or developer of the item you Bei dieser Prüfung wird festgestellt , ob das Gut eine eindeutige Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) hat. There are 10 categories to choose from - so an ECCN number starting with the digit 3 would be electronics, while the ECCN for a chemical being exported would begin with the number 1. Related articles. Im Kern entspricht die Nummer den Positionen in der Dual-Use-Liste der Europäischen Union. S. ECCN’s first number determines the broad category to which an item belongs, as defined in the CCL. csv. Isolierte (auch lackisolierte oder elektrolytisch oxidierte) Drähte, Kabel (einschließlich Koaxialkabel) und andere isolierte elektrische Leiter, auch mit Anschlussstücken; Kabel aus optischen, einzeln umhüllten Fasern, auch elektrische Leiter enthaltend oder mit Anschlussstücken versehen An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a five-character alphanumeric key used in the Commerce Control List (CCL) to classify U. An ECCN is different from a Schedule B number as well as the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code. Informationspflicht nach Artikel 33, REACH-Verordnung: Dieses Produkt enthält ein oder mehrere Erzeugnisse, in welchen folgender Stoff der Kandidatenliste in einer Konzentration über 0,1 Massenprozent vorhanden ist: The acronym ECCN stands for Export Control Classification Number, which is a five-digit alphanumeric code on the Commerce Control List (CCL). ECCNs are five character alpha Zolltarifnummer 85030099. The ECCN helps both the BIS and companies determine whether exports need a license and to what extent the products can be The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) under the U. For HTS support in Europe, Middle East and Africa, contact EMEA TRADE COMP FORCE: emeatrade@lenovo. : „HS Code“) stoßen viele Unternehmen daher auf weitreichende Probleme. The ECCN determines the level of control that applies to an item and indicates the licensing requirements for its exportation. für die industrielle Montage: von Einachsschleppern der Unterposition 8701 10, von Kraftfahrzeugen der Position 8703, von Kraftfahrzeugen der Position 8704, mit Kolbenverbrennungsmotor mit Selbstzündung (Diesel- oder Halbdieselmotor) und einem Hubraum von 2 500 cm 3 oder weniger oder mit Kolbenverbrennungsmotor mit Fremdzündung Get the ECCN number. The presence of the correct ECCN ensures that The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e. Zolltarifnummer 85030099. HS Code, Customs Tariff Number, Taric - European Database Find all customs tariff numbers and harmonized codes from the European external trade statistics in German, English and French from 2009 until today. The United States uses the ECCN system to categorize items based on their characteristics and regulate the exporting of those items according to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). ECCNs are five-character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List (CCL) to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. Betrifft: Italienische Importvorschriften für Schleifmittel (Zolltarifnummern 68051000 und Sind Warentarifnummer und Zolltarifnummer das gleiche? Sowohl der Begriff „Warentarifnummer“ als auch der Begriff „Zolltarifnummer“ beschreiben die gleiche Kennzahl im Zolltarif, allerdings in unterschiedlich langer Ausführung. If a business does not have clarity on the classification of goods delivered to their organisation, it is unknown what controls apply to goods. Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 8544. 3 (Steps Regarding the Ten General Prohibitions), or General Prohibitions Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is an alphanumeric code used by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to determine whether goods set for export outside of the United States fall under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). 0000 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. Key Takeaways. Control systems, on-line development of gas turbine engines . zebra internal only. If you can't obtain the ECCN from the vendor or manufacturer (or if there isn't one), Then follow the below steps to find its ECCN. This means it can be used for import declarations for the EU. Zolltarifnummer 39269097. Understand the structure, importance, and role of ECCNs in international trade. This helps customs authorities determine if the Department of Commerce needs to issue an export license, as well as determine which Das Umschlüsselungsverzeichnis wurde aktualisiert. 2014-09-06 Russian Federation (RU) Import control on restricted goods and technologies Decision 0512/14 2016-01-20 Libya (LY) Import control on restricted goods and technologies ECCN Coding Rules. Ideally, it comes in handy in determining whether an export license is required to export a commodity. Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 8471. Lithium cells and batteries (excl. 9031 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors 903180 Other instruments, appliances and machines 90318020 For measuring or checking geometrical quantities 90318080 Other An ECCN is a different classification from a Schedule B number or a Harmonized Tariff Schedule code. Solving compliance challenges. 99. Dual-Use-Güter. 0 Deutschland Lizenz. Die AL-Nummern unterscheiden sich grundlegend von den Zolltarifnummern; daher kann die ZTNr nicht immer direkten Rückschluss auf eine Position der Dual Use-Liste geben; ein vorhandener Verweis im Zolltarif ist Kunststoffe „Polymere und Prepolymere“, durch chemische Synthese hergestellt, a. The ECCN is a five-digit number that is assigned to every type of controlled item. 使用 bis官网查询工具查看托寄物是否受ear管辖。您也可以让官方专业人员确定您产品的 eccn。 Traduzioni in contesto per "Zolltarifnummer" in tedesco-italiano da Reverso Context: Mit der Eingabe der sechsstelligen Zolltarifnummer sowie des Bestimmungslandes können Sie dort alle speziellen Importerfordernisse abfragen. The Commerce Control List assigns the remaining three digits, which are contingent upon the specific attributes and AL : N / ECCN : 5A992: Regellieferzeit ab Werk (Arbeitstage) 15 Tag(e) Nettogewicht pro ME: 17,000 kg: Verpackungsmaße Einheit: Nicht verfügbar: Mengeneinheit (ME) 1 Stück: SCIP Nummer: Relevante PDF Kataloge: Klassifizierungen Version Klassifizierung eClass: 12: 19-20-01-02: eClass: 14: 19-20-01-02: eClass: 6: 19-20-01-02: eClass: 7. This number is also essential for your shipment related to concerns regarding the parties to the transaction and the product’s ultimate use. § 734. Once the appropriate category and product group are identified, you should match the particular characteristics and functions of your item to a specific ECCN. B. eccn은 숫자-알파벳-숫자-일련번호로 구성되어있습니다. 2010-01-01 ERGA OMNES (1011) Third country duty Regulation 0948/09 2024-03-11 ERGA OMNES (1011) Import control of fluorinated greenhouse gases Regulation 0573/24 A more thorough explanation: Definition: Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a code used by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to determine if goods set for export outside of the United States fall under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). If they have exported the item in the past, it is likely they have Product Type Product Description EU HS code ECCN Wired or Wireless Mice, Trackballs & Touchpads 8471. , software or technology), is controlled because of its specific performance characteristics, qualities, or designed-end use. • Compared to the five-character alphanumeric code of ECCN, Schedule B is a 10-digit code under HTS. In den meisten Fällen ist eine unverbindliche Anfrage zwar ausreichend, wenn du aber auf Nummer sicher gehen und kein Wenn Sie Lenovo Produkte exportieren oder importieren, benötigen Sie möglicherweise eine Export Control Classification Number (ECCN, Klassifikationsnummer für die Ausfuhrkontrolle) oder einen Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). The ECCN categorizes items based on the nature of the product, such as the type of commodity, technology, or software and its inherent technical parameters. Containment facilities . This article provides information about ECCN and how to obtain the ECCN number. Focuses on security concerns. ihrer Verwendungsmöglichkeiten Gegenstand der amerikanischen Exportkontrollen sind, ergibt sich auf der Grundlage der "Commerce Controll List" (CCL). If they have exported the item in the past, it is likely they have What is an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)? Learn why it's vital for customs clearance, ensuring compliance and preventing unlawful transfers. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of United States Department of Commerce maintains the Commerce Control List (CCL) that includes items (commodities, software, and technology) subject to the authority of BIS. ECCN are different from HTS code. HS Codes are also a global Ein Leitfaden zur Klassifizierung von Chemikalien in der Kombinierten Nomenklatur. 1 The Commerce Control List (CCL) employs an ECCN, a five-character alphanumeric code, to classify U. However, you will need to be familiar with the CCL (Commerce Control List) to do this. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells); Examples: - CR2032 Lithium button cell battery - 18650 If you export goods, you must be concerned with using the proper classification of your products. 1 to Part 774 of the EAR) which is available on the Government Printing Office website. ECCN number is an essential step in export compliance. The ECCN must be included in export documentation, such as the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI) and the export declaration. , in primary forms (excl. , in Primärformen (ausg. -specific version of the HS code. 1 to Part 774 of the EAR), which is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further subdivided into five Interior antenna for a car door locking system, comprising: - an antenna module in a plastic housing, - whether or not a connection cable with a plug, - whether or not a connector, - at least one mounting bracket, - whether or not PCB including integrated circuits, diodes and transistors, for use in the manufacture of goods of Chapter 87 Die deutsche Zollbehörde spricht von Zolltarifnummer, Nomenklaturnummer, Codenummer, HS-Position, das Statistische Bundesamt von der Warennummer, international hört man von HS-Code, Customs Tariff Code / Number, Product Code. Doch leider ist es ist nicht einfach, die Zolltarifnummer zu finden. Die ECCN-Informationen werden in einem Manifest dargestellt, das Sie darüber informiert, welche Lizenzen erforderlich sind und welche Ausnahmen möglich sind. Polymer and prepolymer plastics produced by chemical synthesis, n. You may need to review multiple ECCN descriptions before finding the correct ECCN. Some manufacturers may require you to have an account to look up ECCNs. They help determine if your commodities need a license to be exported. Intel Atom® Processor C Series. 60 5A992 Palm Rest 4016. The ECCN classification is based on category, product group, series, and sequential numbering of items. The country of origin for the LS4208 is Mexico. 2011 Seite 2 von 4 www. , kostenlos zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die CCL ist innerhalb der EAR unter der What is an ECCN? An ECCN is a five-character, alpha-numeric designation on the CCL used to identify items for export control purposes. This is in line with the destination details and the information on reasons for control. Adds four additional digits to the HS code for further detail, used to determine import duties. How are products categorized by ECCN on the Commerce Control List? ECCN information is presented in a manifest that lets you know what licenses are required and what exceptions may be available. 海关总署公告2024年第198号(关于废止和宣布失效部分知识产权海关保护类规范性文件的公告) The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e. s. 9 EAR in den Anwendungsbereich der EAR, wenn sie unmittelbar unter Nutzung bestimmter US-Technologie oder US-Software hergestellt wurden. copolymer of p-cresol and divinylbenzene in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide containing by weight >= 50% of polymer, hydrogenated copolymers of vinyltoluene and alfa-methylstyrene, and poly(1,3-phenylene methylphosphonate)) Merchandise, as well as private goods not transported in personal luggage or a private vehicle, must be declared upon importation and exportation. Die ECCN ist eine alphanumerische Bezeichnung, die in der US-amerikanischen Dual-Use-Güterliste Commerce Control List verwendet wird, um Dual-Use-Güter zu klassifizieren. 2012-01-01 ERGA OMNES (1011) Supplementary unit Regulation 1719/05 2017-09-01 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (KP) Import control on restricted goods and technologies Die CCL ist die die Dual-Use-Güterliste der USA und damit das Pendant des Anhang I der EG-Dual-Use-Verordnung (Dual-Use-Güterliste der EU). An ECCN is a five-character alphanumeric code used to identify items for export control purposes. If they regularly export their products, they should know the item's ECCN. and other regions, contact: imports@lenovo. I need to ship Juniper products overseas and I was advised that ECCN is required. Sie sind in der Commerce Control List (CCL) aufgeführt. 97 Wireless & Bluetooth Combo's 8471. Finden Sie alle Zolltarifnummern aus dem Warenverzeichnis des Außenhandels in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch von 2009 bis heute. schwaben. Sie ermöglicht eine schnelle interaktive Recherche der Warennummern für die Statistik des Warenverkehrs mit dem Ausland im Intrahandel und Übersetzung im Kontext von „Zolltarifnummer“ in Deutsch-Spanisch von Reverso Context: Keiner der ausführenden Hersteller schlug eine Zolltarifnummer für Bentonit vor. Sie wird verwendet, um Waren zu klassifizieren und ihre Zollabwicklung zu erleichtern. Gemeint ist immer die gleiche Nummer, nur in verschiedenen Längen je nach Anwendung. 1B234 . Items to be exported must be classified according to the CCL and assigned the corresponding Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). These items are categorized based on the type of commodity (the nature of the product) such as software or technology, and its respective technical parameters. ECCNs are five character alpha What is an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)? Learn why it's vital for customs clearance, ensuring compliance and preventing unlawful transfers. Die Abkürzung ECCN steht dabei für Export Control Classification Number (auf Deutsch: Die Export Control Classification Number (kurz ECCN) ist eine alphanumerische Kennzeichnung für Exportgüter mit US-amerikanischem Ursprung. Mit der Verordnung (EU) 2021/821 (EU-Dual-Use-VO) hat die EU für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten gemeinsame Genehmigungspflichten und Verfahrenweisen bei der Ausfuhr, der Vermittlung, der technischen Unterstützung, der Durchfuhr und der Verbringung von Gütern mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck festgelegt. Re-export The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The format starts with the category from the CCL the product falls into. Attached is the excel file that I got as a reply from the group that tracks ECCN. ECCN is a 5-character of alpha numeric code use to identify dual-use item for export control. exports. EAR99 items may require a license if destined for a prohibited or restricted end-user, end-use or destination. de The ECCN country chart outlines the regulations for licensing for exports to various countries across the world. Hierbei handelt es sich um warenbezogene Angaben wie z. Related Products This article applies to 73 products. Containment devices (not enumerated under ECCN 1B608 or in USML Category IV or V) for the testing of high explosives or explosive devices . The key in determining whether an export license is needed from the Department of Commerce is finding out if the item you intend to export has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). bei ECCN. Produktkatalog Siemens Industry - Automatisierungstechnik - Industrielle Schalttechnik - Befehls- und Meldegeräte - Drucktaster und Leuchtmelder SIRIUS ACT - Gehäuse - Leergehäuse Gerade im Bereich der harmonisierten Zolltarifnummer (engl. Read through it and verify the correct part names for the ECCN. Anhand der Zolltarifnummer wird die Höhe der Abgaben Im Kontext der US-amerikanischen Exportkontrolle ist ECCN die Abkürzung für Export Control Classification Number. An ECCN is a five-character number with alphanumeric designations used under the CCL, whereas schedule B is a 10 digit code under the HTS. n. 70 5A992 Wired Combo's 8471. 둘째자리: 품목군의 구분. • The ECCN code is produced to Lizenzbestimmung Nachdem Sie Ihre Waren und Technologien klassifiziert haben, hilft Ihnen Descartes Visual Compliance ECCN Determination bei der Lizenzbestimmung. 2017-09-01 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (KP) Import control on restricted goods and technologies Regulation 1509/17 2017-09-01 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n. For HTS support in the U. HS y ECCN para clasificar rápidamente sus mercancías de forma fiable. Find out about key factors, classification processes, and consequences of misclassification. For ECCN support, contact: export_c@lenovo. resolution / answer. 60. Go to the Source. You can find and search for the current list of ECCNs via the Commerce Control List (CCL). Bei Softwareprodukten müssen generell auch die Exportkennzeichen des jeweiligen Datenträgers beachtet werden. Spread the loveIntroduction: Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN) are essential for companies looking to ship their products internationally. 2012-01-01 ERGA OMNES (1011) Supplementary unit Regulation 1719/05 2017-09-01 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (KP) Import control on restricted goods and technologies ECCNs are 5 character alphanumeric codes, for example 3A001:. Soweit nicht anders gekennzeichnet, stehen unsere Texte auf dieser Seite unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Keine Bearbeitung 3. Warenverzeichnis Suchmaschine - Online-Suchmaschine für Warennummern Das Statistische Bundesamt stellt Ihnen mit der Warenverzeichnis Suchmaschine eine komfortable Online-Anwendung zur Verfügung. Güte rn, die auf der amerik a nischen Güterkontrolllsite aufgeführt sind, wird jeweils eine aus fünf Zeichen best e hende Nummer zugeordnet, die sogenannte Export Control Cla ssification Number. RÜCKTRITT 5. g. Intel Atom® Processor D Series. ; Examples: - Plastic tokens for a board game (10 pieces, 5 cm How to Determine a Product’s ECCN: There are three approaches to determining a commodity’s export control classification number: Go to the Source Contact the item’s manufacturer to see if they have a current ECCN. , 1A984 or 4A001) used in the CCL (commerce control list) to identify items for export control purposes. 04. Was also ist eine ECCN-Nummer? ECCNs sind eindeutige fünfstellige alphanumerische Codes , die in Die in den USA für Dual-Use-Güter verwendete Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) ist zu vergleichen mit einer europäischen Dual-Use-Güterlistennummer und Learn what an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is, how it determines the control and regulation of goods, and the components of ECCN. It is primarily associated with the United States export control system but has [] The ECCN is managed by the Bureau of Industry and Security, whereas the Census Bureau manages schedule B. 첫째자리: 카테고리의 번호. An ECCN categorizes items based on There are three ways to determine the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for your product. Anmelden Anmeldung Als bereits registrierter Benutzer geben Sie nach dem Klick auf Anmelden Ihr Login sowie Ihr Passwort in den dafür vorgesehenen Eingabefeldern ein. Unlike an EAR99 designation, which is a broad basket category, an ECCN is much more A key in determining whether you need a Department of Commerce export license is knowing whether your item has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). 넷째자리 이하: 품목의 일련번호 이 비밀을 알았으니 나중에 eccn을 본다면. 5. Resolution The ECCN numbers for Network Protection products can be found using the link below. Each category is further divided into five distinct product groups, reflected in the second character of the ECCN. Hierbei handelt es sich um Güter, die sowohl zivil Produktkatalog Siemens Industry - Automatisierungstechnik - Industrielle Schalttechnik - Schutzgeräte - Leistungsschalter - Leistungsschalter SIRIUS 3RV2 The export classification number consists of four parts: the commodity code, the export control classification number (ECCN), the license requirement, and the licensing authority. exports and determine the need for an export license from the Department of Commerce. Properly identifying an ECCN Depending on a product’s ECCN, measures might include requiring an export licence (or a licence exception), or tracking the goods’ movement from source to final destination. Die Zolltarifnummer ist wichtig für die Einfuhr von importierten Waren in die EU. For export declarations, you can use the corresponding CN-code, which consists of the first eight digits of this code. It’s crucial to use the correct code for your specific needs. It also helps in determining if a license is needed to export an item to a specific destination or end-user. ECCNs do change over time, so review and proper due diligence is still required to ensure that the exporter is in agreement. ECCN focuses on security control and export licensing. NR. 2017-04-03 Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) Import control Regulation 0267/12 2017-04-03 ERGA OMNES (1011) Import control Regulation 0267/12 This is the second digit of the ECCN. Oktober 2021 06:52; Aktualisiert; Frei zugängliche Datenbank der europäischen Kommission zur Recherche über bestehende verbindliche Zolltarifauskünfte. Used as a base for other classification systems. Sonderregelungen gelten für ECCN 9x515 und die 600er-Serie. The commodity code is a five-digit number that is assigned to every type of item. An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is an alphanumeric designation (i. EAR99: This is a category for items not included on the Commerce Control List. See paragraphs (g) through (n) of § 732. If the ECCN has a list under the “Items” heading, review the subparagraph(s) to ensure your item meets the technical specifications listed. Wie lang die Nummer ist, hängt von ihrem Verwendungszweck ab. All ECCNs are listed in the Commerce Control List (CCL) (Supplement No. 1 Wird vom AUFTRAGNEHMER eine fällige Lieferung oder Leistung nicht erbracht oder liegt eine Number (ECCN) hat. The ECCN is critical to determining if a BIS license is required before an export or deemed export can legally occur. Abgabens tze (Z lle, Antidumping- und Ausgleichsz lle, EUSt und Verbrauchsteuern) und au enwirtschaftsrechtliche Ma nahmen sowie Vorschriften. How to Find an Item's ECCN? For items you've purchased, one source of export classification numbers is the US vendor or manufacturer. Stay updated with future trends and A product classified with an ECCN embedded or incorporated into a higher assembly of non-US controlled content would be subject to De Minimis controls. An ECCN is a five-character alphanumeric code used to identify items that are subject to U. Continuous mixers . ECCN number define whether a product requires an export license from department of commerce. If you are looking for HTS classification software solutions, visit Descartes CustomsInfo. Zolltarifnummer 85076000. 42. 如何查找物品的 eccn? 对于商业货物,可以从该商品的厂家或者代理商获取对应的 eccn 号码。如果无法从厂家或代理商处获得 eccn 号码,则可以按照以下步骤查找 eccn: 1. Making companies confident in their compliance due diligence—across all major industries and all around the world. Step 6 - If the item is not described under any ECCN of any category of the CCL, then the item is designated as EAR99. to identify specific products, services, and technologies that require export licenses to prevent them from How ECCN Impacts the Documentation, Shipping Process, and Trade Partnerships The ECCN affects various stages of the logistics process, from documentation to shipping. 1. If you have determined that your item is not in a 9X515 or 600 series ECCN, then start from the beginning of the product group to determine if any other ECCN describes your item. The significant differences between ECCN and Schedule B are: • The Bureau of Industry & Security manages the ECCN, while the Census Bureau manages Schedule B. EINE ECCN ist einen fünfstelligen alphanumerischen Code zur Identifizierung von Definition of Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a code assigned to certain items or technologies that are subject to export control regulations. ECCN Nummer der US-Ausfuhrliste (Export Control Classification Number) Erzeugnisse mit Kennzeichen ungleich "N" sind re-exportgenehmigungspflichtig. An ECCN categorizes items based on the nature of the product, i. Defining Export, Re-Export and Items Export An actual shipment or transmission of items subject to the export administration regulations (EAR:15 CFR 730-774) out of the United States, or the release of software or technology to a foreign national in the U. An improperly classified item is dangerous as it can lead to deciding that a BIS license is not Anmelden Anmeldung Als bereits registrierter Benutzer geben Sie nach dem Klick auf Anmelden Ihr Login sowie Ihr Passwort in den dafür vorgesehenen Eingabefeldern ein. restricted to partners. Sie wird vom Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) verwaltet und beschreibt die kontrollierten Güter unter Nennung ihrer technischen Eigenschaften in den jeweiligen Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN). 00 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. Warennummer ECCN: Used for export control. Daher hier mein Leitfaden: Zolltarifnummer suchen und finden. Nach der Anmeldung stehen Ihnen Ihre benutzerspezifischen Einstellungen und Preise sowie weitere Funktionen zur Verfügung. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Die Produktgruppen werden dabei anhand ihrer statistischen Warennummern (Zolltarifnummer) nach dem Harmonisiertem System unterschieden. e. The CCL is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further Die Zolltarifnummer ist immer auf der Handelsrechnung oder anderen obligatorischen Zolldokumenten, wie der Zollinhaltserklärung CN22 oder CN23, anzugeben. naftaeccnlistocsv096145169. For example, Honeywell has an ECCN Part Lookup Tool for its aerospace division, but you must have a purchase account to access the tool. Pakete, die in die EU versandt werden, benötigen eine mindestens sechsstellige Nummer (HS6-Code). An ECCN categorizes items “6”) within the ECCN category and product group of your item to compare the particular characteristics and functions of your item to those ECCNs. ECCN Classification: ECCNs are 5-digit codes used in export control. ECCN=N . Copolymer aus p-Kresol und Divinylbenzol, in Form einer Lösung in N,N-Dimethylacetamid mit einem Gehalt an Polymer von 50 GHT oder mehr sowie hydrierte Copolymere aus Vinyltoluol und alfa-Methylstyrol und Poly(1,3-phenylenmethylphosphonat)) Once you find a potential ECCN, read the ECCN entry on the CCL to see if your item fits the parameters of that ECCN. The ECCN helps both the BIS and companies determine if exports need a license and to what extent the products Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) ist eine Kennzeichnung für Dual-Use-Güter, die dem US-Exportkontrollrecht unterliegen. ihk. Die Ziffern einer Zolltarifnummer , identifizieren Produkte und deren Einfuhr- und Ausfuhrabgaben. Most items regulated by BIS require no license but those that do can be found on the Commerce Control List (CCL) and are What Is ECCN:-How HTS code is mandatory while import/export process same way for the ECCN code is also compulsory to have. 69. 2B352. dcrbntbctlmunmdjzstadasfwqfheamduffxmbdmgbwxxckztc