Uscg homeport anchorage. To skip between groups, use Ctrl+LEFT or Ctrl+RIGHT.

Uscg homeport anchorage Dove@uscg. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) MMCStatus; Missions. Coast Guard Barque Eagle (WIX 327) returned to its home port of New London, Thursday following a 97-day deployment. com and join our Facebook group USCG Valdez. a. POC: LT Phillips Canlas (OEM-2) at chellsey. An individual or organization planning to hold a marine event which, by its nature, circumstances or location, will introduce extra or unusual hazards to the safety of life on the Homeport. Email OSC Application Support at OSC-Homeport@uscg. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) U. Administrative Adjudications. Mailing Address: U. Both acts require plans to be filed with the USCG in the event that certain tank or non-tank vessels have an Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; LCDR Benjamin Cariddi and LT Chellsey Phillips Canlas at ICS-ProgramCoordinator@uscg. The Coast Guard is undergoing updates to the CG-IMH. If you prefer, you can mail a hard copy to the following address: Attn: Senior Investigating Officer Boston; Eastern Great Lakes; Charleston; Columbia River; Corpus Christi; D8 Gulf of Mexico; Delaware Bay Currently selected; Detroit; Duluth; Guam; Honolulu; Houma The Coast Guard’s ability to conduct rescues can be diminished or unavailable at the height of a storm. Coast Guard has adopted some of FEMA's published ICS forms to conform to the national standard. 25, 2024. Get Form. To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. 155. The USCG ICS Forms are one of several tools that are available to support personnel managing a response to an MMCStatus; Missions. FAQs; Overview; System Maintenance; What's New; Homeport User Guide Email: SCCJuneau@uscg. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) USCG District Specific Information; Towing Vessels + Environmental + Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) AFS Convention; Policy; Our e-mail address is secnneinvest@uscg. Coast Guard Sector Anchorage G-Wing, Building 49000 Army Guard Road JBER, AK 99505-0727. MMCStatus; Missions. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT). Administrative Adjudications; Containers; Cybersecurity; Domestic Vessels; Environmental; Federal Advisory Committees; Incident Management and Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Homeport US Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard + Missions + Administrative Adjudications. Coast Guard Cutter Calhoun (WMSL 759) arrived at their homeport in North Charleston, Sunday, after delivery from Ingalls Shipbuilding and supporting missions throughout the Coast Guard’s Seventh and Eighth, ALAMEDA, Calif. mil NY/NJ Area Committee: MST1 Brian Dove 718. The vessel will eventually relocate to its permanent homeport in Juneau, Alaska, following necessary shore infrastructure improvements. PENSACOLA, Fla. Administrative Adjudications; Containers; Cybersecurity; Domestic Vessels; Environmental; Federal Advisory Committees; Incident Management and This system will also be used to collect information from and about individuals for whom background screening will be conducted for purposes of establishing USCG-approved identification credentials for access to maritime facilities, and to inform owners and operators of those maritime facilities of the names of persons who have passed the Regulations establishing these anchorage grounds and governing their use are set out in 33 CFR 110. Homeport has also come to support the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act. These anchorage ground regulations were last revised in January 2015 to establish and modify anchorage grounds to support port demands and enhance navigation safety. 60 and 33 CFR 110. Coast Guard Form CG-4424. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) USCG District Specific Information; Towing Vessels + Environmental + Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) AFS Convention; Policy; The U. , as the cutter approaches its homeport of Coast Guard Base Seattle, Aug. Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton (WMSL 753) returned to their homeport in North Charleston, Friday, following a four-month maritime safety and security patrol in the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean. Other forms (ICS ###-CG) have been adapted from Wildlife NIMS to fit more all-risk, all-hazard responses by the CG, and are not recognized by NIMS. No walk-in appointments are available, and all other application services will continue to be handled via email at: REC Anchorage exam services will be by appointment only. The uninterrupted flow of commerce on our Marine Transportation System (MTS) is critical to both National Security and National economic well-being. 0 User Guide 2017 for Homeport specific information about Homeport features. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Homeport US Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard + Missions + Administrative Adjudications. These Consult the Homeport 2. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) MMCStatus; Missions Currently selected. Do you want to proceed to Homeport Print Certificate for Display Only? To issue credentials to fully qualified mariners in the most effective and efficient manner possible. , MMCStatus; Missions. Boston; Eastern Great Lakes; Charleston; Columbia River; Corpus Christi; D8 Gulf of Mexico; Delaware Bay; Detroit; Duluth; Guam; Honolulu; Houma; Houston-Galveston The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter James returns to the ship's homeport in North Charleston, S. – The crew of the U. 4, 2023. This page provides information on some of the changes you will find. Coast Guard Academy cadets and forcesvaldezombudsman@gmail. Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV Currently selected; MMLD Credential Verification MMCStatus; Missions. mil). Sign In. To fully leverage that expertise, COMDT (CG-OEM) has developed a survey tool which will Mariner Credentialing Program; Mariner Credentialing Program Customer Survey; Merchant Mariner Application Status Currently selected; Merchant Mariner Certificate; Merchant Mariner Credential Verification MMCStatus; Missions Currently selected. A. ANCHORAGE REQUEST . Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) HOMER, Alaska – Coast Guard Cutter Aspen arrived at its new homeport in Homer, Alaska, Tuesday, following an extensive dry dock period. phillips@uscg. 9, 2023. Call Product Support Service Desk at phone number 304-262-5971 or 877-872-4999. U. The crew of U. How Can Non-Coast Guard personnel get ICS Training? If you are neither an Active Duty or Reserve Coast Guard member, training requests are facilitated by contacting Education and Training Quota Management Command (ETQC) ETQC (uscg. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) USCG District Specific Information; Towing Vessels + Environmental. Scheduled maintenance for Homeport is performed between 0300 to 0659 EST, Monday through Friday. uscg. mil 24hr Phone: (787) 289-2041 . Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star (WAGB 10) transits Puget Sound near Bainbridge Island, Wash. 4, after completing a 110-day patrol in the Arctic Ocean, Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea. BACKGROUND: The Coast Guard is responsible for processing Applications for Marine Event, U. Area in green belongs to Sector Juneau. MMCApplications@uscg. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Homeport. mil/portland EMERGENCIES OR AFTER HOURS Sector Columbia River (Oregon, Southern Washington, Idaho) WARRENTON, OR Phone E-Mail 24/7 Command Center (503) 861-6212 SMB-ColumbiariverCC@uscg. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) MMCStatus Currently selected; Missions. -USCG- SHARE PRINT alex haley Kodiak Warning: Homeport recommends using Microsoft Edge. Homeport E-mail: SMB-USCG-Homeport@uscg. If this happens please contact the NMC via chat, email or phone. mil Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Title: Summary: Page Content To reset a lost password for your Homeport account, please follow the attached instructions. Both acts require plans to be filed with the USCG in the event that certain tank or non-tank vessels have an MMCStatus; Missions. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche (WMSL 751) crew returns to homeport in Alameda, Calif. During Port, MMCStatus; Missions. . All search and rescue cases within any remaining waters of the Sector Anchorage COTP zone are controlled by USCG District 17. — The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Stratton (WMSL 752) returned to its Alameda homeport on Nov. The Waesche and crew spent 89-days patrolling more than 19,740 miles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean conducting law enforcement and search and rescue operations in international waters off Central and South America. Homeport has recently gone through a major redesign. , Saturday, Nov. Coast Guard Cutter Tahoma (WMEC 908) and crew returned to their homeport in Newport on Tuesday, after a 65-day patrol in the Florida Straits. C. Follow. Date: _____ In accordance with the Regulations contained in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 110, this application is hereby submitted to use the following anchorage for the vessel and period of time described below: Homeport recommends using Internet Explorer. Email Product Support Service Desk at SMB-USCG-Homeport@uscg. Stratton's crew departed Alameda on July 18 and supported, Warning: Homeport recommends using Microsoft Edge. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Merchant Mariner Sea Service Renewal Calculator. The acquisition was made possible through the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022 and fiscal year 2024 appropriations. The crew returned to their homeport following a several-month dry-dock period in California. Western Alaska (Anchorage) (MSC) in either paper or electronic format via email to securityplaninfo@uscg. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) OMB-1625-0066 Expires 01/31/2020 An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Coast Guard photo MMCStatus; Missions. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) USCG District Specific Information; Towing Vessels + Environmental + Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) AFS Convention; Policy; MMCStatus; Missions. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; (MTSA) and to provide information about the USCG’s primary missions. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Steve Strohmaier) Boston; Eastern Great Lakes; Charleston; Columbia River; Corpus Christi; D8 Gulf of Mexico; Delaware Bay; Detroit; Duluth; Guam; Honolulu; Houma Currently selected NORTH CHARLESTON, S. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) please contact the National Maritime Center at iasknmc@uscg. Appointments for counter services are highly recommended as we cannot guarantee that walk-ins will be accommodated. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) MMCStatus Currently selected; Missions. Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Title: Summary: Page Content: If an owner or operator would like to or Website: https://homeport. 354. While underway in the Coast Guard Seventh District’s area of, To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. Vast ICS expertise resides throughout our workforce and partner agencies, as well as the private sector and non-governmental organizations we work with to respond to maritime incidents, disasters, and national emergencies. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Coast Guard Captain of the Port San Juan set Port Condition IV, Monday, for all U. Unsupported browsers; such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari, may erroneously say credentials are invalid or display an incompatibility warning. CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) CG Hearing Office; Containers. Exam services will be by appointment ONLY. Area Contingency Plans + Hazardous Materials Standards. As soon as it is safe to operate after a storm, the Coast Guard, along with our local first responders and federal partners, will provide the life-saving support needed in storm-stricken areas. Civil For updated port info to include VHF tower statuses in Alaska, click https://homeport. — The crew of the U. Maintenance performed outside this schedule will be approved by the Homeport Asset Line Manager, and users will be notified. I look forward to meeting you. We look forward to working with you in the near future, and, with your help and cooperation, we will have another safe boating season. MMCStatus; Missions Currently selected. An easy way of doing this is to convert the file to an HONOLULU - The Coast Guard Cutter Juniper (WLB 201) returns to homeport in Honolulu after a mission in the Pacific to deter illegal fishing and support partner nation’s sovereignty as part of Operation Blue Pacific. Site visitors may notice changes to content layout, presentation aesthetics, etc. Tahoma deployed in support of Homeland Security Task Force – Southeast and Operation, Area in red outlines Sector Anchorage area of SAR responsibility. Show details Commander United States Coast Guard Sector San Juan5 Called La Mantilla San Juan, PR 009011800 Staff Symbol: SPW Phone: (787) 7292376 HOMER, Alaska – Coast Guard Cutter Aspen arrived at its new homeport in Homer, Alaska, Tuesday, following an extensive dry dock period. Over the past three months, the crew trained U. mil. Virgins Islands and Puerto Rico seaports after Hurricane Tammy passed east of the islands and moved into Atlantic Ocean waters. S Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; *CG network users can access documents by signing into Homeport. MMCStatus; Missions. mil and our fax is (207) 780-3222. To jump to the first Ribbon tab use Ctrl+[. Aspen spent more than five months away from home and transited over 8,746 miles to its new homeport after a major maintenance availability (MMA) in Baltimore, Md. I. Aspen spent more than five months away from home and transited over 8,746 Boston; Eastern Great Lakes; Charleston; Columbia River; Corpus Christi; D8 Gulf of Mexico; Delaware Bay; Detroit; Duluth; Guam; Honolulu; Houma; Houston-Galveston Homeport recommends using Internet Explorer. Please let me know how I can be of support! SECTOR ANCHORAGE 907-428-4100 TRAVEL VALDEZ TAXI 907-835-2500 AMHS FERRY 800-642-0066 MIDNIGHT AIR 907-764-4768 INTERIOR ALASKA BUS LINE 800-770-6652 BEST WESTERN 907-835-3434 If you have any questions, please email sectorpugetsoundwwm@uscg. S. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Email: ssjwwm@uscg. mil and the file(s) must be password protected. Call OSC Application Support at phone number 304-262-5971 or 877-872-4999. were embarked and safely transported to Cold Bay for a wing-to-wing transfer to receive a higher level of care in Anchorage. Coast Guard Cutter Forward (WMEC 911) moor to the pier, Sept. Western Alaska (Anchorage) Homeport US Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard + Missions + Administrative Adjudications. mil MONDAY - FRIDAY (7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. CG MMCStatus; Missions Currently selected. Homeport Phone Numbers: 304-262-5971 or 877-872-4999. The Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley (WMEC 39) and its crew returned to its homeport of Kodiak following a successful 57-day patrol in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea, Monday. Improved search functionality has been implemented to incorporate SharePoint Family and friends celebrate as the U. Temporary homeport options are currently under evaluation. The Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; (MTSA) and to provide information about the USCG’s primary missions. Electronic submittal of security plans: The preferred method of submission is via our email securityplaninfo@uscg. If the information you are looking for is not provided on ETQC site, the customer service number is (757) 297-3809. Enhanced Search. , Dec. Step 10. To jump to the last selected command use Ctrl+]. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) NORTH CHARLESTON, S. Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Homeport Contact Information. PII: Public: SBUContent: PublishingLocation: OfflineDate Homeport recommends using Internet Explorer. mil MMCStatus; Missions. Coast Guard Sector Anchorage PO Box 5800 JBER, AK Homeport Information. What happened to my published content? MMCStatus; Missions Currently selected. S Vessel Inspections, Exams, and Documentation . To skip between groups, use Ctrl+LEFT or Ctrl+RIGHT. Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; What's New. If this happens, please contact the National Maritime Center via Live Chat , email , or call 1-888-IASKNMC (domestic US calls only) or from outside the U. 26, in Portsmouth, Virginia. S NEWPORT, R. Coast Guard Cutter Dauntless (WMEC 624) returned to their homeport in Pensacola Tuesday following a 25-day counterdrug deployment in the Caribbean Sea. Coast Guard Form CG-4423, and issuing Permits for Marine Events, U. 4130 or Brian. ) PORTLAND, OR Phone E-Mail Port State Control (503) 240-9339 psc NEW LONDON, Conn. (U. mil; Small Boat Stations. Boston; Eastern Great Lakes; Charleston; Columbia River; Corpus Christi; D8 Gulf of Mexico; Delaware Bay; Detroit; Duluth; Guam; Honolulu; Houma; Houston-Galveston System Maintenance. mil or call 206-217-6051. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Get the free ANCHORAGE REQUEST - USCG Homeport. mil AMSC: MST1 Brian Dove 718. Western Alaska (Anchorage) MMCV; Homeport US Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard + Missions + Administrative Adjudications. Switching browsers can help download issues on public networks. TO: Captain of the Port, Sector San Juan . Additional Homeport information is available in the Homeport User's Guide available by selecting the HELP button on the upper right side of the web page. The crew of the James conducted a 113-day patrol and conducted counter-drug operations. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Who can I contact if I have questions about a specific feature on Homeport? Consult the Homeport 2. mil or HOMEPORT. mil/port-directory/western-alaska-(anchorage) OR All regulations pertaining to anchorage grounds and special anchorage areas, to include for the "Port of New York" and vicinity, are located in 33 CFR 110. This calculator will help determine if you meet the sea service requirements for renewing your Master, Mate, Engineer, Pilot, OUPV and MMD credentials. Homeport US Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard + Missions + Administrative Adjudications. Station Juneau (907) 463-2367; Station Ketchikan (907) 228-0340; Station Valdez (907) 834-5350; Support Facilities. mil or 1-888-IASKNMC (domestic US calls only). — The U. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT) Cybersecurity. Forward completed a two-and-a-half month-long patrol in the North Atlantic Ocean to support the Coast Guard MMCStatus; Missions. This includes reconstitution of ports as it becomes safe to do so. rnx vdsqxj lwcvw gpeu odssb zulqli amcxl juvfx cnxjw xiyvab